
This is the wildest fucking game I've ever played. I'm on Chapter 15 and my mind has never been blown this many times in a row before, ever.

Why didn't Sup Forums ever tell me about it?
Also leaving this thread before spoilers.

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>Why didn't Sup Forums ever tell me about it?

You have to be new.

Because recommendations usually get made in Ace Attorney/Zero Escape threads while Ghost Trick threads almost invariably die with very few replies.

I hate gimmicky cartoon games.

>This is the wildest fucking game I've ever played
Now play ever17.

>Why didn't Sup Forums ever tell me about it?
Because you're painfully new.

>I hate video games

It's kinda meh.
Way too handholdey and easy.

Ace Attorney 1/2/3/4 are substantially better.

It's a fucking DS game, it's old as hell in game years.

Don't make a thread before you finish the game you goddamn silly ass goose.

Get out of here before you get spoiled. There's more mindblows to come.

ayy man, we were all new at one point, and to the best of my knowledge we haven't talked about this game in almost a year

You play VNs for the story, not the challenge.

>we haven't talked about this game in almost a year
Go into any Zero Escape thread where it's brought up often. It's still brought up intermittently but newfags don't know what it is so discussion dies fast.

It's no fun if I don't get to figure things out myself, and the characters literally solve all the puzzles for me.

At that point, I might as well just look the game up on youtube.

yeah i guess thats true

how far in are you? because the game onlu hold your hand for the first few puzzels, and alot of shit later needs a lot of planning and observation.


Animations aside I didn't think it was that good. I found the story a little dissatisfying, if charming. Puzzles were fairly shit.

Now you know where the Gh-o-ost blowjob meme comes from

Hotel dusk games were better desu, i only played Ghost trick for based Cabanela

>Why didn't Sup Forums ever tell me about it?
It's not Sup Forums's fault that you live under a rock.

good shit

>that prison escape

Once you figured out you could get him in the vents, it was ridiculously easy.

Maybe if you went into a 10/10 masterpiece thread you'd have known about it ages ago. It always, without fail, gets posted.

What does Sup Forums think of Matthewmatosis' take on the game?
He calls it perfect and says it has the best story in all video games.


I can't find any other Youtuber "critics" who've so much as mentioned this game.

No,not really. If you lose once even in latter puzzles, the characters spoonfeed the solution to you. The only remotely challenging one is on the sinking submarine,because there's a time limit.

Huh. didn't even know he reviewed this game

Wait, some losers actually tried a different way to sneak Jowd out?

It's still the part I failed the most in, I think.

>Ghost Trick
>a VN

one of the best games ever tbqhfam

Honestly I thought the endgame felt a little rushed with all the plot twists crammed into a twenty minute period (Cabanela flipflops allegiance like four times, I mean come on) but I'm glad you enjoy it.

>Cabanela flipflops allegiance like four times, I mean come on
Not at all. His motivations are made pretty clear, he wanted to rise up the ranks with a spotless record so he could have access to the highly protected case files of the Manipulator and in doing so try to get Jowd justice through legal means.

He only seems like a real villain on the phonecall in the Justice Minister's office because he has a gun pointed at him and four or five broken bones.