Skywind will be at E3

I am a lead developer for the fan-project Skywind.

Four years ago, Matt Grandstaff of Bethesda approached us to clarify that, "The policy has always been that you cannot take assets from one of our games and put it in another game."

As of the last dev build [] Skywind is a legal mod. All original art has either been remastered or given placeholders. In fact, the project is entering its final phase.

Grandstaff also mentioned that Bethesda is "well aware" of the project.

I have accepted a job offer at Bethesda over the summer specifically to work on the project full-time. Two others that I know of, have also been given jobs.

The rumors about a Skyrim remaster are true.
Console mods will return, with Skywind as the flagship. It's a perfect choice for Bethesda because:

A.) It will not break savegames
B.) It's been hyped for the last four years

Will provide some proofs and details. I had to sign an NDA, so I won't give specific details as to my identity.

Other urls found in this thread:

nobody gives a fuck, go fuck yourself

>Skyrim remaster

Take it to Reddit where someone will care about garbage and be your wittle hug box.


Absolute shit considering it's constrained from many of the mechanics that made Morrowind enjoyable

>inb4 miss memes

There's a lot more modern day TES has dropped.

Is this bait?
I mean Sup Forums's community have become so retarded that i genuinely don't know if i'm being trolled.

if this 'remaster' is to add real VR support Bethsoft just won everything.

most likely it's just a shitty cashgrab reissue, though.

>a lead developer
>won't give details because NDA
Wow. It's almost like you have nothing interesting at all to give us and wasted our time.

So bethesda is all good about the skywind mod?

As for the skyrim remaster, why though?

Modded skyrim already has so much history, development and added improvements to the game. I can't see how Bethesda out do all that evolution and effort made by the community.

Sounds like a cash grab in my opinion. But eh, each to their own.

Good luck with skywind though, really looking for it to.

It's bait. Bethesda doesn't give a shit.

Not cool. You know what we do to leakers around here. Remember Three Dawg?

>I mean Sup Forums's community have become so retarded that i genuinely don't know if i'm being trolled.

Skywind is just going to be a downgraded Morrowind though. We don't care about the graphical fidelity if the game's content itself is removed in large chunks.

If there's a Skyrim "remaster" coming out they would have to offer some serious improvements over the original or it's pointless. We almost all played it on PC to begin with.

Anyone who is a proper Morrowindfag wasn't interested in Skywind in the first place. No one cares.

I was talking about people acting like children, i know that OP is literally '' my dad works in Nintendo'' but those first few posts are everything that is wrong with Sup Forums

Not wanting to eat more shit from Bethesda is wrong?

Skyrim is shit. Take it to Reddit.

no ''le Sup Forums is the hate machine of the internet'' actitude is wrong.


>As for the skyrim remaster, why though?
Because they already did it for PC

This release will be for XB1/PS4, Bethesda doesn't have anything new for PC players. They already have all this.

no one hyped this shit

That's normal shitposting. It can happen anywhere and from anyone, and it may or may not represent a true opinion. It's not even like childposting. It's a quick negative reaction which is just as reasonable as someone going "Yeah this looks really cool." Both are equally useless in terms of discussion.

Skyrim's races will be overhauled, pic related

There will be a set of unique meshes, instead of a one-size-fits all body.

>It's been hyped for the last four years

You mean it was hyped four years ago. Then it faded into obscurity when people moved on from meme-rim.

Well, and was me

Not, really sure what part you think is bait or childish. I honestly feel like "Skyrim in Morrowind" isn't really worthwhile. Without some serious revisions to stuff modders can't touch there's a lot that simply won't make it in.

these guys are doing it all wrong. someone needs to mod skyrim into morrowind

But they are

This is inaccurate. Skywind didn't have a media presence until a couple years ago. Now it gets featured in PCgamer, and does monthly progress videos which generate hundreds of thousands of views.

Hey, how far would you estimate is the release for skywind?

