Why does Sup Forums hate this guy so much?

Why does Sup Forums hate this guy so much?

It's bad writing!
Can't you see?
He's not fucking right and should have died instead of bothering the poor childs who wanted to live peacefully.

Just destroying his friends' dreams, whatever no big deal

Marche did nothing wrong except force his friends to grow up and face the harshness of reality.

> Sup Forums thinks living in the matrix is ok

Sup Forums is filled with autistic kids living in a dream they don't want to wake up from.

>Wants to go back to crappy life in crappy world
>Wants to drag back handicapped friend to be a cripple in crappy reality
I loved FF Tactics Advance but fuck Marche

Because Sup Forums is full of literal manchildren.

The dream created entire new species and cultures, many of which lead awful lives and are killed. It changed the lives of everyone they knew as well, without their consent. And everyone else in the original world? FUCKING GONE, ceased to exist.

Hey I'm a responsible wage slave, but if somebody gave me an out into a final fantasy universe where I could live happily hunting monsters in lalaland and some douchebag friend tried to drag me back to my crappy job on boring earth I'd be pissed too, doubly so if I couldn't use my legs

Partially because they're contrarian faggots, partially because Marche is right for the wrong reason.

Mewt had a shitty life and it's his choice to want to escape from that. The problem is that he dragged everyone else into the situation and made life shitty for almost everyone else.

If somebody gave me the opportunity to go live under some tyrannical child whose every whim becomes reality, I'd tell them to go fuck themselves. Why does everyone seem to ignore the fact that Mewt is the supreme ruler of the world and also happens to be a little clueless shit? Let's face it, unless you're one of Mewt's buttbuddies your life in Ivalice is probably gonna suck.

People who hate Marche are like the kids who refused to eat yucky vegetables for dinner. They're the kids who loafed around with their hands in their pockets during gym class so they wouldn't get tired and sweaty. They're the people who are still salty about having to learn cursive in school because it's not useful in everyday life.

Big surprise Sup Forums is full of manbabbies who would rather prance around in some magical storybook land controlled by a literal autist than work hard and realise their true potential

because Sup Forums is full of manchildren who want to escape reality

hold me :(

>true potential
>pro finance accounting:the life
>60 hour work week
Yes, because our world is so fucking awesome.

I hate printing after learning cursive,it just feels so unnatural

Marche did nothing wrong.

>Escapism is unhealthy
>But subjecting yourself to the stress and mental torture that is human society is perfectly healthy
Yeah alright.

you described north korea perfectly and it's real.

Because hes right
I swear that there was something about the kid's souls being absorbed by the Big Bad which is really why they needed to get out. Am i crazy or am i forgetting something?

>And everyone else in the original world? FUCKING GONE, ceased to exist

Remember, you commit genocide every time you wake up from a dream.

Coincidentally, North Korea is also a place I would not like to go to.

He didn't fuck the red haired girl, that's something wrong

>work hard and realise their true potential
Actually pretty worthless in a world controlled by hereditary class structures and personal connections. But that's the real dream of Ivalice: the existence of magic and a strong adventurer industry makes hard work more useful there than it is in reality, especially if you luck out enough to get your hands on some Anti-Law cards. Yeah there's still some shit about authority figures promoting their dumb friends, but it's less overwhelming than in reality. The only people who really got fucked in the transition were the bullies who became undead creatures, and putting a rock in a snowball is so fucking low that I agree with Mewt, they deserved that shit.

>It's bad writing!

This is what most people don't understand. If my brother was a cripple and was able to walk fine in a different world I would not try to ruin it.

This is not so deep, metaphoric plot or anything. Marche is just an inconsiderate prick. He has nothing to lose going back to the real world and they should've given him a real issue to make him look less dickish.

>get to live in fantasy land full of adventures and sexy bunny girls


>work five days a week like a robot, come back to my GF, watch something and repeat next day


Escapism is exactly what it seems, I want to escape normal life.

If the original world could be rewritten by a grimoire so easily, then the "real world" never had any special value in the first place. It was probably just the latest in an endless line of reality shifts.

There's nothing inherently wrong with Marche wanting to revert the world to a previous iteration, but he has no right to take the high ground.

Really bad gameplay. It's slow, poorly balanced, repetitive as fuck, the level design is bland, etc.

because ruining many others' lives is okay if it makes your sibling's more convenient right?

that's a girl

More like 'why does Sup Forums hate his game so much?'

And that's because FFTA1, while not being a bad game per se, is absolute dog feces compared to FFT.


I'm actually married, but we have to pretend to protect the feelings of the people here, because it's their safe space

is FFTA2 good

should I play FFT

New kid was a dick

>red hair
>actually white hair

FFTA2 is mechanically better than A1, but the story is even worse.

