It's looking pretty good, honestly.
I love that distorted guitar slide in the opening of that song. Sounds so good.
But yeah, it looks pretty good in general. Very much Castlevania in everything but name. Hope they'll show off some combat in the next update.
>Demo for backers of $60+
>Backed only $35
Not gonna lie. I'm definitely gonna pirate that demo. Hopefully it will be as good as it looks.
I haven't backed this kickstarter, but these guys are definitely some of the best at Kickstarter management.
Looks like every generic platformer with anime girl ever. And we've got like a trillion of these now
>Looks like every generic platformer
But it's a Metroidvania RPG hybid styled after the DS Castlevania games, not a platformer
That actually looks really nice
Music seems good as well
What a shit looking ship. I get that the Ship is wrecked and a mess, but why would you make it that ugly and unappealing?
Compare it to Rondo of Blood's ship. Now that's a good comfy looking wrecked ship. Pic related.
They're gonna have a demo at E3 so I'm guessing they're saving combat to be shown off there.
Looks pretty much like how I expected it to turn out. It isnt mindblowing or anything but looks pretty good anyway. Hopefully next update shows combat with weapons, not just those kicks from before.
Yeah combat/enemies is what I'm waiting to see.
I just hope the controls are tight, that's all I care about
This is the difference a labor of love and care does
I fucking love how the stage tilts
People might not like IGA but these update videos show that atleast he gives a shit instead of not caring at all like certain other businessmen.
It's hardly done, m8
Looks slow as fuck.
>that song
Fuck I didnt even notice that. That is pretty neat addition.
Looks about the same speed as any other post SotN castlevania.
>that hip sway
Castlevania is generally a bit slower-paced than other platformers. Compare the NES castlevanias and how slow Simon/Trevor plodded along to the NES megamans and how quickly you moved.
And on that comparison, IMO the footage already looks good, but the music is great. I don't recall anyone saying anything good about MN9's music, so at the very least, it seems we can definitely say Bloodstained will have a better OST.
How will we get the demo? They wouldn't be so awful as to mail it right?
My shipping adress is way far away and I'm also about to move.
Too slow, not buying it.
For some reason 2D to 3D transitioning always appear that way. The new King of Fighters game looks slower than the previous ones too but they're the exact same speed. I'm almost certain this is the same case here.
What the fuck, this looks great.
Might be in the small circle of good projects to come out of kickstarter.
Graphically, it looks a lot like Dracula X Chronicles on PSP, probably in HD, but overall it has the same 2.5D approach and the character animation also remind me of Maria on DXC.
Anyway, I'm not a big fan of metroidvanias, and I don't trust Iga blindly, but at least the music is by Michiru Yamane. (Would be better if it was by Kinuko Yamashita, but eh)
Think about it, my man.
Looks floaty as fuck, I hate this shit. Its like everything happens in 0.5g
Most likely through the Humble store thing. Most kickstarter fuckers share preview builds and shit through that.
>those ps2 graphics
It's over. Pack it up, boys.
>Ritual F The Night
I don't get it.
>Spats almost always visible
I thought it was slow because this is just a WIP showing off the environments, not really the combat or anything
Ps vita version confirmed best
not sure if trolling
You can see the difference if you watched his stream.
If you watched him playing with western 'metroidvania' games like Rogue Legacy, he actually hadn't heard of most of them and you could tell he was super interested in certain things about their design. One thing he was really into was the procedural layout of Rogue Legacy. He talked a lot about how it was an interesting idea and then soonafter a randomly generated castle mode appears in his later kickstarter goals, which I don't think is a coincidence.
Just from that you can see actual interest and enthusiasm in what he's doing, which I think goes a long way in things like this.
>netting does to react to ther standing on it
>slides through platforms when dropping from them
>uggo jump animation
man... this is some MN9 tier shit
Animation is looking ~eh~ but overall it looks good. Maybe a little too slow.
Neato. As long as it looks better than MN9, it's all right.
I hope they will show more enemies in action next time.