Maybe I'm reading this post wrong but what the fuck does Skywind which is a remake of Morrowind with Skyrim's engine have to do with a Skyrim remaster? One is a fan project and the other is by Bethesda. Why would you be working on a fan project while employed at Bethesda? Are you saying Bethesda is helping with Skywind? This entire post is confusing as fuck.

they're pushing console mods you fuck

>This is inaccurate

And it was hyped by morrowind players on various websites. I even remember the threads here. I'm surprised people even give a shit any more.

Again I ask, what does the fan project Skywind have to do with the Skyrim remaster? What does Skywind have to do with consoles? What does this dev working on Skywind have to do with being employed at Bethesda? Where the fuck are the details?

>if this 'remaster' is to add real VR support Bethsoft just won everything.
Skyrim is not a good fit for VR. There's a ton of problems with it, from the gameplay being too clunky, to the environment scale being ridiculously unrealistic.

The next Elder Scrolls might be designed to take advantage of VR, but I wouldn't hold my breath. AAA studios like Bethesda are not interested in taking risks.

>Hey, how far would you estimate is the release for skywind?
Much farther than Sup Forums would have you believe. Most creatures and armor are done, and we just finished a number of tilesets including dwemer, cave, and tomb.

It probably won't release with Solstheim or Mournhold.

See When I said "featured in PCgamer" I meant that Skywind got into the magazine, which has a broader audience.

Skywind is the most stupid idea I have ever heard, take Morrowind, put in everything that's wrong with Skyrim and there you have it. If anything you should make Skyrim in Morrowind.

Lowest quality bait.

If you're a fucking modder who got given a job at the company the last thing you're going to do is immediately go and leak all their fucking secret announcements dipshit.

It isn't unjustified hate. Skyrim is baby's first "RPG". They butchered the lore, gameplay, stats, writing and the animations are still garbage
There are plenty of better games than this casual shit. But keep hyping it up, Todd.


Skyrim will be remastered with HD textures and console mod support. Bethesda wants Skywind done or at least playable for the release.

OP used the work of other people on skywind to elevate himself into landing a job in the gaming industry at Besethda.

Now like the good little peon he is he's shilling the skyrim remaster

>Skyrim is baby's first "RPG"

This is rich coming from a morrowfag that never touched an actual cRPG in his life.

btw, Gothic 2 was better than Morrowind.

Nice try, faggot. Im-fucking-plying consoles can handle file-sizes of that magnitude. Not to mention scripts n shit created just to make it manageable on PC. Using FO4 as a base, you're full of shit.

will weapon skills still work as they do in morrowind or will they be remodelled for the skyrim engine?

This, nobody can be that much of an ungrateful bastard.

I cant wait to play Skywind and levitate everywhere, make my own spells, pay someone to enchant an item to give it unlock 100 on use, find cool gear that gives me plus 20 to spears, find the boots of blinding speed and magic resist my way out of the debuff. I am so excited to go back to Morrowind!

I remember most people saying Morrowind wasn't particularly good at anything back in the day, now Sup Forums thinks it's the second coming of Christ.

Are you implying Bethesda is using 4096x4096 or even 2048x2048 textures?

HD doesn't mean what you think it does.

>Skyrim is an actual crpg

Are you sarcastically implying none of that will be possible in Skywind? I'm not familiar with it

There is nothing but art and some quests. The game is still Skyrim, you are just going to be walking around on Morrowind.

>I am a lead developer for the fan-project Skywind.

So is there any change to the actual game? or is it just Skyrim with mods, running on ultra instead of the gimped 7th gen settings, repackaged for ps4 and xbone?


thats a shame

>a mod built for consoles
sounds like garbage

what do you mean "remaster"?
will there be anything new?
Will skywind be available for ps4 then?

Holy fuck, didn't someone make an ironic post about Bethesda hiring Skywind people a couple days ago?

Even in Ultra the game looks like shit, you have to tweak the .ini file to get shadows that doesn't look awful.

Even in other languages:

>The rumors about a Skyrim remaster are true.
And confirming that on a mongolian moving picture board before E3 won't have effects on your continued employment?

>if this 'remaster' is to add real VR support Bethsoft just won everything.
A lot of people already get motion sickness from playing it without VR, imagine playing with VR.

