3.3 is live.
Are you enjoying it, anons?
>inb4 "muh hause"
3.3 is live.
Are you enjoying it, anons?
>inb4 "muh hause"
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah I finished the story
8/10, little too short for the end of the war
>computer gets a virus yesterday
>won't be cleaned until tomorrow
>mfw I won't get to enjoy the content while everyone is brand new to it
Might as well spoil it all since I'm on Sup Forums.
Can't wait until permabads get final steps nerfed after a bunch of whining.
Also, I fucking called it that nobody would die.
I stopped having expectations when all the dramatic twists in Before the Fall ended up amounting to absolutely nothing.
Fucking Hell I got stuck with 2 shit groups before I actually got with one that wasn't full of retards getting hit by everything.
The first group was 3 bards. Couldn't even kill the dragons in time especially since they were all dying shitty deaths. The second group one of the healers was doing nothing but healing and STILL failing to keep people up. Finally the third group just fucking did it, no problem.
Is there any reason at all why I would use the now-expensive primal drops or elemental materia for the anima sand instead of just blue scripts that are shit easy to get? Is there a limit on each one you can deliver?
So how are the new hallwa- I mean dungeons?
>computer gets a virus yesterday
>won't be cleaned until tomorrow
You're paying someone to fix your computer?
final steps was simple. Sohr Kai was the pita. it shocked me just how bad healers have gotten from the relatively easy antitower/amdapor
also, new dungeons are anti speedrunning
>new dungeons are anti speedrunning
What is every dungeon since 2.3
I got a friend of my dad's to do it for free. It's just a matter of how long it will take.
Sohr Kai has the new pugstomper in the second boss. Haven't seen this much rectal ravaging since the first boss of Copperbell HM
Really? Sohr Kai was easy as shit but I couldn't get a final steps clear for the life of me. Seems healing intensive, too. Especially that part where you have to stack.
>mfw the tank says you should stand in the electric field to avoid the horse's charge
I can see weeping city getting nerfed as well. It actually has some decent difficulty especially compared to void ark. Ozma fight was pretty cool as well.
Thank you, God.
Maybe people will wake up and realize doing 500 dps at iLevel 220 isn't cool.
Haha who the fuck am I kidding.
Tips for leveling other classes? Other than Dailey Duties.
I shall post objective facts.
>Sohr Khai
Oh look it's literally 4-man version of Nigger King Nigger Nog the Niggeth.
That fucking idiot who doesn't stay in the middle, who's always targeted by the horse and knocks off a portion of the wall.
Oh look it's kraken 2.0 with shittier add mechanics.
>Hullbreaker HM
>Nignog story
Do not spread immediately after stacking, originuhl mekanik donut steel., seriously my DF group got to 33% first try kill on 2nd. THAT'S HOW EASY he is.
who gives a shit
Didn't try Nignog ex yet, so can't comment.
Thinking of coming back to the game. I was a dedicated raiding tank since ARR came out but I want to switch it up. What's the state of DPS? Are monks still kind of superfluous if there's a DRK in the raid? Are summoners still big dick deeps?
>Tfw I'm still looking for fucking Thancred
Beat in the 3rd try, and all of us went in blind.
(I used duty finder solo)
1st time I went in as DRK, and shitters bailed on 1st wipe.
2nd time went in as PLD and MT, and WAR was off tank. We got it in the 2nd try.
Hardest part was the stacking mechanic, and that was more of a healing check. (I kept spamming clemency on the healer and popped divine veil to help with the damage mitigation)
Overall, it was a fun fight, and wasn't as annoying as the 1st steps of faith.
I wouldn't call a banal retard check a pugstomper just yet.
Final Steps is a lot harder than I expected for a story trial. Probably gonna get nerfed in 3.35.
Had to puzzle out the mechanics for Sohr Khai with the group. Wiped twice to Moglin and once to horse before we figured them out.
Tried Weeping City but couldn't get to final boss due to getting wrecked by Ozma. Other alliances kept fucking up and eventually time got too low and people's gear started breaking.
Haven't done Hullbreaker yet.
You sure hate the game a lot for someone who pays monthly for it.
I shall post ovjective facts.
>Your post
A mishmash of memes and buzzwords
I somehow managed to get through that one with brute force 10 minutes into the patch when nobody had any idea what was going on. The damage really surprised me, especially when you're pushed into the electricity. It's kind of strange how hard it is in comparison to hullbreaker.
thats all demon wall in AK ever was. strafe left, strafe right, kill the bee. destroyed about half the parties that pugged it
Who the FUCK are these cunts?
The Warriors of Dankness
Anyone on Balmung want to try out the raid? I've yet to do it.
Warriors from another planet/dimension that were somehow fucked over by Hydaelyn and are now here to fuck shit up.
That's... bizarre.
To be honest, since the leader looks like the guy in the FFXIV advertisements my first guess was they were the original WoL.
>Patch notes said Weeping City will drop token for upgrading lore gear and that Void Ark will no longer drop mhachi matter
>Think "Literally no reason to do Void Ark now then"
>Log in and find out you need both the Weeping City token AND the Void Ark token to get the lore upgrade shit.
Atleast they acknowledged them this patch. That story line has been on the fucking back burner and has barely went anywhere. Its pretty obvious though that They are going to recover Nignoggs eyes and use them in some way
>mfw people threw their tokens away
I'm just fucking glad that the dragon shit is over and now we can finally do other things and maybe resolve the half dozen plot threads that have been dangling for like a year.
Fuck I'll be mad if they really do get the eyes though after all the trouble we went to to get rid of them. When we threw them off the bridge I was like "fuck no you idiots". Put them in an incinerator or some shit so they literally don't exist anymore.
