Which Overwatch characters do you really hope are not gay?
Which Overwatch characters do you really hope are not gay?
Who cares? They aren't real.
im really gay
Soldier 76
All of them. It's a fucking shooter. They don't need to be shoehorning characters' sexuality either gay or straight.
>tfw no Torbjorn X Bastion doujins
>tfw no Torbjorn X Lucio
>tfw no Torbjorn X Genji
First post is always right
user pls
Make them all Bi and have them fuck any other character for porn for me
But isn't the whole appeal to fujos the idea of straight men doing that stuff with each other to please them?
fuck like romans
Pharah seems a prime candidate for token lesbian.
I'm still trying to figure out who the gay guy is.
I'm hoping it's not Zarya, only good lesbians are cute lesbians
>Make zarya gay
>piss off actual gays who are tired of stereotype that all gays are masculine women, feminine men
obviously lucio, road hog, and zarya are the gay guys
All of them
Fuck off with the agenda
Thanks for the sensible chuckle.
confirmed because as a lesbian I'm tired of the fucking myth that we all have to be butch dykes and that 'lipstick lesbians only exist on tv' fuck that
Not quite. The idea of it being possibly canon is better.
Roadhog seems like a "fuck anything with a hole" types
all of the male characters
i hope all the females are gay
I just figured he was like Trevor from GTA5.
The only character in Overwatch who isnt gay is Widowmaker who is bisexual.
There is no such thing as a lesbian, just women who need a good dicking.
u-umm london??
Roadhog is cuter
So if dicking can make someone love dick, if I fucked you in the ass, you'd turn gay? Amazing.
>Arena shooter
>They just HAVE to have sexualities
It literally does not matter.
I don't think Widowmaker is anything considering her current state
If anything, Widowmaker is Bisexual
>Implying he doesn't use his hook to make his own holes
>And tell them he's gonna make them squeal like a pig
Makes sense
of course
don't you read trap hentais
I bet Soldier 76 is gay just to teach everyone that being gay doesn't make you any less "badass"
Tracer's the face, so they wouldn't make that big of a gamble.
Zarya's too obvious.
Widowmaker is explanatory.
OF the remaining, Pharah seems to have the least personally/backstory, so I'd guess they'd make her the gay girl.
what's the average Australian dick size?
Dude it's Hanzo, he's an incestuous faggot I bet
pic unrelated I assume
6 inch
who are you talking to?
plus mommy issues
getting smaller as they get swarmed by chinks
>Tfw no Zarya who is strong but secretly really wants to try being girly and feminine despite having no experience
Yes, also if you fuck someone in the ass too much they turn into a trap and can get pregnant
You don't read Hentai you fucking pleb.
You Dragon Age 2 fans are a fucking disease.
More importantly, how will they reveal it?
Official Overwatch Pornography
Crazy wild lez make out sesh
Why don't you just fap to the porn instead of shipping characters and question their sexualities?
>the man from Sweden is a short gay manlet
fucking based Blizzard
Because Tumblr and Sup Forums are the same thing now.
Why don't you just suck on my boipuss. That's why
Widow is straight as a they come.
>implying best combo shouldn't be also best canon couple
it even rhymes
They won't. The entire point of saying "there are gay characters" while not specifying who is so that people can imagine whoever they want is gay.
Isn't there only one lesbian/gay character?
There can't only be user. There's never only one.
Where is the rhyme user?
why even give these characters backstory? it doesn't change gameplay at all at this point.
Maybe it doesn't, it sounded better in my head
the funny thing is that almost every female bodybuilder/fitness competitor is actually that trope, not the angry bulldyke stereotype that gets applied to them
No you're forgetting that they have to lose against you in size as well. This is the important part.
I maybe he's talking about the name PharMercy.
Get it?
It sounds like pharmacy.
I get it. I ain't laughing, but I get it.
Wait. Did Blizzard actually say there's a gay character in the roster?
Her whole back story, and even her fucking name (which is a cruel joke), are about her being brainwashed and killing her husband who she loved very much.
She's dead inside now, and hardly feels anything. People on /owg/ don't even know get backstory.
>too important
user pls. She's not important.
That is
My fetish
>yfw they keep talking about this gay character but never tell us who it is
That's not how Rhymes work
>Tumblr shipping
No thanks.
What said is correct.
Maybe we the players were the gay character the entire time
I dunno. Maybe during someone else's short. Like what if Reaper and Soldier 76 were together before he went all emo. Or Zarya has a gf in her's
Yes, some sperglord asked at Blizzcon.
Just please don't go the obvious route and make McCree gay for no reason. I'm a faggy fem trap and even I'm tired of the stupid need for there to be a gay character in everything these days.
I want Reaper to kiss S76 before trying to kill him
>Pandering to faggots
This should be verboten.
>any ship
>not tumblr
Stay deluded, homo
The irony.
I actually like this answer
Sexualities exist but aren't necessarily important
Good thing they gave a non-answer that boils down to 'maybe in the future'
There's gay homo and cute lesbians homo.
You are the bad one, faggot.
I wish there were more pictures of strong girls wearing cute dresses.
>cute lesbians
You need to be over eighteen to post here kid.
Lucklily taking the cock out of your mouth and ass it's not a requisite to come here, right?
It's working, look at all the faggots who post dykeships on here.
When Widowmaker is healed by Mercy she says
>You must like me~~
Really seductively.
Widow is the gay character.