Where in that did I mention texture mods, you fuckface? I said scripts. One of the anti-piracy measures FO4 PCfags are suggesting is enabling FOSE to keep consolefags from using their mods. Even if Skywind doesn't use SKSE, it will use something similar to it for performance. Again, using FO4 as a base, it is impossible for Skywind to be on console because of file size limitations and use of script extenders.

Then fuck those people. We need to cull the weak somehow.

That's hardly a "remaster". No one will pay for slightly less shit textures.

>Let's ruin Morrowind by introducing Skyrim gameplay

>reading comprehension

>reading shit off of other websites and posting here like its some insider info

is this real life?

And here I thought remaster means fixing all the shit. Silly me.

I guess if you're real; You could still charge 5$ for it and still make small profit.

>skyrim remaster
I honestly can't believe this retarded shit is true. What's next, Fallout 4 remaster?

>Skyrim Remaster

Why should I care
My PC Skyrim looks 10x as better than any remaster they could do.

>journalists will cheer when this is announced

god help video games

Engine improvements

They will

>everyone is already sick of Skyrim and redoing the same fucking quests or predictable "infinite" quests
>let's release it again xD

I doubt Bethesda is that retarded. This whole thing was completely pulled out of a games "journalist" ass.

Just to throw it out there: Not everyone on Sup Forums is lying about leaks or is "Dad works at Nintendo"-tier. I leak shit all the time about films since I am an executive in the film industry but no one ever believes me. This could be the same case here.

People shitpost all the time, this could be the same case here.

Do you think Bethesda is willing to give licenses to other fan projects?

his point is that you should neither believe it nor dismiss it. just keep it in mind that it was stated.

99% of the time it's always fake leaking shit. They encourage you to screencap so if it happens ONCE out of the thousands of falseflags it'll invigorate this idea that Sup Forums of all places provides leaks. When they usually always come from insiders from NeoGaf or some shit.

>I am an executive in the film industry
Why would you leak something? Are you implying you still have a conscience?

How is anyone falling for any of this bait?
Fake "leaks" linking to personal youtube profiles for views and marketing articles for clicks are against board rules.
Report this shit instead of replying to it, you idiots. If you must shitpost in here, at least have the decency to sage.

The rumor's spreading fast throughout the Internet. Watch OP screencap this thread so he can use it later (IF THE RUMOR IS TRUE) saying he's a reliable leaker so he can shitpost 1,000x harder the next time. It's just some fag taking advantage of the situation.

All niggers are dumb

keep in mind that I stated that

>being surprised
this is Sup Forums. practically nothing is off the table and most kids here will talk about anything because they dont have anything else to do. how about just hiding the thread and moving on like those who dont bitch and moan about these things.

you still miss the point.

>caring abou amateurs redoing Morrowind on a fucking Skyrim engine
lmaoing desu

If it works out. I can't peer into Todd's dirty soul.
I haven't linked to anything of the kind

No one gives a fuck, douche

>you still miss the point.
Unless he's going to provide some form of proof, there's no reason to believe in bait threads. There's no reason to keep an open mind on a site that's notorious for shitposting just because OP can throw some nouns around.

Why would anyone want to play Morrowind with Skyrim's shallow roleplay system?

Nostalgia shitheads who don't even truly like morrowind


op can't bump his own thread

Because kids heard about there being an older Skyrim game but they don't want to play it because it has old graphics, no voice-acting and weird combat.

Fuck this. Wake me up when something Oblivion comes this way.

Fuck off idiot

This is true, my Dad works at Nintendo and I leak shit I find on his desk when he's fucking his mistress all the time

I just find it off that Bethesda hasn't mentioned anything about it, so I'm leaning heavily on the side of doubt.

cuz they're gonna mention it at e3 silly! bethesda is always secretive and rarely talks to press. they didn't say a word about fallot 4 until like 6 months before they released it.

Are you saying that the remaster is just a port with the high res texture pack pre-installed?

If this is true, then I will consider you a sell out and your work as null. You were one of the first people to complain about paid mods and then you go work for them? So much for morals.