Why is everything unpuggable in this patch
It's like they listened to people asking for harder content or something
It's puggable, just need to wait for guides to go up to teach the shitters.
It's puggable, just have to git gud.
t. pugged everything but nignog ex
Because the majority of the playerbase are absolute blithering retards still playing on 56k modems.
That, and console peasants (including controller-playing plebeians).
I used to think the whole "PC master race" shit was just a joke until I saw them play. Jesus fucking Christ they're horrible.
Playing with a controller is 100% feasible.
>light-years close to a KB&M player
Fuck no.
I can jump shot Tomahawks while running from trash pack to trash pack. A controller plebeian cannot.
PC players with legacy controls are worse than console players
>I can jump shot Tomahawks while running from trash pack to trash pack. A controller plebeian cannot.
They can though. The difference is a lot less than you think it is.
Present proof and I will change my opinion on the matter.
Here's a WHM clearing A8S with a controller
Controller is actually optimal in some cases
Feels a lot better on my blm
I believe to have agreed that playing with a controller is feasible.
Kindly show me that there are things a controller player can do that a keyboard cannot. The converse statement is true.
Kindly present proof to your statement and have a (((You))) as well.
I can't believe this even with Yotsuba attached to the post!
Post proof that a pad war can't tomahawk while running from pack to pack, faggot
Prove that he can, faggot.
I'm not gonna resub just to show you something I've done thousands of times, gaylord
I accept your surrender, pillow biter.
>Someone offers to give me 1 million gil to craft stuff and share half the profits with them
>They want to fund me when I have over 200m gil
Oh, sweet child...
Fine, here's me doing "jump shot" tomahawks while running from mob to mob, ya big baby.
>I have over 200m gil
Crafting, gathering, and buying low/selling high.
>jump, tomahawk, run
And this is supposed to impress me somehow? All this shows you controller plebs can't read.
Now in one jumping animation, I want you to do the following:
1. 180 degree to the mob that's running after you.
2. Tomahawk
3. 180 degree back to the direction you were running before.
I do this in every fucking dungeon on every fucking pack.
not him, but putting effort into it and not buying shit you don't need does wonders
Wait, what
You could just have the mob locked on and toss tomahawks backwards while running?
>People paying over 1 mil for the fucking moonfire top
Oh ok, so you just want me to do pointless shit that no one with a brain would ever do. Yeah you're real "optimal" there, you dumb faggot.
i've sold 4 flowerpots for 100k each so far. the laziness on my server is legendary
Can we all agree that Mhach is the best 24 man since LotA?
The amount of salt generating from the houses is enough to feed me until next year, Jesus Christ.
Too bad I'll never get to see the final boss because XIV players are so dumb they can't tell the difference between a triangle and a square.
but user thats a pyramid and a cube
I mean it makes sense considering Bahamut is also one of the Great Wyrms
Someone on my server actually made a PF just to whine in the description that people took the plots he wanted
For real though. All the houses were snaped up so fucking fast. Which is especially sad as I didn't have enough to get one without the price falling a bit first :(
It's how I've been chain pulling shit since forever. No reason NOT to use GCDs while running :^)
Shitter detected, good day sir.
Tetrahedron, user. Tetrahedron.
On Balmung there were a good 20+ PFs like that. The salt was flowing.
>Queue for Sor Khai
>Tank and DPS are catgirls with lightning hair and the same last name
>Healer is a Au'ra with heterocromia and self-declared ERPer
Needless to say we wiped 7 times to the horse and abandoned
Not surprised seeing how that server is cancer incarnate
My first run went pretty smooth. Only wiped on the horse twice figuring out mechanics. Healer sat around with his thumb up his ass but whatever.
>people taking more than one divebomb + charge to figure out horse
Are FFXIV players THAT bad?
this is why I'm going to wait until the weekend or sometime next week to do this content. Don't want to deal with the hassle of retards who don't know how to deal with simple "DONT STAND IN SHIT" mechanics
atm I'm only going around doing the quests that unlock me level 50 dungeons and w/e else I missed
The tank in my run actually thought the best thing to do was run into the electric field to avoid the charge.
>no one can move a stick in one direction while pressing triangle and then pressing r2 and triangle at the same time
>except you can, it's easy and here's proof
>b-but my goal posts and mustard race
Besides you can use almost literally any keyboard to play, I have a blue tooth one just for chatting
For them. Tanks can survive the dot.
Everyone else should probably do it proper.
>Only wiped once to the horse and once to Nidhogg
Everything went pretty well for 6 in the morning.
It's not even optimal to take that heavy DoT for any reason.
Cinematic Man
Of course it's not optimal.
How do you even wipe to the pony? We didn't even dodge to the sides and still survived.
Why didn't this play longer?
its better to take the middle damage bar than to get pushed into the electricity on the sides
the biggest mistake i've seen is that tanks don't bother to move the boss to get away from thunderclouds
also, what song plays at the sky pirate base? i feel as if i've heard it before
I can't even progress through MSQ without the game crashing, apparently I have to reinstall Heavensward to fix it.
>on ozma after you're pulled in
>entire party eats tank busters and wipes
>ask tank wtf he is doing
>"I was still loading"
>first time getting here
>fall off
Seriously though has anyone tried the new relic grind yet and can answer this questionß
Probably had atleast 10 fucking people fall off when i first got there.
I honestly hope they make it a regular thing add a little more difficulty for the shitters
No limit, blow through a shitton of blue scrip.
I looked at the stuff but your better off with whatever is fastest for you. Sounds like scrips are your best bet.
I quit playing back in Febuary. I might come back in 3.4 though, depending on how things are.