Overwatch tickrate


>First of all, most people don't even really understand the way that the network code works. For example, the server does tick at 60Hz, it's the client update rate that is lower. That just shows a general misunderstanding.

>I think players have latched onto server tick rate as being the reason that certain things happen. One of the things that players are upset about is that if they get shot, where they perceive they were behind a wall, that this is a problem with server tick rate. Certainly there are contributions that could happen with both the server and the client update rates that could cause something like that to happen, but usually, in most cases, you're talking about latency.

>The other thing that we did, after that video, is we actually added what is called a 'high bandwidth option' to our custom games, that allows players to play at a 60Hz update rate. It's kind of ironic that they're demanding it, it's in the game and playable, and right now we're seeing about 0.08 per cent of all matches that take place in Overwatch are actually using the feature.

>Right now, for example, what we've seen is that it wouldn't work for about 20 per cent of our users. That's a problem we can solve if we get more testing on it, but we couldn't just put it live. As you know, we announced that number of seven million players last week. The last thing we want to do is take 20 per cent of those people and tell them you can't play Overwatch anymore because people were angry on the forums and we flipped the switch and added this thing.

Is he right, Sup Forums? You don't actually want 20 tick do you, you're just parroting what everyone else is saying.

Other urls found in this thread:


Shut up and give your shekels to Activision for sprays.

60 tick*

>It can't be a combination of 20 tick, latency and their bullshit client side netcode implementation, and retardedly huge hitboxes.
Their refusal to even acknowledge how shit the game feels at times is maddening.

>>The other thing that we did, after that video, is we actually added what is called a 'high bandwidth option' to our custom games, that allows players to play at a 60Hz update rate. It's kind of ironic that they're demanding it, it's in the game and playable, and right now we're seeing about 0.08 per cent of all matches that take place in Overwatch are actually using the feature.
Well gee, maybe that's because it's only in custom games which requires you to get together 12 fucking people in a group to play at all.

>it wouldn't work for about 20 per cent of our users
>take 20 per cent of those people and tell them you can't play Overwatch anymore
How does it not working make someone unable to play overwatch?

it's basically: "you think you do, but you don't". All over again.

Blizzard never admits fault on anything, ever. They could make the dumbest most hated decisions in the world (and have: see realID fiasco) and they will still send their CMs to the forums to act like it's the tastiest diarrhea in the galaxy. They will only ever admit to something being a bad idea long after they've changed it, and they'll always act like it was their own decision and the community backlash didn't exist.

>the server does tick at 60Hz, it's the client update rate that is lower

People literally ran Wireshark tests on this, the server is the one that updates slower.

Blizzard is always right.

Vanilla servers is a retarded idea, and 20tick is enough for a casual shooter that you're supposed to have fun with that not take too seriously. The esports manchildren will cry though, but who cares. Let them.

Oh snap.

>It's kind of ironic that they're demanding it, it's in the game and playable, and right now we're seeing about 0.08 per cent of all matches that take place in Overwatch are actually using the feature
who the fuck actually has enough friends on all at the same time or has enough effort to make a custom game
they're a fucking mess to make

So rather than fix the problem, they are trying to pretend it doesnt exist

Classy Blizzard, just spit in everyones face and say 'you dont understand how it works' when everyone knows its your fault

>>Right now, for example, what we've seen is that it wouldn't work for about 20 per cent of our users. That's a problem we can solve if we get more testing on it, but we couldn't just put it live. As you know, we announced that number of seven million players last week. The last thing we want to do is take 20 per cent of those people and tell them you can't play Overwatch anymore because people were angry on the forums and we flipped the switch and added this thing.

This literally is not true. A counter-example can be found in every single blizzard game since they formed the company.

>You haven't seen a lot of shooters that move as fast as Overwatch, with abilities like Tracer's blink or Genji's dash. There's also not a lot of games using a killcam like Overwatch does, so it all sort of makes the problem more evident than I think it would be in other shooters. We're addressing it in a number of ways.
Who the fuck is this person, and how the fuck do they have so little grasp on reality

I fucking hate this company

>want play a custom game on siege with my friends
>random niggers join in mid match after making it invite only
>want to play a custom game on overwatch
>lol gg faggot you need to find 11 available people to play with.