And FFT is better than both in both respects, but its far less balanced. Feel free to use Cid in your first playthrough, but he's a crutch character just like Jeigans in Fire Emblem. And unlike Fire Emblem, there's no real EXP drop-off or implicit penalty for using veteran characters, so using Cid in your party is basically turning on easy mode for the rest of the game.

>get to live in fantasy land full of adventures and sexy bunny girls
This nigga knows what's up. Marche took away the bunny girls, that's pure evil.

Its ok but i think the first is better, lot of shit got fucked up in 2, plus OP Cannon/Trickster builds that allowed you to have 2 team mates do like 3 turns of ultimas to any enemy on the field

FFT is great

He's the personification of mommy and daddy making you get a job.


Why is there so little porn of him? It's always moogles and numous.

>hard work to realize their true potential of walking again

Because they got up to that point and stopped playing because they were shitting themselves in rage that someone would actually want to live a normal life and didn't get far enough where the manifestation of the book posing as Mewt's mother even said that you could be holding the entire world of Ivalice in your hands and still be holding nothing.

He was the worst character. Why WOULD there be porn of him?

Because how the fuck is it escapism when everything was pretty much real? Escapism is bad because sacrifices actual achievement for easy hedonism, but I'd say someone making a good living adventuring or RULING THE FUCKING LAND is leading a good life.

In the end it's just bad writing trying to hammer a generic moral into teenager heads.


>ruining many others lives

the Ivalice games had the best Moogle designs
I hope we get a new game in the setting at some point

Remember the part where all of Marche's family ceased to exist in this world. Marche sure remembered.

>wanting to live in a reality where your a cripple, have no friends, your dad's a deadbeat, and your mother is dead
>over a reality where your a king and everyone is alive and happy

Mewt 100% killed himself after.

Who will make Ivalice great again, Sup Forums?

>It's another FFTA with people that didn't beat the game
>hur hur, Marth is bad!
I want this meme to end.

The best part is many people forget Doned was a brat and Marche was basically treated as the red headed stepchild.

>Ivalice is real
Play the damn game nigga, it's not a hard game and Mewt was a shit king.


reality is an illusion as well. should we all kill ourselves?

Because most of Sup Forums is unhappy in their real lives and want to leave this world for a different one. Marche was right. Escapism isn't healthy and it isn't right. It didn't really help Mewt. It didn't help that girl. It didn't even really help his brother since having his legs turned his brother into an asshole. Even if it helped those four kids it still fucked over everyone in the real world who didn't read the book by changing them into different beings or wiping them from existence.

>it's basically real in every way and everyone was perfectly happy with it but it's an illusion so it's bad
I've beaten the game. It was still bad writing and Marche was still an asshole.

No it's not you chucklefuck. Just because you took a glance at Buddhism's wiki page doesn't mean shit.

Were you trying to bring a point with that image or something? Because Marth is still a dick for bringing all that to an end. For Mewt, that illusion was real.

Aren't the monsters just transformed people? He's 100% in the right if that's true

>its basically real in every way
>he says as the main villian says the world is an illusion
Take the blue pill and go the fuck to bed you god damned pleb.

Escapism is one of the most right things on the planet. It's just you can't completely block out your own life with escapism, but use it in moderation, without escapism, whether through books, tv, drugs, activities and hobbies, whatever it is, is needed for people to endure the shittier parts of their lives.

Who the fuck cares. If I could be an adventurer or the ruler of the world and lead a happy and fulfilling live myself, why would I give a fuck about others turning into monsters or getting shit? Fuck, at that point, I'd be doing them a favor by killing them.

our "reality" is one billionth of the visual spectrum. there is much more to "reality" than this

Kupo-po! Atleast moogles are cute, kupo!

Ita unclear whether the people were changed into other people or monsters or simply ceased to exist. Since there is a fight in the game where you fight monsters with the names of the bullies from the beginning of the game I lean towards the former.

>it ain't real
>all while everyone except major characters in the illusion live their daily lives normally and have no idea another world could even exist
It was real for everyone else. If all you ever knew was the illusion, then it's the real thing from your perspective.

>reality is more real than we can even percieve it to be
>this makes it an illusion
You are not a smart man are you?

>Marche is an asshole for preventing a demon to suck his friends and brother's souls

Some turned to monsters while others turned into the other different races.
Then you take jagds into account then theres a high chance that actual people from St. Ivalice have died there.

As far as destroyed dreams go I only feel bad for Donnie.

>muh hair is white!

Who gives a fuck get over it

>muh mom is dead and my dad is kind of a loser

Sucks but definitely something you can get over. He even has friends now.

