The magnum opus of Kirby games. Prove my thesis incorrect

The magnum opus of Kirby games. Prove my thesis incorrect.


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What did he mean by this?

You're absolutely right.

Super Star Ultra is by far the best, but Robobot is second best.

>magnum opus
This is the only one I've played ever, am I missing out?

>power-ups locked behind Amiibo
You know where it goes, my friend.

>retarded user forgets picture

currently playing it and having fun with it. Thinking of playing the old ones on Gameboy before moving to Robobot.

Anyone have that Kirby flowchart i've seen not too long ago?

Terrible, awful, absolutely disgusting post.

2/10 here's my reply.

>>power-ups locked behind Amiibo
It's been found that all the abilities can be found in-game. UFO can't be found anywhere but the Copy Ability room, but it's there.

Every power in the game can be obtained without Amiibos.

Nothing is locked behind amiibo, not even UFO.
Now's the part where you say you were only pretending.


its good and all but I really just wished they added more NEW content and not just mostly rehashing old content apart from a few new bosses. That being said I just want a new good kirby, anything in the vain of super star or amazing mirror would be great. I dont want fucking slow ass crystal shards or triple deluxe tier shit.

Kirby 64 was my favorite N64 game.


they just don't want to hear anything that sounds like "yes, there is an bad kirby game!"

Whoops just made a different Kirby thread didn't see this one here.

I can't even say you tried.

>People STILL refuse to acknowledge this as the Super Star successor you all are begging for and best Kirby game.

Fuck GameStop

I'd say this was a successor to Kirby's Adventure/Nightmare in Dreamland.

Didn't get any SS vibes when playing through it.

Isn't Trippl Deluxe that game, but better in every way?

-1/10 you don't even deserve my reply.

Most underrated Kirby game.

>there will never be another Kirby Metroidvania

kirby dreamland 2 is bad

>Super Star successor
>best Kirby game
Maybe if the level design wasn't so fucking boring and Super Ability segments at the end of 90% of all levels didn't slow the gameplay to a fucking crawl.
>but playing with friends magically makes the level design good because I said so and it doesn't really

This game is pretty fun but all the running around can be tedious.

Triple deluxe is better, and Robobot is better than Triple Deluxe.


Nah, original is a bit better to me.
>nerfed powers
>weaker aesthetics
>2 ds systems necessary for co-op
>capsule j2
Still good though, and the extra pros even out the cons.

>tfw no triple deluxe or robobot co op

No (you) for you m8. There's no amiibo locked content.

Triple Deluxe and Robobot pretty much beat it out in terms of level design, level variety, and even music.
The only thing it has going for it is the co-op.

What are the differences between this version and the SNES one?
Never played the DS one.

Google it, dick breath.

KSSU is like 10 games in 1. So it doesn't really count.

SNES one has co op
DS version has more modes and updated graphics.

Hope this helps.

>>there will never be another Kirby Metroidvania

Good, one of the worst Kirby games.

Better grayfics.
More shit.

I don't know why, but this game just didn't grab me like Triple Deluxe did. I beat it and the arena and couldn't get myself to go again on the hard mode. Triple Deluxe I did absolutely everything. Should I go back and beat it all? Is the few extra bosses worth it?


Did you play it on co op?

3 new minigames, two new games (a remix of Spring Breeze and Meta Knight mode), an arena where you can play as Helpers, True Arena. All this plus the old content and FMV cutscenes with the originals unlockable if you 100%
There's also new bosses and enemies thrown in.
DS has co-op too. Single and multi cart.

Seriously? I didn't know that.

Forgettable, even by Kirby standards. By the numbers, even by Kirby standards

People shit on Triple Deluxe but that shit got pretty, for lack of a more descriptive word, "epic" towards the end.

>he "ironically" saves gay porn

_ ____ __ ____ ____ _____

Sectonia's theme was fucking great

Why is pic related so comfy

I played a little bit of it at the start but ended up just going through by my lonesome. Maybe I'll grab a friend and play through the hard mode anyway.

Because you didn't fucking look shit up yourself.

So, when is Robobot out?

Everything about the last level in TD was fantastic.

>mfw beat King Dedede
>mfw he gets back up, Dedede theme now playing
>grabs the fucking axe off the wall

It's on the main menu, dude.
>Is the few extra bosses worth it?
Sort of. Nothing really changes aside from the bosses. All gears are in the same locations, all puzzles are the same.
It's only worth it so you have True Arena unlocked. I'd suggest playing through with someone who hasn't played it before or just downloading a save.
This Friday for burgers.

Maybe I just don't have any friends. Ever figure that?

Here's how it works, my guys.

>God tier
Super Star Ultra
Planet Robobot
Return to Dream Land
Kirby's Adventure / Nightmare in Dream Land

>Amazing tier
Kirby Triple Deluxe
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror

>Great tier
Kirby's Dream Land 3
Kirby's Dream Land 2
Kirby: Squeak Squad
Kirby's Dream Land

Am I missing any of the mainline games?

I am more of a Kirby Dreamland 3 person myself. I don't see what's the big appeal of Super Star that people praise so much, Revenge of Meta Knight aside

Okay then Ill admit I never played it outside the SNES version.

pls don't upset kirby

>implying you wouldn't wrestle with Billy

Not Dedede theme, Masked Dedede theme. Compensation since Masked Dedede was basically just Dedede in a cage in KSSU and a huge disappointment.

