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doublew teee efff?
Didn't that also happen to a kid who drowned and got a Sonic themed casket? It's ironic that he drowned because, you know, Sonic can't swim too.
That's some dank shit.
I'm not supposed to laugh at this but it's just so silly. I'm sorry
This is some morbid shit.
I want to have a My Little Pony coffin just to embarass everybody involved.
Now we're talkin
>Captain America costume
I feel like there is an obvious joke here that I am missing/
imagine what people will think in 2000 years when our society is long gone and they dig shit like this up.
what the fuck
>tfw been to a 9 year olds funeral
I didn't ask for this
me holding the gun
fuck, this is seriously depressing. i mean, i can't even laugh at this, i just feel for the parents.
Man this is depressing.
Can you delete this thread you fucking asshole?
Do you want to make me feel awful?
Its pretty fucking bad
this is genuinely painfully depressing
I dont understand why people get open casket.
what a depressing thread
>Matthew was called for duty
What did they mean by this?
what the fuck man...
Death is natural and can come suddenly. That's why I always keep things tidy and
>your best good friend dies in a war
>this is what they put him in
What do you do?
looks comfy
>Mistakes were made
Would you be able to keep a straight face if you went to his funeral?
laugh my head off
Whenever I see this I get mad sad.
Of course I would you sick fuck.
The fuck is wrong with you?
cry, i'm sure the turtle loving friend i once knew would laugh and love the idea he was getting buried in a turtle casket
Jesus needs his experience to fight the anti-christ.
>bring keyboards
>press F
Capitalism was a mistake.
Imagine being the pallbearer for that. It'd be fucking brutal.
The only good answer is to buy a shrimpin' boat.
I want my casket to have tons of ads like a nascar
why would someone pay for a coffin? they're already dead, it's not like they're going to "enjoy" it.
just pay the $100 to let the city cart the body to a medical school for dissecting and eventually burial in potter's field.
god i fucking hate humanity.
It could be worse ninja turtles is the shit.
Could be donny the worst turtle, I personally rep Rude Raph and Mikey.
Maybe the sand niggers are right, maybe the west needs to fall
It legitimately baffles me when people prefer this shit to cremation.
Why would you want to fill the ground with this shit
>normie parents toss you in that and think you would have liked it because it's "gamer"
What vidya would you want your casket based around?
Alternatively, how would you want your ashes created/what item would hold them that was vidya related, like an Estus flask or some shit?
>tfw you die and have to stare into the eyes of a ninja turtle for eternity
I want to be worm food. Cremation is for fags.
Can't help but laugh, I'm going to hell.
even larry david understands the importance of proper ceremony and burial you stupid cuck or have you not actulaly watched the show
It's not even at the fight angle to face you directly, why fucking bother
I could stand it if it wasn't donny, mikey be my nigga though.
Don't they see your hands together?
Did he suffer SHELL SHOCK?
fuck you user i just spit my water on my screen
When the dead rise to walk the earth
I wish to be among them to see what dumb shit ya'll fools got upto while i slept
>not leaving a fresh corpse in case of reanimation
i agree desu
Pretty fucked up for the host to just sort of blow her off at the begging like that but damn that bitch went on and on for god damn ages.
Also, is psychopathic shit good or bad?
When I did, I'm going to have Native American burial, but I'll be buried holding a mobile phone or some weird metal box with lights on it.
Just to fuck over the archaeologists of the future.
midget soldier died in irak
nigga, crazy themed caskets are a thing even in 3rd world countries still using the barter system
No he was shot you dunce.
>tfw you faggots itt don't understand that funerals aren't for the dead person, but for the family.
Listen, it's cringey as shit getting a cowadoody casket, but people do really dumb shit while they're sad and depressed.
╕rip - "Bubba"
Cremation is the way to go
someone post the video of this funeral with the sonic water theme playing
For some reason these make me feel sad
You sure you could stare at a face like that for all eternity?
why is there a comfy pillor inside the coffin
i never got to call him matthewthetool :(
I want to be buried in a Sup Forums themed casket
Underrated post.
What happened to his left eye.
>Not having a Ghetto ASS Spongebob MEMETOMB
Honestly they can just dump my body at the side of the road. I don't care. I'm dead.
gg no re
>tfw Gotham is in ashes
I want one like this except instead of ninja turtles themed it's tits themed
So instead of donatello staring at me, when the casket closes tits just engulf my face
funeral pyre or nothing