Literally everyone in this thread is being mad and defensive because they were called out for not knowing shit about anything. Just look at all the commenters. All of you are either backpedaling, failing to provide counter-points to his argument, or coming up with some new irrelevant and retarded point to try to defend yourselves.

>0.08 per cent of all matches that take place in Overwatch are actually using the feature.
HOLY SHIT I can't stop laughing
Are they for real??
Of course no one will use this feature, since, for one, it makes the custom servers crash 98% of the time.
And you can't join random custom games, so you have to invite people YOU KNOW, just to get a match going. Or play with bots, but hey, 60ticks!

Also, having a better tickrate WILL reduce all of those latency issues, SIGNIFICANTLY, that's basic network knowledge, and maths a high schooler could solve.
I mean, actiblizzard DO have people working on netcode and shit, right?

I mean, the game is fun, I had my fun with it alright with my friends
Does it mean I'll stay on this consolized shit for more than a month? No.
And do anyone REALLY think that their esport scene will go anywhere? I hope not

>Clientside, my dude is shooting the other dude in the face
>Killcam, my dude is whiffing all the shots by a mile, like a retard

20 tick rate is fine, and he's absolutely right about people complaining about tick rate when what they're really experiencing is latency. If you think you've escaped someone's aim behind a wall and they shoot you anyway, it's because on their screen you were not yet behind the wall when they fired at you. It just took a split second for the server to tell your client that you had been hit. There is naturally a little bit of lag involved when we have people playing with eachother from thousands of miles away

>>>Right now, for example, what we've seen is that it wouldn't work for about 20 per cent of our users. That's a problem we can solve if we get more testing on it, but we couldn't just put it live. As you know, we announced that number of seven million players last week. The last thing we want to do is take 20 per cent of those people and tell them you can't play Overwatch anymore because people were angry on the forums and we flipped the switch and added this thing.

Then... what happens when these 20% plays games like CSGO?

I know this is bait, but ill respond seriously anyway

Hes lying, its that simple. Hes trying to shift the blame away from the poor netcode and low tick rate onto the consumers having 'shit latency' rather than admitting the fault is on their end. He also tried to pretend like people dont know what tick rates and Hz are which is just a pathetic attempt to discredit the very people who play this game.

His comment in regards to so few people playing on 60 is because custom doesnt even work most of the time, and is also a bitch to get running, its no surprise no one is using it if Blizzard wont even support it.

Fuck this smug nigger, try using the "high bandwidth option" and send me a screenshot if it doesn't crash after 5 minutes, I'll fly down to your hose and suck your dick.

terrible game for terrible players. They deserve to be ripped off.

How does it feel to just have wasted 20€ on this game?

>game is a cash grab, made with the least amount of money and ripped assets from a cancelled game
>is about to be handed off to a skeleton crew to maintain with 'updates' consisting of cosmetics and anything they can sell
>people are surprised they have a low tick rate
Pro tip; its cheaper for server costs

Thats the only reason why Blizzard are doing this. They know Overwatch has no staying power, so they dont want to waste money on a long term investment like high tick rates and expensive servers for a diminishing player base.

Exact same thing happened with Siege, and Ubisoft still refuses to improve their netcode.

So not only he actually admitted that tickrates are at fault, but he also attempted to deflect and depart from the issue, rather transparently, by claiming that only 0.08% use the solutions containing improved tickrate, which of course must mean that people prefer inferior tickrates and ridiculous cover kills and has nothing to do with custom games being garbage. Yes. It's the tickrates, goyim. Here's an example of this bullshit in Battlefield for those of you that don't fucking know how devastating it actually is - having a low tickrate in a game that wants to pretend it's competitive.


Tested with 5ms ping. Low tickrates essentially create an artificial delay and the lower the tickrate the worse it gets. That's exactly why he used the "latency" deflection, because playing on low tickrates will look as if you're fucking lagging even if your latency is fucking 13. Tl;dr he's a fucking tool and so are you for buying this piece of shit game.