Looks like it'll definitely scratch that Metroidvania itch that I had since after Order of Ecclesia. I'm pretty excited for this now, just hope you fags will post the demo here.
>graphics mattering
You need better baits.
I don't like how she clips through the platforms when dropping past them. Couldn't they easily fix that by just setting it so the game always draws her in front of the platforms? Like how they do in fighting games
It's cause you want to fug miriam all night
not even that, he's wrong, it looks great
That outfit is way too fucking busy.
I wanted to say that more people need to draw her being anally fucked, but she looks like she is more of a titfuck kind of girl
>file deleted
wut? why?
How does shit like this get funded?
Nigger ask your mom for a new pair of eyes
She is more of the breeding kind of girl
Yup, gonna need that ass on my mouth, up and at 'em, get it over here, right on the kisser
It's not?
>slides through platforms when dropping from them
That's because the platform is an actual object, not a painted-on vector.
Having them fall past it in a 2.5D environment would probably require fucking with the Z axis, which is not something you'd ever want to do.
you can still get it if you update your back up
>green and purple interiors for no reason
Looks like shit. Thanks doc.
why not both?
You and upgrade your tier bro
holy shit looks great
Mad Mighty No. 9 "becker" detected
Good point, but I need more evidence to be convinced
>wanting to play as a woman
Fucking weebs fags
Male playable character as well, complete with whip
He does look like a bit of a fag though
Something about the framerate/motion is bothering me. Still looks a bit wonky in terms of depth, but it's OK.
im really gonna need that anus
They emulate shadow found inside the ship retard. Limited colour pallette forces that you stupid fucktardfaggot I hope you choke to death on the day when you finally score
Anyone has that "thank you God, it's fucking perfect" picture?
Because it describes exactly how I am feeling now.
Well there isn't any more yet
>dem bazookas
Thanks IGA.
>Muh identity politics in games
I play as whatever the fuck I want, it's just a fucking videogame
They handle it well in Guilty Gear Xrd with overlapping characters not clipping through each other (at least when just standing or walking towards each other). If it can be done there, I'm sure it could be done with a static object
>shitty 3d model on a 3d background in a 2d game
can we stop this meme and just have nicely animated hand drawn sprites
Looks really nice. Controls seem pretty tight from the video, but obviously won't be able to tell until hands-on. Didn't back, but glad it's turning out well.
that was castlevania
Is this nigga gonna be playable?
>emulate shadow
>with green and purple
Looks really slow, but looking fucking great
Thanks Doc.
>Sameface Akariot.
More importantly when will earth be struck?
the landing from a jump animation looks really bad
it just skips from one pose to a complete different one
well, they better start making more soon because I need to finish fapping
better than wonky face
>SK theme remixed by Yamane
I'm not seeing it
In the prologue chapter.
>playing as Hiro
>Posting one of the worst designed levels in a game with some of the worst level designs in the mainline series like it's something to copy
Sure, it could probably be done in the finished product. I don't know how Xrd does it exactly, but it probably requires careful tinkering and that's not something you're likely to want to do when haven't even finished all the basic models, animations, environments, positionings, etc.
Did they end up reducing the size of her breasts or not?
>no best boy
>that melody at the end
Michiru Yamane is back.
I don't care if it's not in the title, Castlevania is back.
I pity the dead who can no longer feel such joy.
It really doesn't, Jesus Christ, they should have kept to the 2D sprites.
Hi Australia.
as soon as spectre knight comes out your best boy there will be sucking on his ghost dick
You know, Its funny, back when Order of Ecclesia came out people were tired of Igavania. Now people are treating it like the second coming of Christ.
But they never even had them in the first place.
Actually UK but I guess that joke still holds.
I stand by what I say though, that whole level is nothing but walking from room to room with some terrible enemy placement near the end creating the only challenge. The very beginning of the level is the only thing that approaches proper stage design.
The only level worse than it in that game is the one that has beginning playing. That one is truly, truly awful. Multiple routes through it and they're all fucking garbage.
but OoE is one of the top 3 castlemanias
I never stopped treating it well since its my second favorite CV ever. Shits on those who did.
It's trash.