How did Valve trick everyone into thinking that its good?
How did Valve trick everyone into thinking that its good?
it came out at a time when pc gaming was at its low point
Physics is the only answer I seem to get. Story sometimes too but :^)))
They didn't trick anyone, it's one of the greatest games ever made and was a milestone moment in the medium for physics, graphics, storytelling, level design, aesthetics, immersion, fantastic gunplay, enemy AI, etc
This, it was way ahead of everything at that time, it was fucking great.
It's a good game but it isn't deserving of half of the praise or hype it gets and I could care less about half life 3.
what did he mean buy this?
Physics and cut scenes you could move around in.
HL2 has some shitty gunplay which somehow managed to be worse than half life 1. They removed all the fun and unique weapons and left only the gravity gun. (Which is a nice tool but it was the only fun weapon.)
I want to hear some objective arguments proving me this isn't good
the ravenholm part was terrible
it's no Halo
A better question is why nobody has done it since?
Gabe and a fewothers left cush jobs at MS to make a game. Now he's swimming in, shitting, and fucking money every night.
I wish I had just a tiny bit of cash to do the same. But no, I get stuck in a shit job not even making enough to cover my bills. Thanks OP. Now I want to drink bleach.
Gunplay in HL2 was pretty fun, particularly the revolver and crossbow felt great, followed by shotgun and automatics which were great due to their high ROF (at that point I haven't played a single game where guns blew their load as quick as the mp7), too bad they had a low ammo pool
Also IIRC one of the main reasons people praised it so much back then was pacing, but HL1 was very well paced as well so I dont understand why
Early artfags were one thing, remember how people would insist that all games stories should be told by having you follow someone as they talk to you, how this was meant to merge gameplay and story, now everyone hates it and most agrees that cutscenes and dialog trees are far better.
It also predated Bioshock Infinite as the first FPS with a large waifu elements, but it only became a major part with the episodes.
Ravenholme was awesome
Each to his own I suppose. I much favored the alien weapons in the original compared to the new guns.
OP probably not old enough didn't play hl2 when it came out
I like both truth be told
No, it just came out 12 years ago and looked and played great for the time.
you probably weren't old enough either with that type of grammar
This, pacing was it's best element. High energy and quiet moments hit at just the right time, you were never stuck doing the same thing for too long and it kept throwing new things and expanding them.
It also gave a great sense of journey and passage of time, you felt like you were always moving forward, something which I think HL1 kinda blew when you got to the surface.
It's just a well designed linear shooter, it may not be the best at everything but the sum of it's parts made it still one of the best in it's genre.
>Early artfags were one thing, remember how people would insist that all games stories should be told by having you follow someone as they talk to you, how this was meant to merge gameplay and story, now everyone hates it and most agrees that cutscenes and dialog trees are far better.
It's not a problem of concept, it's a problem of execution.
Other games can't do it was well as HL2 does. That goes for most everything, really.
unfuckingbelivable graphics and physics and a really well optimized engine that worked on lower end systems.
When I was like 13 I loved this game, now I think it's a piece of shit.
>It's not a problem of concept, it's a problem of execution.
This is a big problem with how people view games this days.
>X game had X element and sucked at it so X element makes Y game trash.
Easy troll bait I guess.
It was good. But it just didn't age well, Half Life 1 was fucking perfect though.
you would understand if you were there in 2004
now you completely take everything this game did for granted
graphics and physics were mindblowing.
now I'm more like
What did the game do? I played it shortly after FEAR and the only thing it did better was physics.
hell, the shooting and enemy AI in HL2 seems worse than HL1.
How did your mom trick anyone into fucking her?
>tricking anyone
Fuck off, Valve is an honest company unlike your precious shitty fucking Sony.
Has anyone mentioned the physics yet?
i simply cant find a fucking flaw every time i play this game
everyone tells me about the driving sequences, the gordon freeman is next jesus narrative (wich is false), ravenholm bad?, bad shooting?
how the fuck do i keep ignoring this shit whenever i play it, its obvious theres flaws with this game but its so good im blinded
is this what fanboyism feels like Sup Forums
half life series is the only valve series i like and i pirated every single one of the games
HLF2 is shit by todays standards, but it came out 12 years ago, its the seinfeld effect all over again,
play it today, it looks like it came out last year
thats why its impressive, because it did amazing things, over a decade ago
>This, pacing was it's best element.
And that's what I hate the most about it. The game is constantly trying to get you move on to the next area with pretend threats so that you rush from one point to the next in order to hide how scripted everything is.
Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 cam out back to back, two games that pushed the limits of gaming technology and caused people to mass upgrade their GPUs. It was arguably the highest point in PC gaming aside from the golden age of 90's shooters.
>used to be
What? Ravenholm is the best part of the game
It's still better than 99% of the fps
>not loving throwing saw-blades at headcrab zombies
Is this a bad joke? the weapons feel like complete ass
please the shotgun is one of the most satisfying in any FPS.
>What did the game do?
Nothing, it's actively inferior to the FPS that came before it and did more to stunt the genre than any other single game.
>fantastic gunplay, enemy AI
maybe to you, The spas is a ugly ass gun
The weapons all feel great. U are retarded.
I was hooked into half life within the first 15 minutes but HL2 just didn't do it for me.
the combine soldiers actually have excellent ai on hard difficulty
I think most people will agree that HL1 is the better game. I still enjoy it enough though.
