What are you expecting?

What are you expecting?

Also will Donald and Goofy be useful in KH3 like in KH1 or will they be useless shit like in KH2?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm expecting the Osaka team to ruin it with their shitty gameplay and balancing

As for Donald and Goofy, they weren't that useful in KH1 either
Their limits in KH2 were pretty OP too

>they weren't that useful in KH1 either
Goofy was invaluable for MP Gift, and in KH2 Goofy was insane with his Goofy Tornado. It could immediately stunlock any enemy and knock them out of an attack if they were performing it, even some bosses, and it kept him invulnerable during the whole duration.

they're not going to ruin anything, kh3 is based on the kh2 system, iframes are fixed on dodge and revenge value is back.

The handheld games were experiments.

Besides their limits I thought they were completely useless once youre half done though the story in KH2 but that's just my experience

40 minutes

The combo attacks both ground and air ones look like typical Osaka team shit. Instead they're relying on shitty shotlock, style command(aka attractions) and freeflow gimmicks.

I'm holding any hype whatsoever before I actually play it

20 minutes

Does anyone have an .apk of KH Unchained χ? Can't download it because I live in yurop

Check /khg/

Is there a stream link? Or are we just waiting for a YT video to drop?

We waiting for E3

For what?

No, he's talking about the 2.8 trailer drops in 12 minutes.
The 2.8 trailer

Ohhhhh okay I see

Damn, that's awesome. I like how I always find out stuff like this shortly before it drops, so I can't get hyped enough to be disappointed.

Less than 10 minutes now

The link is supposed to be posted on the official JP twitter when the video is up.

Is it there yet?
Is it there yet?
Is it there yet?






Hell Riku can afford a hair cut

The fuck are those unicorn bastards?


>2016 Winter Worldwide release

They're from the Chi subseries.

>More info this winter


>a snake
really fucking subtle

Alright, never played chi is it worth?

>Aqua's voice acting

> December world wide release

Square is on a fucking roll

6th Apprentice looks chill as fuck and doesn't give a shit about anything.
Aqua looks at, and that scene from Castle of Dreams with Terra again looks promising.

yo do i need to play 365/2 and BBS to understand whats going on? and if I do whats the best version to play them...is there a ps4 release?

Chi is a Japanese browser game and it's ending in September after going strong for 3 years. Unchained is a not so straight smartphone port that's currently going on. It's mobage but it's canon mobage, but you do not have to play it to understand 3 fully. It's decent time waster. The silver haired boy, Ephemera comes from these games.

>poor as fuck
>want to buy it
>probably wont have time to play it
>half way through replaying 2 and dont have the time or motivation to finish it
>just want to go back
This series hurts me to the core

Play 1.5 and 2.5 on PS3 and 2.8 on PS4.

Yes. The remixes for PS3 or emulation are your best bet.

> do i need to play 365/2 and BBS to understand whats going on
You have to play every game to know what's going on, but there's a movie for 358/2 so you don't have to suffer through that even if it does an even worse job of fleshing out Xion. BBS is one of the most important games as well.

>and if I do whats the best version to play them...is there a ps4 release?
PS3 you buy 1.5 and 2.5, then wait for 2.8 for the DDD HD remake and 0.2. Only 2.8 is on PS4.

I always wanted the area specific teammates to be added to the party, opposed to replacing a party member. I wouldn't ever use them because I wanted to level up Donald and Goofy instead.

Welp time to buy a PS4 cause that ain't coming out for xbone for sure



>that command bar
Big nope

2.8? Yes, it's PS4 exclusive. KH3 however is still slated for PS4 and Xbone.

>still playing kingpoop farts

Was that Ryan Reynolds? It sounded like him.

I hope they're like KH1. In the first one they could use the same magic and level of magic as Sora and were able to do full damage against enemies. You felt like an actual team.

I'm KH2 they get shit magic that never gets stronger and have some sort of damage handicap and can't do shit to any enemies bigger than a Soldier class Heartless. I fucking hate it. And their limits were overpowered. Especially Knocksmash.

I hope limits don't come back save KH1 Trinity Limit.

I'm hoping for a PC release down the line. Square should really get their shit together with the KH series like it did with FF. I'm not expecting 3 to be released directly but 1.5 HD Remix on steam would be already a great start.

