Now the dust has settled. Can we all agree?

Now the dust has settled. Can we all agree?

DaS3 > DaS2 > Demons Souls > Dark Souls > BB

BB > Dark Souls > Demons Souls > DaS3 > DaS2


DaS > BB > DaS 3 > DeS > DaS2

Agreed with the op


Dark Souls>Dark Souls 2>Dark Souls 3>Demon's Souls

Haven't played bloodborne, looks better than all of them though.

Demon's Souls being the best one is just a meme, it's really good but every souls game since has been better, even 2.

3 Is the first one that felt like a rehash, so even with all the blunders i liked 2 more. 3 is probably the most "solid" one though, if we ignore the pvp balance.

I've only played Dark Souls 3 - I thought it was(is) great, will I be disappointed if I go back and play the older games?

Probably not. Except in terms of difficulty, 3 is probably the hardest, except for bloodborne which is about as hard, but also different.

DS > BB > DeS > power gap > DS3 > DS2

>tfw PCucks only got one good From game

das3 is honestly worse than das2 in every category other than bosses. even in weapons, dark souls 2 is better with no weapon arts

Fucking this or more like


DeS > DS > BB > DS3 > DS2

You know how people talk shit about 2 all the time? Ignore it. It's actually even worse, people around here hang to the surface problems because they're not able to explain the major flaws at its core. That game is absolutely fucked and better content wouldn't have helped much. Case in point: DLC.

What are the major flaws it its core then?

BB = DS3 > DS1 > DS2 > DeS

DaS > BB = DeS > DaS2 >>>>>>>>>>>> DaS3

Why do you faggots abbreviate it with the a between D and S? I legitimately am confused by this.

DaS = Dark Souls
DeS = Demons Souls

to differentiate between dark souls and demons souls i imagine.

DaS 1 > BB = DaS3 > DeS > DaS2

If you rate BB as anything less than 2nd spot you are literally a pc nigger and have no fucking clue about the masterpiece you missed out on

DS > DS3 > BB > DeS > DS2

Superior covenant stuff and world connectivity in DS1, regardless off the latter half of the game, makes it so fucking memorable and fun to play through, since there's always a bit of a new way through it for every run, and no other entry does this for me. BB and DS3 covenant shit is pretty lackluster compared to even DS2, with BB's attempt being just a shitpile honestly, never saw the point of it. I do however regard every game in the series as great or amazing in their own ways, despite some flaws, even DS2.

Honestly DS2 gets a lot of shit and not much praise for the things it attempted to improve the formula with. A lot of things I noticed in DS3 had already been implemented in 2 but I hadn't noticed or remembered it due to the actual bad parts of it. Worst world design hands down, even beyond DeS which barely had any connectivity to begin with.

Objectively wrong opinion in every way.

The most accurate rating of the series I've ever seen on this sub. The only adjustment I'd make would be BB = DaS, but desu, I'm not even sure of that anymore.

DaS + DaS3 = DaS2 > BB - DeS

Stop this. I don't care if it's ironic, it makes redditors think they are welcome here.

Fucking perfect; I igree.