ITT: Weapons that don't get enough love in video games

Bring back the bola

Bolas and nets were OP as fuck in Age of Decadence.

>massive metal bola

You'd need to be Hercules to throw that properly.

Never Alone made use of these iirc

Well maybe my scale's all off but that looks to be like 2 feet long at most to me.

pole weapons like halberds, bardiches, naginata
thrown weapons like tomahawks, boomerangs, firebombs
honestly almost every pre-industrial weapon hasnt been done well

>the bola
the name is too close to ebola, which will cause a huge triggering among basketball-americans because of their senpai from another land

Chemicals that doesn't turn people in to zombies.
Just fucking mustard gas or some fucking shit like that.

It's a prop from the Scorpion King so don't expect realism.

However bolas are easy to throw because once you get them up to speed the weighted balls themselves do most of the rotational force and the force isn't being applied to you

from a technical point of view how hard would it be to implement bolas as there is the physics of the bolas and its effects on the enemy

I expect it to just be
>Check if bolas made contact
>Bind enemy if true

Otherwise you're talking about building an entire game around bola physics where it would be the only weapon

not that hard
skyrim could do it well enough
bows already have varying distances depending on how far you draw back
and paralysis/knockback is already in the game
and reikling spears are consumable thrown items
so just have it be like a reikling spear with a bow's mechanics with a paralysis enchantment

>From the shadows, a kobold!
>The kobold throws a set of bolas at you, brutalizing you!
>You die...

We need more games were you can be an alchemist mixing chemicals and concoctions to kill people. Screw helping someone with potions. I want to smash a jar of liquid death on some poor soul's head.


plague doctor would like a word with you


Jurassic Park SNES was pretty cool

I've honestly noticed a problem with realizing short-range projectiles in videogames.

The boomerang is a too common example, but only kind of operates on the mythology of the boomerang since hitting stuff always ruins a flight path, and those returning boomerangs aren't designed for hunting and by extension combat.
Throwing knives and shurikens have a tendency to be thrown up to 10 at a time, and despite that never seem to be a major damage source when any other option exists.
Slings, well their problem is that they are treated like a short range weapon. With less impact than a bow, higher miss chance, or just a very long windup. When they're actually a long ranged weapon, that required only one rotation before launching, and with variance in stone weight usually hit harder though not penetrating as much as an arrow have been documented to kill armored warhorses in one hit.
While there's been javelins and throwing spears often enough, I have never seen an atlatl which about doubles the force a person can throw with.

Just projectile that shit in a straight line. Hold button to charge, release to throw. Amount of time you charged translate into speed and distance traveled. Maybe do some clause so that enemy types only gets affected if bola has specific speed threshold to balance it.


Good thing I got here in time to fix this disgusting transgression

do you have any idea how hard it is to tell which version i posted without actually opening the image

Good job, user.

I have to say that even if mines are present in shooters: there's not enough area denial weaponry in tactics games for my tastes.

I bet you could defeat caltrops by shuffling

If they're on soft ground they'll sink in and remain a hazard.

If they're on a flat solid surface then it'll work much better. But it's still a disadvantage to an attacker because even if that doesn't injure them, it'll slow their advance.

tap dancing

Bring back ebola-chan

movement denial would be interesting in a fps or strategy games as you can't sprint or you'll hurt yourself

games from ~2000 had lots of varied weapons and game play dynamics, but after ~06 graphics became the almost exclusive means developers innovated.

check out TFC, jedi outcast, Darkmessiah, bf2, painkiller


Bo Staff
Such a cool weapon. I'd love to learn how to use one.

Baseball bat with nails. It's such a cool looking, simple weapon yet so underrated.
>muh knives

fuck you vidya

Wow a stick that's fucking amazing.


The Glaive, the sovereign of melee weapons


now that is just overcompensating, be wary of knife-people

kwan tao has an additional tassle on the blade to confuse your target

Patch after patch no love for the bola build. WHY BLIZZARD

Halberds shit all over them fucking cock sucking fairy homo faggot.

The falx

Recent games I can think of:

Mortal Combat X
La Mulana (I mean it's getting a sequel soon)

They do need more love though


That is literally the black knight halberd. Miyazaki is a fucking hack


This guy pretty much hit the nail on the head. Every game seems to just be maces/long swords/Great swords/katanas.

Ark added bolas to imobalize players and small dinos

There adding a large metal bola that can be fired from a balista to snare large dinos

>going into battle with something so tacky

>Otherwise you're talking about building an entire game around bola physics where it would be the only weapon
that sounds like it could be pretty sick if done well

Next you're gonna tell me there's a spear copycat in that game with a different name. Oh the blasphemy...

LMAO at you nerds posting some nerd ass meile sticks and prehistoric weapons and shit instead of some real nigga weapon like AK47 or somthin

They were also OP as fuck in the Jurassic Park Snes game

Bullshit African Throwing Knifes

That looks like it could do some sick internal damage


>that obvious penis

How embarassing to be impaled by


And I'll cry every time

>he says as knights in europe had super decorative fancy shit all the time

anyways, real macuahuitls wouldn't have been that decorative


There is bolas in Age of Decadence, one of the best throwing weapons too.


The fuck is that?

giant shurikens

The only thing to ever satisfy your mother

Bolas were fucking scary in Nosgoth.

I've always been a sucker for club weaponry.

>No modern game does a real flail complete with physics
>No Morning Stars
>No Aklys
>No Mere

I also recall Runescape doing Blackjacks/Coshes, another underappreciated club, but that's not exactly a modern game.

Catwoman uses them in the Arkham games.

But real flails were fucking boring.

Shield with a gun in it.

World's first keyblade

First thing that came to mind was shooting raptors with them in this.

Martial arts outside of fighting games

The Katar.
Only three games have given it proper use outside of being a novelty dagger or a shitty hidden weapon.
You can slash really good with it and it's a fantastic thrusting weapon, it feels like a natural extension of your arm and uses the whole energy of your swing.

Too bad only Ragnarok Online gives it the love it deserves.


Fucking fists
Why are fists always so wimpy in games, I want to run around smashing people to bits Star Platinum style, not hitting them like wet paper towels

There are tons of games that are all about fighting with your fists, probably more than there are about literally any other type of weapon. What the fuck are you smoking?

>outside of being a novelty dagger or a shitty hidden weapon.
Isn't that pretty much what it is ? It seems just like a punching dagger.

you're mom's prostate massager lmfao

Go play Asura's Wrath.

It is used mostly for thrusting, but if it's sharp enough it can also be used for slashing. All it needs is a longer blade.

Exanima has fist fights in the arena now

>All it needs is a longer blade.
Then why not just use a longer blade, seems like a really pointless weapon

Last time I saw bolas in a game was in A Dark Room.

too big


Outside of Chrono Cross and Final Fantasy 9, I don't know any games that have them. I guess Dark Souls 2 had them, but they were ass.

dynasty warriors my friend

>All it needs is a longer blade

So something like this?

>tfw you fight naked for fist fights
>first move is to wait for your opponent to move and immediately step in with a heavy punch
>tfw broken jaw in one hit

the best way to regenerate health after you get gang fucked in a fray is to just do loads of pugilisms and 1-2 shot all your opponents

A katar is a punch dagger

What you want is a pata

When it comes to real weapons I would like to see more flails.

But I'd love to see more organic pet weapons.

>All it needs is a longer blade.
Like a Pata?

Forgot the fucking picture

the bolas is an absolutely savage combat utility in Age of Decadence, even better than throwing nets

Is there a single videogame that includes a best knife ever known to mankind?

thats a sword, not a knife you messer


Only if you were to swallow it