>mfw blizzdrones eating this shit up

>Why would a dev lie to cover up one of their fuck ups??? That's not possible user!
It could also be that Jeff doesn't know shit about netcode, and meant the other way around.
Coz, you know, Jeff doesn't code. He's just there to look nice and sell the game.

That's a nice vintage meme there, user.

>For example, the server does tick at 60Hz, it's the client update rate that is lower. That just shows a general misunderstanding
It doesnt matter what the server tick rate is, as long as the client update rate is 20 it will play and feel like 20

screw tickrate how about people stop using useless picks like widowmaker or zenyatta in solo queue and work around what we have?

heh, this is becoming classic blizzard humour...

The most frustrating shit isn't even when you are shot around walls. I've played other FPS games, I get that, it happens with lag sometimes. Whatever.

It's when, for example, I'm playing Hanzo and I'm fight a McCree. I release my arrow at him, then he flashbangs and fans and kills me. My arrow disappears midair, and in the 'kill-cam' it never shows me firing it, even though on MY screen, I had. This happens with any projectile class like Pharah, Zenyatta, etc. It's frustrating because this kind of netcode favours hitscan so much it's just going to make them even more powerful than they already are.

>What? Broken things don't work?

Hello Xirs. Im Chris Metzen from the awsome company Blizzard Entertainment TM. Have you consider buying this new and totallay awsome game Overwatch from Blizzard Entertainment TM! it's only 39.99 on Battle.net buy it now and get a month free on our other awesome game World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor and may i also recommend you to buy the new expansion for World of Warcraft Legion coming to Battle net 30.08.16 FOR THE HORDE!

The only thing that video did for me is remind me how good BF4's animations were.

>First of all, most people don't even really understand the way that the network code works.
He probably doesn't either, but alright.

>in most cases, you're talking about latency
How the fuck would he know that? If, as he says, only around 20% of the playerbase has insufficient bandwith, then that's literally not an explanation for "most cases".

>It's kind of ironic that they're demanding it, it's in the game and playable, and right now we're seeing about 0.08 per cent of all matches that take place in Overwatch are actually using the feature.
It's also kind of ironic that in a 2016 Blizzard game (which were previously known for their excellent implementation of said feature), custom games are completely retarded and useless for 99.9% of the playerbase.

How the mighty have fucking fallen. Blizzard was the GOAT game developer once.


And I was thinking about breaking my oath to never buy blizzard after D3 after I heard so many good thing about overwatch and their anti cheating efforts

How do you know the game will be handed off to some skeleton crew?

>How do you know the game will be handed off to some skeleton crew?

Because literally every Blizzard game is.



What he's saying is that 20% of people playing the game have hardware too shitty for 60Hz update rate.

>most people don't even really understand the way that the network code works.
this is some apple bullshittery

SC2, WoW, Diablo 3, Hearthstone.

>skeleton crew


When did they deny the network issues with huge hitboxes? The game has tons of issues, but for most of them 20 tick is not responsible. I think I only seen 2 good examples, where 20 tick was responsible for death: first is the video of tracer doing ultimate and it not sticking despite having a clear indication on client that it did, the second is tracer dying to genji despite tp-ing a millisecond earlier. Every other example of tickrate, like "behind the wall" deaths are not the tickrate issue, but how netcode hitreg for the game works and still present in the "high bandwith" option



>Y-you just don't get it! Tick rate doesn't matter!
To think people will eat this shit up

hahahahah no
There's a reason CS:GO & co are infested with russians.
Russians playing on toasters, with russian pings.
The problem is on their end.
Also, high tickrate servers will cost them more money. That's the real problem

So what was their answer to the gigantic hitboxes on projectiles?

"deal with it."

wow, meme in every line
well done

you know russians have fiber optic internet in villages with 3k people?

I really really fucking hate the way blizzard has handled the always online generation of games.