Maybe they should have shown more people getting fucked over by the transition.

IIRC, FF14 was supposed to be based on ivalice, but something changed their minds about that.

Speaking as a mentally unstable NEET manchild, Marche doesn't really bother me, it's just a silly final fantasy game.

The cast of Persona 4 triggered me harder than he did.

Also, he's a cute shota

I always wondered this. If you can feel it with all your senses, you can call it an illusion, but to you it's real, and to everyone else. Therefore, can you call it false?
In that "illusory world", everyone has a enw life, feels pain, emotions, and everything is real. Telling me it's an illusion would be as beliebable as saying we're just in another dimension.

Like, imagine you could stimulate a brain as you wish. You can make someone feel the exacts feelings of something at any moment. Now imagine you pick a virgin guy and make him feel what it is to have sex. You could say he's still a virgin because he never put his dick in a woman, but you both 've felt the same. The same brain parts were activated, the same feelings, and the same joy. Therefore, can you really say he's virgin? that what he felt is false?

Staying on Marche topic, I'd say MArche was right, if I recall right the existence of Ivalace was destroying the real world. Marche just acted like an asshole and didn't try to explain. Just like the villians in Bravely default.

Your reality is a construct from your brain. Just like the dreamworld was for everyone inside it. Both are very real.

>better bring they all back to their miserable lives and bang hot chicks while all my "friends" fall to depression, drugs and end up suiciding
Well done.

>Maybe they should have shown more people getting fucked over by the transition.

All the normal people who were forced from a first-world quality of life to being subsistence farming background characters of some child's power fantasy--or worse, turned into a monster or ceasing to exist completely--seems like obvious cases of being-fucked-over.

And this is how you identify the sociopath

They didn't suffered though and i don't recall they having knowledge about who they were before. So what's the harm here.

>a world controlled by hereditary class structures and personal connections
This is the go-to excuse for bitter under-achievers. I love it.

I don't. I think Marche was absolutely correct in that it was an unhealthy escape from reality and needed to eventually end. Life is unfair and painful but that's what we sign up for as living creatures.

Plus there were plenty of people getting fucked over in the fantasy world from the one brat being drunk on power. IIRC some people became monsters which is horrifying.

You're not going to get anywhere mate
This site is full of losers who want to escape reality, and not people who genuinely enjoy videogames

There was porn of him but, because he hated fantasy so much it ceased to exist.

>Life is unfair and painful but that's what we sign up for as living creatures.

Where does any one sign up? It's forced upon you.

>First world life

And there goes your argument.

The vast majority of the real world is absolute dogshit. Only the tiny minority of very fortunate humans in the first world could possibly think this reality would be worth going back to.

No matter what, reality shifting to a fantasy world is always a net positive for humanity. A few hundred million at most now have to farm VS Billions being lifted out of hopeless suffering.

>removed an entire world from existence
>forced his friends to go back to the poverty stricken lives
>One of them was a cripple, and could walk in the other world
>March lived a comfortable life compared to them all

Literally an SJW's wet dream. Everyone has to do what he says because he feels like he's right

It's like a rich dude saying against a poor homeless guy he should just face reality, it's not that bad.

>that's what we sign up for
What!? Someone forged my signature then!

>Protect their feelings

But it doesn't even happen, the NORMIES shit is another meme of the lot

Let's be honest here, if you had the opportunity to live in a fantasy world in an advantageous position, would you really throw it all away just because it wasn't "real" or that it was at the expense of others?

>mfw people signed the contract of life then got born in places like Africa

I'd want a second look at the contract desu senpai

Nobody is forcing anyone to stay, either.

Not trying to be an edgy shit or anything. I can see sometimes why a mercy killing or suicide is justified.

That's not a question we can answer without being in that position
I'd like to say I wouldn't stay, but who knows

>March lived a comfortable life compared to them all


>Marche lived a comfortable life
>Divorced parents
>neglected by his mother because she concentrates on Doned and his dad is a no show

Yes because having white hair is a damn tragedy.

It depends on so many factors. At who expenses, how that fantasy world works, what's the position, etc...

Because let's be honest...if it were at the expense of billions of lives many would say no. But what if those billions were indians and chineses. Yeah...

yup, because it does't exist

Because he was right

It's a false opportunity. It doesn't exist. It's escapism! Can't you see? It's not healthy!

Yep. Fuck not having modern shit and being stuck in the middle ages.

>that it was at the expense of others
Yeah, I'm a moralfag at heart

>because it wasn't "real"

Mewt, please stop posting.

They have no choice.

Living in delusions is wrong regardless of pain. People have to accept they are losers