Microsoft Brefing

>Microsoft Brefing
>Trailer starts

>Microsoft Studios presents...
>A Rare Ltd production...
>...In collaboration with Playtonic Games...

What would your reaction be?

I think that bridge has been burnt.

>...In collaboration with Playtonic Games...
>...In collaboration with Platinum Games...
>...In collaboration with From Software...
>...In collaboration with Retro Studios
>...In collaboration with Wayforward

Am I missing anymore "Based" developers Sup Forums loves to harp on?

But I'm not Sup Forums
I'm me

Are you seriously unable to let Banjo go?

No, youre a faggot.


I don't knowing you expect me to be in denial of that but, yes.

>it's a nostalgia bias wish fulfillment thread
We're already getting a game that's functionally and stylistically the successor to BK, that's good enough.

Doesn't mean I can't hope.

Even though it is literally 100% in vein

Not going to happen. Playtonic is too busy on their own games to worry about fixing their old franchise that MS fucked up.

Obsidian, i guess

And from is falling fast.

So he's Sup Forums?

Who has a hard-on for Obsidian?

Most people who likes good CRPG.

Maybe you missed the NV guess threads we had for the last 5 years.

All the people are rare have been replaced since.
I can obsessively wish all day long that I want to fly, but its not exactly unhealthy to do so. Just let it go

Why would they work with MS when they left Rare especially because of Microsoft?

I don't think there is any fanboying over Obsidian, going on. People respect NV as an acceptable Fallout game. But there I don't think there is any love or real trust in Obsidian by anyone.

>Microsoft Studios presents...
>A Rare Ltd production...
>...In collaboration with Playtonic Games.

No. Microsoft is shit and I don't wanna buy an Xbox for Banjo. Yooka Laylee looks way better.

There's difference between what OP is suggesting (the guys who made Banjo helping make Banjo) and the whole Platinum Fromsoft thing.

Microsoft would probably force new Rare to turn it into some kind of third person ARPG, anyway.

>not a class-based shooter

Get with the times, gramps.

Pretty much. People that can't let Banjo go don't realize that Playtonic existing a better thing. They are independent and no one can cancel their projects or tell them to change it (and I'm not talking about vehicles, I mean shit like PDZ and Live & Reloadeds bullshit changes).

Plus Yooka Laylee being multiplatform is just better for everyone in general.

Stop with this Banjo Threeie crap, you're already getting Yooka Laylee so deal with it.

id be pissed off that Playtonic is working with such a shitty, publisher-controlled company

My reaction?


ebin lels, who fucking cares about exclusives

>Live & Reloadeds bullshit changes

Oh come on, Chris Seavor said retailers were throwing a hissy-fit over the game and were threatening to stop carrying the Xbox if it shipped like that.

The only saving grace could be that Microsoft sees what a success Yooka-Laylee will be and want to jump on that gravy train. They've always been fast to latch onto the bandwagon. That said, I still doubt a new Banjo would actually be good.



>Now a mere shadow of itself with no detail in said shadow is now a splotch
>Forced to make shit like Kinect nobody wants
>While having made decent stuff like Viva Pinata those do not belong on the Xbox brand where the main core is Normies and Guido like Keemstar who only care about Halo/CoD

>What's left of actual talent of Rare
>SJWs who spend all day on Twitter bitching about Trump and Bathrooms


I can see them doing a collab,Contrary to the autism of poor fags and rare autist in these threads. Playtonic has no bad blood with the company and ms has shown they're willing to let non ms first party companies work or collab on a project (like the new ki)

It's Microsoft, and you described them perfectly. They wait to see what their competitors do and copy it. They do it with Apple, they do it with Sony, and the Kinect was because of the Wii.

I'm sorry, I don't want a new Banjo because Microsoft was 15 years late to the party. Especially if it somehow ends up bad. I'm glad a lot of Rare's employees got away and created Playtonic.

If YL is successful I think it'd be cool if Nintendo approached Playtonic to make a new Donkey Kong Country. Much of their team consists of the same people that had previously worked on the first two DKC games before they moved onto Project Dream/Banjo (You can tell by just looking at the minecart segments in YL) so it'd come full circle. It'd be like if Capcom let Hideki Kamiya make a new DMC.

Dunno, I hope DK can get a new developer at some point. Retro's games were fantastic but it seems like they want to move on to something else, and without someone working on the series DK could very well fall back into spinoff hell like in the GBA/GCN days.

lol'd heartily.