Hello Sup Forums in celebration of Donald's complete stumping today in California...

Hello Sup Forums in celebration of Donald's complete stumping today in California, I offer you Part 1 of Trump 2016: The Crusade. Continue reading for shilling/download links or sage if it's shit. It's my first gayme so I don't expect too much feedback.

This is a videogame RPG simulator of the life of Donald J. Trump. Will You Be The One To Squash Ruboto, Or Will You Drop To The Knees Of The GOP? You Fight, You Decide.


1) Download Trump 2016: The Crusade Part 1 off mediafire.

mediafire.com/download/as7auk894t4vycc/Trump 2016 The Crusade Part 1.exe

2) Extract game.

3) Click "play game" icon in folder you extracted game to.

4) Enjoy!

>If for whatever reason game does not run right away, install RTP (rpg maker run time package) and try running the game again. The most recent version of RTP is already packaged with the game, so there's no need to download anything else. If you cannot find the RTP in the files, here is a direct link off of the RPG Maker Website to download RTP.



If you already own RPG Maker VX Ace you can subscribe to the game here and bypass all of the steps listed above. Have fun!


Nice virus.


Thought it was Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden at first looking at the thumbnail.

No. This is Part 1 of Donald Trump: The Crusade and the RTP package. Not that you would know you stupid code monkey.

That's way too big of a compliment, Shut Up and Jam inspired this game into fruition. There are references in terms of dialogue and story style between the games.

>Donald's complete stumping today in California

He's literally the only candidate... are you retarded, OP?

how many brain cells will I lose playing this game?




It's common sense he would win today, but you're the idiot to think elections happen in a vacuum.

He stumped California because he brought the highest republican turnout since Reagan in the 80s. Not that a serial shitposter like yourself reads or cares to know.

That shit spooked me before everyone pieced together what it was.

A lot of dead braincells. Think Shut Up and Jam meets Fallout 4. (Funny as hell but fuck random story)

Pic related, New york city in the game.

>common sense he would win today

Against who?

>before everyone pieced together what it was

What was it? Last few threads I followed everyone just gave up since it just lead us to that Ascensionism Records twitter account that just spams nonsense all day long. It's like, shit bro nobody is playing your ARG anymore just give it up.

convince me why I should play this game without mentioning donald trump

You kids like ANIME and VIDEOGAMES right?

A picture is worth 1000 words.

In a thread a while back someone traced it all the way to a crappy movie release countdown website that was coming out soon st the tjme, which led people to believe the arg was just an extremely elaborate shill. Some sci Fi film thing about aliens coming to earth or something. I don't remember much though so it could have been a wrong lead.

Is any one here slightly interested in playing an RPG about being DONALD TRUMP?

We got waifus...

No one likes politics because of people like OP.

Also, Plato was right about democracy because of people like OP

>Sup Forums memes: the game

alright OP, I'm loading it up but I gotta say I'm not expecting much beyond wanton memes and fervent Donald posting, like talking to my one retarded uncle. I'll try to give you some feedback either way.

This thread reminds me of the faggot who's making ghost video game. You should feel bad OP.

Thank you so much user. People like you make the pain worth it.

That his daughter?

user this game is rad. keep making this

What kind of retarded french faguette are you to not consider Ivanka Trump hot? Play the motherfucking game to find out.

>Literal meme games
Faggots like you is what make Trump voters look like idiots
God dammit get away from me and MAGA.

Let's build a wall around Sup Forums and let em pay for it!

Thank you so much user, you made my smile brighter than the sun. How far did you get?


Stop it, I'm literally shaking in tears. Your positive energy give mankind the strength to move mountains!