WC3 is still played just due to custom maps alone and how modular they can fucking be with the right tools, SC2 fucking ruined that.

Honestly, I can't blame them, being as talented as they are i'd get bored of working on the same game for years, what they did with SC2 making it a managed esport and restricting the fuck out of custom games was terrible, Diablo 3 is just unplayable once you beat it unless you have severe achievement whoring autism, WOW was inevitable due to it being server based, but since the devs were never going to be dedicated to just WOW we really shouldn't expect good long term development on such a project.

All I can hope is once overwatch is dropped they pick up something worth a fuck, maybe reboot SC ghosts or start fresh with warcraft 4

You think you want it, but you don't.

>lalala dr.boom is fine lalala druid is fine lalala we make best games

It's their response to everything.

>start fresh with warcraft 4
please no. It's the last franchise they have not raped yet.

Sure tovarisch, whatever u say

He's actually saying that 20% of players have such high pings that they would be 1-2 seconds behind everyone else and not able to hit anything making the game unplayable.

At the moment the low tick rate allows for a larger gap of where the other clients are located so even if your client had a few seconds of lag the compensation net code can clean it up to make it seem playable to you. The downside is people with good connections suffer and play with what feels like more lag than they should, what with dying around corners and so on.

Those videos showing a 200ms delay between 2 players with 17ms ping to the same server must be bullshit then :^)

Don't lie to yourself.

So he's blaming dying around corners on the tickrate and not on the evidently huge hitboxes?

What the shit
Thank fuck i dropped WoW long ago

And by a few seconds I mean a few hundred mili seconds. For example my friend lives in Europe but all his friends are Americans so he deals with 100-150ms in every game he plays. He said he really likes overwatch because it seems to not punish his high ping like other games do. However if youre on the receiving end you will die to 200ms killshots from his widow.

No, that's the point, he's not blaming anything but you
There's no problem, the game is great and people are crying over some problems coz they're passionate, not because it's another console shooter.

bad tick rate and bad hitboxes makes things worse when combined

Really though, all they had to do to prevent this was make OW less instagib and arena shootery and more hero shooter like they advertised, instead we have McCree and Hanzo able to pretty much instakill you despite shooting nowhere near your head on their end or yours

>he doesn't have 300/300 for $5
LMAOing at your life, good sir!

Jay Wilson left so it's ok.

but Wow and WC are two different franchise. Of course wow raped the lore and story so they'll have an easier time fucking this up even more in WC4.

Not that it would have hold them back anyway, just look at how bad the story was in SC2 and D3. God damn it.

The big hitboxes (thanks to consoles) are a big problem too

The PC version needs better work

hory shet
canadafag here, life is suffering

Dying behind corners IS NOT a tickrate issue. The netcode is so fucked to accommodate high ping players, it doesn't matter whether it's 20 tickrate or 60 or 120 or whatever number you want, it will still happen regardless. Netcode is more than just "tickrate". BF4 upped the tickrate to 60 and 120 for some servers and you can STILL trade kills with HITSCAN weapons.

> 20€

Holy shit the british shitposters are real

BF4 didn't have Hitscan weapons.

>instead of putting 20% of players on the receiving end of their own poor latency we'll diminish the experience for the other 80%

...does the UK use the euro now?

sure we do

Don't think OW will because it's a new IP. The boatload of money they wasted on titan has to be recuperated and plus, there's no new IP for the main team to move to.

You have to keep in mind that the majority of audience aren't FPS players, but blizzdrone from their other franchises. They can get away with PR talk or simply not adressing the uproar of a minority because the majority of the playerbase don't know any better and might as well take Blizz's words instead of some random FPS players. Jeff Kaplan himself has really good PR talk, so the sheeps will get fooled and the "journalists" either don't care because they're losers, aren't FPS players or don't want to mess their relationship with Blizz so they won't press for proper answers on the controvertial matters. Our only hope is that over the time these WoW / HS players realize that the way some things in this game works are way below the minimum standards for FPSs.

