Oh shit current Earth gets destroyed

Oh shit current Earth gets destroyed
You can safe 5 games for future generations however
What do ?

Nothing, videogames are teenagers and the mentally retarded.

Super Mario 64
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Final Fantasy VII
Halo 2
Street Fighter 3 alpha or whatever the fuck

DKC 1, 2. A link to the past, Streets of rage 2, hl1

Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Mario 64
Mother 3
Um Jammer Lammy
The Sims 3 with expansion packs

Mario Maker
Dwarf Fortress
Dark Souls 2

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.
Grim Fandango.
Quake 2.
C&C: Red Alert 2.
Planescape Torment.

Call Of Duty: Ghosts
World Of Warcraft: Catalysm
Assassins Creed Unity
Assassins Creed III

Mother 3
Gone Home
League of Legends

You must hate humans a lot.

Senran Kagura

That's it, enjoy the jiggly softness

Metroid Prime Trilogy
Halo: MCC
Metal Gear Solid 3
Deus Ex
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

The future would just ruin them more than they already have been.
Let them rest in peace.

Kill yourself

Fallout: New Vegas
Mass Effect 2
Halo: CE
Dead Space 1
Super Smash Bros: Melee

An example of a man with excellent taste.

Depending on what sorta world we end up in, they need training...
So my choices are.
>X-com: UFO defense
>Metro 2033 (in case they live in metro tunnels)
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
>X-Com: Terror from the deep

>Your fav. Mario
>Your fav. Zelda
>Your fav. Pokemon
>Your fav. Resident Evil
>Anything you want

I save four mario party games and monopoly

Dead Rising 1
Dark Souls 1
Doom + Brutal Doom and a shitton of WADs
Fallout New Vegas
Silent Hill 2

BioShock Infinite
Fallout 3

Star Citizen.

And no others.

Because it's supposed to be all games rolled into one


Are you like 12? I haven't seen anyone this pleb tier opinion in a long while. Like, you're under 20 right?

>Mass Effect 2
>excellent taste
Uhhhhh? What is good taste about the game that irredeemably ruined its own series and was overall a shit gears of war "game" with a pointless story?