Uncharted 4 MP Thread

>Uncharted 4 MP Thread
>Why are the Hero weapons so painful to unlock edition

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They're not worth it anyways.

I need survival so badly

command best mode TDM fags pls go

Command is the best, TDM is okay, plunder is shit

Any lobby up? TDM

No point in getting hero weapons.

>Don't really feel like playing objective game modes
>Just pick TDM
>Guaranteed loss unless I go 20 and 5 or some shit
>Keep playing TDM as if people will finally stop being shitters

Yesterday I revived someone, got downed next to him right after, and watched as he left cover to run face first into the nearest enemy and die. I'm really not sure why I haven't just gone to something else yet.

>tfw always first place and still lose
>tfw so much campers

I just want my 10 relic points.

Is XCR with accuracy mod good?


Time to grind then

You any good? I need to rack up points. No mic needed.

Not him but i play pretty well


Getting on. I'll send invite

Shit im not on. Just chilling at work

My Lifetime Score reset (and many of the level 1 boosters along with it) today after I completed the Relic Challenge. Anyone else?

>shotgun still shit
buff again pls

Its actually good now shitter.

Not really. SMGs still shred it.

Oh shit. You niggers playing?

There needs to be a easy way to make a Sup Forums lobby

Takes two hits now if you can aim. I have no problem using it.

Playing it right now by myself.

Depends on the weapon and what available mod combos there are for it.

For example, Drake's Para is GOAT for me.

He's right, the shotgun is absolute garbage.

Why am I always first place with it then?


>Uncharted TV updated


Because you can literally have no kills and still be first place.

You said the shot gun was shit. How am I getting first place with it some how?


Favorite Uncharted 4 vid?

wtf is this?