What is it about sewer levels that make them both so ubiquitous and generally so reviled?

What is it about sewer levels that make them both so ubiquitous and generally so reviled?

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By their very nature, about all you can do with the level design in a sewer is long hallways and switch puzzles. And no one wants to wade knee-deep in other people's shit.

Finding your way down a maze of tubes and fighting rats while seeing the same textures over and over again is boring.

well, they're part of the modern society, and there's lots of urban myths and spook stories related to them. They're sort of always with us, just out of sight.

I personally have nothing against sewers. One of my favorite settings in vidya, actually.

Is Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines still on record as having the worst sewer level ever?

This. Also,

>you can't cross over the sewer because of knee-high water or some other bullshit
>if you can cross it, you can only go back on the ledges at specific ladders/slopes

Jak 2 and 3 actually had great sewer levels.

I'd say Thieves Guild from Thief Gold is down there.

Well I guess you can't really have interesting architecture or anything.

I liked Residue Processing and Route Kanal.

But why are they all over the fucking place?

Me too. Some of the most atmospheric parts of their games.


They outstay their welcome almost instantly, and also they're usually a required part of the game so you can't skip it.

I'm playing Dead Island and I heard there were sewers later.

Easy to make slow-paced breather levels, I presume.

>those sewer levels in jak 2

Fucking metalhead rattling the grate

>Play a game.
>Its fun
>Sewer level
>Followed by a warehouse level
>Followed by an industrial interior
>Back to some warehouses

Just got done playing Fear1 and Buffy on Xbox. Both ended up like this.
Too many games that I like end up being ruined by boring, generic repetitive level design .

The entire game is a sewer.

>Playing Serious Sam 2
>Get to the sewer level
>There are no games without them XD ""humor"" ensues
It wasn't even bad yet many other levels were legitimately terrible.

>Playing witcher 1
>Go kill a basilisk in the sewer
>oh here we go
>it's around the first corner
>exit is down a straight path
>over in ten minutes
pleasantly surprised

Crash 2 had excellent sewer levels, but I think that's because the game itself was already linear so the sewer layout wasn't new

>sewer is fucking gigantic, like big enough to hold half the cities population
>oh maybe it's something cool like they built on top of an old city and just converted it into a sewer
>no, it's just a sewer

>oh maybe it's something cool like they built on top of an old city and just converted it into a sewer
That's even worse, unless it's like Old New York from Futurama, which it never is. Wandering around literally shitty ruins for hours gets extremely tedious and kills all suspension of disbelief.

wheres that goddamn cylinder

They're so common, because they're easy to make. A couple different straight sections, some curved sections, a couple Intersections and you can stretch that out into an entire level.

that dog is looking to start some shit

>Don't like sewer levels
>Don't like water levels
>Loved Clanker's Cavern, which is both
I lend that to the overall atmosphere of the game, on top of the main setpiece of the entire level (Clanker himself) being interesting and even sympathetic.

>low visibility
>poison enemies
>poison water
>fucking valve puzzles
>long drops/climbs
>pointless item collecting (lever/handle/key)
>no bosses

Shit tier level. Always

The scariest and monstrous of enemies are down in sewers.

because people rarely venture there
and you don't have to make a lot of things, just tubes and hallways

Okay Sup Forums, you're tasked with making each of these levels
>Sewer level
>Underwater level
>The single vehicle driving level in a game where you don't drive vehicles
How do you make them good?


Oh shit

Are there ANY real-life examples of modern-day sewers (or even storm drains) being as needlessly large as they are in vidya?

>sewer level
Dont give in to the temptation of adding gimmicks like water level puzzles, water that slows you down, having to deal with no light, etc. These are the things that make sewer levels different from the rest of the game so often and makes them shit.
>underwater level
Dont make water movement too slow/slippery. If you can stay limited time underwater keep the timing relevant but dont require perfect precision so you can make it out with 1 ms worth of air left.
>vehicle section
Dont do it at all. I refuse to answer.

Sewers are long as fuck but I dont think they are ever that wide.

>the undercity sewers in KOTOR

Pretty much the extremely big cities all have extremely big sewers.