Never played it
>what did he mean buy this?
What did he mean by this?
>What did he mean by this?
what did he mean by this?
Because if you'd gotten to play it when it came out, you would have agreed. I played it it March 2005 according to my steam account age. It was absolutely mind blowing at the time. And honestly it still hold up today with pacing, creative sets, and fun gameplay. Hell, the facial animations are still top-tier.
They don't, really. The A.I. is only theoretically relevant and seldom impacts how you actually approach the game. Even on hard the three turret section is the only part of the game that approaches being difficult, I actually had to mod the game itself to turn it into something interesting.
yeah, I concur.
Modern Valve state aside, it is a good game, shame valve retired from doing AAA games. They adopted the same model Clash of Clans uses.
Portal 1 is better
See that slab of metal over there? You can pick it up.
>use garry's mod to replace all of the guns with their HL1 versions
>mfw HL2 with good guns
Hated how DOG barely got any screentime
this is what waifuism feels like.
I agree the shotgun is good but that's where it ends. Every other gun is shit.
I'm not a big fan of it, but the biggest impact it had on the industry was beating it into everyone's heads that good physics make games neat looking.
HL2 wasn't really a good game. What it was, was an excellent tech demo that impressed the fuck out of people, and got their asses in gear in using this shit.
Literally every fucking commercial, review, brief aside, etc, were pounding the gravity gun home, because at the time that was HOLY SHIT HOW.
So whenever you see nice debris movement, smoke that swirls and moves in neat ways according to motion around it, boxes and crates and barrels that tumble and roll around in believable ways, remember that without HL2 telling people "HEY, ASSHOLES. START DOING THIS", we might've been waiting a lot longer for it to mature.
C'mon user, don't reason with the underage summerfags.
They don't know how it was back then, it's been a decade after all.
>Half-Life 2 came out 11 years ago
What am I doing with my life
Trespasser did it first
I don't get the appeal of the gravity gun, once you've picked something up everything fires out the same, physics practically stop playing a part.
Because it really is that good, user.
Even John Romero likes HL2.
wow two whole games!
>why is doom good
>because X Y and Z comes together to make a great game
>why is HL2 good
>because back in the day
See the difference?
I guess people got tired of the "OCARINA OF TIME SUX" threads. Is HL2 the new hatememe?
It has been for some time, I only ever played the first so I can't weigh in but people always shit talk 2.
CoC uses a pay 2 not wait system
how does valve uses that?
People need reasons to be assmad and they will find it. Just ignore it and it will blow over. Either that or just bait back.
>he thinks hl2 shitting threads are new
PC gaming was a shell of its former self when this released. Steam was awful and forced bloatware.
Hype got to me, i bought a 9600(mightve been 9800, i dont remember for sure) for it, doom 3 and ffxi. Worth every penny for ffxi
>So whenever you see nice debris movement, smoke that swirls and moves in neat ways according to motion around it, boxes and crates and barrels that tumble and roll around in believable ways
I basically play no games that do this. What games have gameplay that is actually, substantially improved via a physics engine?
No, they're just popping up more often. Why people get so upset over the games that other people enjoy I'll never completely understand.
Honest mistake partner, you seem to have gotten those two mixed up. Afterall, only "back in the day" quality could've allowed a shitty modern version to be made where as the true eternal quality of Half Life 2 will never recieve a sequel because it won't do it justice.
Ocarina is better than HL2 at most of what people claim HL2 to be good at.
Half life 2 was just a good game. It had an engaging story, great level design and flow. Plenty of secret areas, challenging but not bullshit combat. Puzzles to break up the action. It also had TECHNOLIGY. Being able to interact with your environment and have it matter or simply work was incredible. There's also tons of speed running glitches which increases replayability further. Its a classic for the exact reasons HL1, Doom, Quake, Blood and Morrowind are great classic pc games. It did a lot of new things extremely well and had great replayability and was polished in a way no other game was or is today. Sure other games had physics first, but that's like saying Edison didn't invent electricity or that Oreos didn't create mint filling between chocolate wafers.
No, it is really good.
Very obviously so if you played it upon release.
And yet most arguments for the game start with "back in the day" or " you had to play it back then".
>Star Wars Games
Physics are a part of a package. Alongside audio, gameplay, graphics and story. It all matters. Great games do well in most of these. The best games do well in all.
HL2 is better than the majority of games that come out today.
The argument started with the reply before user. As you'll see, it's just the shitters using it first.
I can't recall one recent game that I would consider even close to HL2. What games do you mean exactly?
The same way blizzard tricked everyone into thinking this garbage is fun.
Marketing and hype.
Never played it, I'd be up for giving it a try
Years ago every single post would be using the same argument. I think they've quieted down since people pointed out how fucking retarded it is.
>forgetting the bridge
>forgetting Nova Prospekt and the attack with the ant lions leading up to it
>forgetting Ravenholm
>forgetting all of Anticitizen One and Follow Freeman
>forgetting the music
>forgetting the shotgun and pulse rifle
Some things about HL2 have aged but it was never a bad game
lets not forget farcry, and cs source.
Hype cancer is a recent phenomenon user. Sup Forums used to be good too but you wouldn't know anything about that.
not exactly that recent considering it is going on for a few years by now.
Nice memes
and FEAR came out the year after
hl2 is amazing, aside from flattering the player, but this is not unique to one game