Just beat the game

Iudex Gundry
>First try
>First try
Curse Rotted Greatwood
>First try
Crystal Sage
>Third try (but first try I got OHK’d without even realizing it ‘cause I had a sliver of health and unknowingly walked into a boss fight)
>First try
Abyss Watchers
>First try
Lord Wolnir
>First try
>Second try
Yhorm the Giant
>Second try
>First try
>First try
>First try
Champion Gundry
>~8 tries
>4rth try
Lothric Princes
>~8 tries
Old Demon King
>First try
Ancient Wyvern
>Third try
Nameless King
>~10 tries
Lord of Cinder
>~8 tries

Blind, no guides used. wbu Sup Forums?
Also is it just me or did they casualise most of the bosses?

>Crystal Sage
>>Third try
Stopped reading there.

congrats you ugly loser

It felt a bit easier, but I also went into the game having played all the others in the series, so I was very comfortable with the mechanics and could anticipate most of the things that they would throw at me.

Nothing will ever be able to recreate your first playthrough of a souls game, unfortunately.

They definitely did casualise the game a lot

My problem is more with the boring level design though.

>yorm second try
>lothric prince 8 try

Oppinion discarded


PvE was way too easy, only had issues with Pontiff (because of speed) and Dancer (did her before pontiff and giant-guy). Playing a pure mage after that is annoying, not even remotely fun.
PvP and invasions made me return to Dark Souls 2, because the core mechanics are a mess and won't be fixed as it would harm PvE.

>because the core mechanics are a mess

Wait, I beat it on my second try too. It's not hard to figure out you can charge the weapon and hit the boss with the beam. The moment I saw my axe hitting him for 20 dmg I knew it was a gimmick fight.

Took me 2 tries.

To be fair, Yhorm can basically oneshot you in his second phase depending on your build/SL. He oneshot me from full life when he had one stormruler hit left, I really didn't expect him to hit that hard.

How do you get him by Yhorm in the first place? He's DS1-tier boss, slow and hard hitting, in DS3, a game with tamina-free rolls which give you iframes for the entire duration of the animation.

Big Black Dick
>first try, went back for a second

Almost same as you but took me 3 tries for the abyss watchers

4 tries for Pontiff

1st try for champion gundyr
1st try for Aldrich
6 tries for Lothric Princes
4 tries for Old Demon King
6 tries for Nameless King
2 tries for Soul Of Cinder

5 tries is all I need to jot a boss down every move and timing

Holy Knight Hodrick is the hardest enemy in the game in the Woods summon


>how many times you died matters
these are the people that the prepare to die marketing appealed to

i find it hard to believe you beat oceiros on your first try but died more than twice to any of champ gundyr, nameless king, twin princes or soul of cinder

I got Oce on my first, but I died a dozen on Twin Princes. Got Champ on my second. Nameless in a few.

I just suck with Twin Princes.

>le how can anybody else's experience be different to le mine
>le whole world le revolves le around le me
fuck off you ugly retard

i said i find it hard to believe and thats your recation? wow. you need to take your medication user

Not really, I did about the same, but I can pretty much optimally play souls games after 5 games of more or less the same shit. At least a lot of the bosses toward the end tended to give a good challenge, which makes sense given the progression of the game.

Is he legitimately meant to be hard user?

I did him first try with ease.

not particularly, but hes a lot harder than champ, soul of cinder or twin princes

Are you shitting me? Cinder and Twin princes raped me.

He's clearly retarded. Ignore him m8. That's what everybody irl does lol

>Harder than champ

No he's not. Literally one of the easiest of the endgame bosses.

The boss fights are the easiest they've been since DeS.

>died a good 14 times to Rom
>10 or so to gherman
>somehow manage to die about 5 times to vicar amelia on each playthrough

>beat pontif second try
>princes second
>soul of cinder first

I think even Nashandra was a less shit final boss.

the trick with cinder is to pipe him down asap in the first phase. stay in his face, circle strafe constantly and punish everything with 2 hits. dont let him go magic or scimitar if you can avoid it. his attack in SS mode and phase 2 are telegraphed like crazy. its just circle strafe with your shield up. dodge at the right times, punish with SS r1 spamming

twin princes first phase is incredibly easy. he telegraphs every attack with a teleport and his weapon art is dodged the same way his regular attacks are: roll to your right when you see it coming

phase 2 just involves circle strafing to get at the fuccboi on the back. same shit for the sword guy's attacks, easy telegraphed and avoided with the proviso that you have to dodge 2 or 3 times on the weapon art because theres 2 ranged attacks now. if the fuccboi puts all those magic orbs in the sky just strafe around the pillars in the room to have them absorb the hits until you can get back in his face

i beat both bosses twice with a combined 6 tries and no summons

Oh yeah, I'm OP here forgot to mention I summoned for almost all fights didnt want to mess up questlines you see

Real OP here. No summons, sorry. Git gud tho.

I think Bloodborne players found DaS3 much easier than people that hadn't played BB.

Imo BB had much harder bosses in general than DaS3, especially the DLC and CD bosses. However DaS3 had harder standard enemies than BB.

>However DaS3 had harder standard enemies than BB.

Those shark dudes are harder than any other regular souls enemy.

true but there's only like 5 of them in the whole game

Here's how mine went, pretty similar.

Iudex Gundry
>First try
>First try
Curse Rotted Greatwood
>Third try
Abyss Watchers
>Third or fourth try
Lord Wolnir
>First try
Crystal Sage
>Second try
>First try
Old Demon King
>Second try
Yhorm the Giant
>First try
>Second try
>Fourth try
>Second try
>Second try
Lothric Princes
>Around 4
>Second try
Champion Gundyr
>Third try
Ancient Wyvern
>Second try
Nameless King
>7-8 tries
Soul of Cinder
>10+ tries

I don't fucking care about how many tries it took for you. Go blog about it somewhere else.

>I don't fucking care about how many tries it took for you
good job clicking the thread then lol. dumb cuckold.


>>somehow manage to die about 5 times to vicar amelia on each playthrough
have you considered gitting gud? amelia is a bitch.

lmao actually making a thread to stroke your epeen like anyone fucking cares about your "achievements" in a single player game. KYS

thats really mean user I hope you dont mean it.

Oceiros is very easy if you take a poke and roll approach he starts running into walls and shit and you can basically just hit him once or twice roll/jump back and then roll away from the nearest wall and he more either do his area attack which you should be out of range for then/or he will do his pouch charge which as long as you watch him you can just roll as soon as he turns about

Granted this is assuming you are like most smart players and don't use auto lock at all.
Much like Bloodborne bosses autolock will get you killed more than help when facing Pontiff, Dancer, Lothric, Nameless King and Oceiros

Really the trick is when you first enter a boss room is to just survive and watch movements. Don't attack, don't cast/throw items, just stay alive and watch for patterns. When you get them at half health back the fuck off again and repeat step one and just watch for patterns.

These games really help force you to stop charging in like a tard trying to do max damage asap.