NYC, London, Paris, and Moscow all have sewer systems that are large enough at parts for people to wander through them like vidya (mainly because they are maintenance tunnels).

There are also places that aren't technically sewers, but are still underground pipes designed for shit like flood control. Las Vegas has an entire homeless community living underneath it.

no no no no no no no no no


>Sewer level
Post-apocalypse civilization sewer. That way it's like the metros in 2033/Underrail, so 70% of the time its like towns and dungeons and shit rather than sewers.

>Underwater level
Just go full Bioshock and make it so you're technically underwater, but completely dry so there's no real problem.

>The single vehicle driving level in a game where you don't drive vehicles

A throwaway but extremely fun level where you control a monster truck and smash the fuck out of things.

>KotOR 2
>Nar Shadda in general

>do all that shit
>send those people on their way to some mythical sewer city
>entire planet blows up right after
Thanks for wasting my god damn time.

FUCK that place. I always got lost and the gamoran guards down there are strong as fuck for your level

Really honestly isn't that hard.

I mean its the worst part of the game but it's not that bad.

>Sewer level
Do it like Half-Life and don't make it about boring ass normal sewers.

What's bad about underwater? It's generally the sluggish swimming mechanics so you have to avoid that. Try doing a claustrophobic underwater base where you're constantly at the threat of drowning.

>The single vehicle driving level in a game where you don't drive vehicles
Fuck you I liked airboat. Otherwise Bulletstorm dinosaur was actually kind of fun.

Because they require barely any effort to make. You paste the same pieces all over the place and call it a day. There's no decor, no complicated level design, no FPS problems with draw distance. It's easy game length padding.

it was never hard, its just piss annoying to play through
especially as ventrue

Oblivion's Imperial city sewers are the best I ever adventured in

>where you're constantly at the threat of drowning.

Along with the sluggish mechanics, this is why no one likes drowning - I mean underwater levels.

Although there's a slim chance, they could have survived depending on how everything was built in the upper and mid sections.

Wasn't it held up as the ur-example of how never to do a sewer level?

At least it gave you some appreciation for playing a class that could actually stand in combat.

According to SWTOR, they did find the safe haven and survived the Taris bombardment.

For a while, at least.

pretty much, not only is it boring, its also tedious and its a combat section in a game that's known for everything BUT its combat
nobody plays VTMB for vampire combat, god knows there's like two dozen games better for that

i remember that part, good stuff

By whom? I'm not saying it's a good example but there are worse elements they could have thrown in.

It's just exceptionally boring.

It's not hard at all, it's the tedium that kills it for people. I was essentially feeling like this stupid meme first time playing through it.

how do you feel about the superior sewer level, friends

>Why are there so many sewer levels?

Well, one game got really popular once and the whole thing was a sewer level.

I thought the Depths were pretty fun.

Then you could also make Descent style submarine section (with responsive controls, naturally) and kill two birds with one stone.

because everybody poops

What makes that any good at all?

It's exactly like all the other levels except darker and more cramped.

Shit sewer level, m8.

>Try a mod
>It makes the sewer levels even longer by adding more puzzles to it
>Uninstall mod

They're the shittiest area

Why aren't there more games with little towns in sewers/subway tunnels?

>It's just exceptionally boring.
Which is the exact problem with the sewer levels.

Girls don't.

Oblivion sewers were pretty shit

Because even though that's a surprisingly common thing in real life, it's really only fitting for post-apocalyptic games.

Which always boggles my mind.

As a kid I played in some of the storm drain tunnels and it was cool as shit.

There are plenty of horror movies set in the sewers that aren't garbage.

Why is it so hard for vidya?


I never thought about it like that. Everyone chasing that Mario bros money.

they're small, limiting, unimaginative, and have bland/depressing color schemes

I liked them the first time I went through them, and I don't usually skip them, but every time after I just want to speed through it and I keep getting lost.

>not having a high enough hacking/lockpicking to skip this section altogether

>not maxing out the noclip discipline so you can be done with the sewer within seconds

did someone say pulsating flesh bags?

>no clip
>can't remember where the loading points are