I think hitscan weapons are fine being client side and not having your shots no being registered (like in CS / TF2), but the abilities and projectiles needs to be server side and take priority. Pudge's hook and and Mcree's flashbang being client sided are the most disgusting thing, not to mention the hook hit reg / hit box. I also don't want to be cucked out of my ability because the faggot on the other side didn't get the info that i used the ability, so he killed me before i used my ability and that means i didn't use, shit is dumb as fuck.

are you stuck paying fucking $60 for 60/6 as well?

It is the tick rate and Blizzard's "favor the shooter" net code combined with natural and unnatural latency. Tick rate is how often the server updates your position. If the player thinks you're in their line of sight and they kill you on their screen, the server will favor their kill over your position. Tick rate acts as a buffer to lower the effectiveness of good Internet connections and give bad connections a chance. Bad connections don't benefit from a high tick rate because they're playing with delay and seeing things after they've happened. Add in the FtS netcode and they now can kill people viably even if those people are behind a wall by the time thr shot lands.



AND with a 400GB cap instead of unlimited
at least my roommates listen to me about bandwidth shit. not that we've ever really gotten close

He's still going to instant kill 90% of characters in the game.

>having fun when you die to something out of what's supposed to be your control
I don't get it

>people complain about 43mbp/s

fucking come to Australia you little bitches, i get 12mbp/s and 80ms to local server. even with the new fibre optic cables this shitty country is still pushing 24mbp/s

You lucky NBN-having cunt. I get 1MBPS.

It doesn't require 12 people.

It's more that you can either play Custom Games which are at their best when you're playing with 11 other people you know and offer no XP gain, or play the regular game and at least work towards earning a new lootbox.

Take a guess what most people are going to pick.

>fucking come to Australia you little bitches
no thanks i don't like toilet spiders
how's your mobile data stuff? we're pretty shit in that regard in canada

>you think you want a decent tick rate but you don't
as expected of blizzard

It's fine coz you'll be part of your killer's play of the game!
So much fun

that's the funny part.

i have NBN and still get 12mbp/s.

That's like fucking 1.5 megabytes per second. shit is so slow. better than last year before i moved, internet maxed out at 700kb/s

>It doesn't require 12 people.
Yeah, because playing with bots is a great option, right?

All of this is right ,but the hitting behind corners problem really is hitboxes fault. You can stand still behind the corner for five minutes and Hanzo will hit you anyway. Even if they fix the bad tickrate the problem will still remain.

>It doesn't require 12 people
Yeah, true, I guess you could do 1v1 and 2v2 matches instead...

> we actually added what is called a 'high bandwidth option' to our custom games, that allows players to play at a 60Hz update rate. It's kind of ironic that they're demanding it, it's in the game and playable, and right now we're seeing about 0.08 per cent of all matches that take place in Overwatch are actually using the feature.

If people are taking to the forums complaining about a missing feature even though it's in the game, then clearly they haven't been able to find it and you fucked someting up in your UI design.

>Right now, for example, what we've seen is that it wouldn't work for about 20 per cent of our users. That's a problem we can solve if we get more testing on it, but we couldn't just put it live.

If only you could have properly beta tested your game before releasing it.

Tick rate is noticeable to people with low ping. The higher the tick the more often the server updates locations and the more accurate player location is on everyone's end.

Yes, the lag compensation netcode would still kill people behind walls if the players have high ping. BUT there is no reason a bunch of people connecting to a Texas server, with decent Internet speeds, from almost anywhere in the mainland US should experience delay like this. If you have around 50ms ping you shouldnt experience the game as if you have 100-200ms.

>that's called latency

Yes, my big old latency of 15-20.

Hm , atleast that's alright I guess. Normal internet+phone is still $100/month unlimited.

But $30 prepaid gets me 3gb of data and $800 of call credit, plus another 10 hours bonus call time, unlimited texts to mobiles on the same provider and every fortnight or so I get a text saying "We apologise for the widespread service outage, to make up for it were giving all our customers 3gb of data for free." Even though my service never cut out. So pretty dank I guess.

I don't even know what any of that means

The human mind can't feel over 20 ticks anyway.