Normal Kh2 command bar, YAY

And her voice broken down is so good.

Holy shit
I didnt expect back cover or whatever it's called to be a high quality movie. I thought it'd be some shitty port of the mobile title

>that image quality

Aussie internet for you.





Is it the same from BbS? I can't tell because her original voice was really bad in my opinion, same with Terra.

This. All they need to do to be able to distribute it digitally is remove Utada Hikaru's songs from the games.

>Normal Kh2 command bar, YAY
But the BbS combat system was fun

Yeah, it's the same, and yeah, her voice in BBS was meh compared to JP version. It sounds like she got better, though.

Yes it's Willa Holland again, sounds way better now though.

Willa? She got better in the Secret Episode. She's been on Arrow for a couple of seasons now. I'm pretty sure that helped.

Not really - it's not about Utada. Otherwise they'd be digital version of BBS all way to 2010.

Can anyone good with voices tell if there's any returning cast members voicing the foretellers/black coat?

How so?

As someone who hasn't been following the series since Days/BBS this numbering scheme got very confusing.

They sound new.

Though on the Japanese side, it sounds like either old VA's trying to hide their voices, or new ones that sound similar to old ones.


This is literally too confusing bros. I just cant do it....

>The problem does not lie with Square Enix, Disney or Hikaru Utada who performed the game’s theme song. "It’s difficult because of a reason I cannot say," Nomura explained.

1.5, 2.5, and 2.8 are collections of games/movie versions of the games.

Don't mind the numbering, it's just Nomura at work.

1.5 is KH1
2.5 is KH2 and BBS
Oh shit we need to make 1 more, what should we call it?

mfw each trailer for the three games have shots of clocks
is there going to be a shit ton of time travel in order to make sense of the story in the end?

Yep, it's the same. She's gotten better since BBS ended and she was on Arrow, she was fine in the Final Episode of BBSFM.


Are they using a new version of Sanctuary in the trailer?


Just a random collectable for the objective, or something more important?

This I can see square showing the same trailer at the Sony conference.

Well see you guys in November for d23

Most of her bad lines in BBS were probably recorded super early for Trailers. Like one of the worst parts is the Keyblade Graveyard scene, which just so happened to be in the very first english trailer.

I don't give a fuck about that shit
give me an option to use Tron anywhere and make him as overpowered as he was in KH2

I want a party of Sora, Riku, and Tron

Wasn't Jack (not Sparrow) the best guest party member in KH2?

The wallrun snake vs bear was cool.

This is fucking stupid. Why has their been so much news BEFORE E3? It's gonna be boring as shit to watch now. They better fucking announce some crazy shit like SotC2, a new Chrono game, something.

To prepare people for disappointment

Kill yourself, please.
Thank you.

Just like the FFXV demo I guess, or could be the objective to open up new areas.

Seriously this. How the fuck does Sony say "Nah bro, go ahead and announce XII HD, and show off that new KH trailer before E3"

>No Nintendo conference
>All of the good Sony stuff released a week ahead of time
Is E3 is going to be 50% VR and 50% new consoles?

Objective most likely since she said the clock stuck the number and the road fell.

I like the heartless mob from the original KH3 announcement.

>yfw when you can now see how transparent her clothes were

It happens every year,
This means these games won't be stressed so much during the press conferences.

It's clear SE will be prioritizing FFXV instead

And what if the Sony conference is still good? That's a possibility

This was cute, they fuck right?

I don't know about you guys but that trailer was completely rad. All 3 episodes look great.

People don't fuck in KH universe

>Aced is antagonist
>Ursus remains dead last
DA BEARS can't catch a break can they?

SE are uploading new trailers each day counting down to E3.

2 days ago was FF12 HD announcement trailer
Yesterday was World of FF E3 2016 trailer
Today is KH2.8 E32016 trailer
That leaves 4 more days for 4 more trailers for other games
Since FFXV has an ATR on Monday that is when FFXV E3 2016 trailer will most likely go up.


Small details, the keyblade changes colour to match the spells, white = bliz, yellow thunder.


It's okay, we're just a lazy bunch.

>Especially Knocksmash

Yeah, in the vanilla game. Goofy's limits got nerfed to hell in FM and ReMix