>Restores healthbar
>"Da'aw DDD thinks he's a final boss again"
>Grabs an axe
>Totals a pillar with energy balls
>All those new attacks

I shat a brick

Multiplayer cave offensive is 10/10

RtDL, and maybe TD, should be great tier, but otherwise its a good list.

Put Mass Attack in amazing tier.

I personally don't see the appeal of Dreamland 3
The partner abilities were neat and the music was GOAT, but the levels are pretty boring
It has a real boner for slow auto scrolling sections with a camera that refuses to stay ahead of Kirby so everything feels 64 levels of slow

Masked Dedede's theme is just a remix of normal Dedede's theme though.

Why are Kirby finales always awesome?
>Adventure has you fly to the moon to fight cosmic dracula with a bitchin' pair of shades, blowing a HOLE IN THE MOON afterwards because the fight was so awesome
>Dream Land 2 gives you a 1 on 1 with borbsman while wielding a motherfucking RAINBOW SWORD in the sky like an anime or some shit
>Super Star has an asshole clown manipulate you to causing the destruction of your own planet, only for you to knock him into the wishing star he used to fuck you over (which was stopped by the SUN AND MOON THAT HE CAUSED TO FIGHT) and kill the shit out of them both
>Dream Land 3 has goddamn Zero, a giant bleeding eyeball that basically changed the "Kirby is for kids" meme
>64 had the motherfucker revive now with a CACTUS DICK and wings like motherfucking fallen angel, just to get his shit split by you and your fairy girlfriend
>Amazing Mirror had the Dark Mind which had SIX FUCKING PHASES that you got to take down with your kirbros in a fucking mirror dimension. Not to mention you get the goddamn MASTER ability, it's like if Adventure, Dream Land 2, and Dream Land 3's finales all had an orgy leading to one of them getting pregnant and no one knowing who the father was
>Triple Deluxe has a motherfucking QUEEN BEE that more or less FUSES WITH THE PLANET. She tries to tentacle rape Kirby but your main man DEDEDE helps you out, your old enemy Taranza gives you the supersucc, and you finish that bitch with a HYPER BEAM, all at sunset
I don't know how they're going to top Robobot guys.

>Kirby's Dreamland 2
>Gather all of the Rainbow... Sausages or whatever they were
>The game now has a new final boss

Blew my mind as a kid. Usually you beat a game and that was it, the game didn't suddenly change its content.

Robobot tops it alright.

>I don't see what's the big appeal of Super Star that people praise so much
Game variety, the implementation of multiple moves for abilities, a new partner system, Kirby controls great.
It's why a lot of people were disappointed with DL3.

That's kinda what I thought. I played Triple Deluxe first and got spoiled because the second play through is done entirely differently and there's just a bunch of extra shit. So going from that to just a slightly harder regular story was a smidge of a let down.

>Dream Land makes you fight Pingu with a hammer while some bitching music plays and you send the fucker flying and turn into a balloon to bring food back

i finished the game but never had ufo
where is it hidden

>Sectonia's teleporting attacks and taunting laughter
How do you say... I had a BONER. Too bad her DX form was barely a step up in difficulty and Dark Metaknight was basically the actual final boss of True Arena.

Robobot has you turn into the motherfucking Halberd and fight the fucking Death Star corrupted by a bureaucrats suffering soul, in an awesome Star Fox shooter segment that's better than any of the actual Star Fox games

100% bud

>I don't know how they're going to top Robobot guys.
That's why I feel the next game has to be 3D. They've done pretty much everything that needs to be said with 2D Kirby, I wanna see the 3D equivalent of Kirby's Adventure and have all the new games branch out from there.

>"Man, this music is great. I don't think they'll top this."
>they always do
>"Man, that ending was great. I don't see how they'll top this."
>they always do

>tfw I never 100% cleared Triple Deluxe because I'm horrible at rhythm games and Drum Dash stage 4 is too much for me

shit i figuered it had to be something like this

I want a Kirby spinoff of Meta knight flying through space in the Halberd with the gameplay of Robobot's final boss.

>Sectonia's teleporting attacks and taunting laughter
>tfw you will never be bullied by Sectonia or any ojousama

>Magolor's fight in 3D
>Sectonia's fight in 3D
>Great Cave Offensive in 3D
>Revenge of Meta Knight in 3D
>Amazing Mirror in 3D

I'd jizz my pants.

>Amazing Mirror in 3D

I don't give a shit about the rest but I wanna see this

>mfw Kirby 3D
>It's in the style of superstar so lots of game modes with different gameplay styles to test the water

Idk but Kirby usually gives very climactic and satisfying endings. I've never been disappointed by one and Robobot is certainly climactic, one of my favorites.

Do you guys think they'll make a Team Kirby Clash Deluxe and 3D Rumble Deluxe?

kirby air ride
goddamn this gets me pumped

Sometime after Dream Course 2 for the NX of course.

I heard Rainbow Curse's finale was pretty anti-climatic. Music is god-tier though, it's a shame there doesn't seem to be any remixes of it.

So what's the official name of Star Dream's boss music? I'm assuming the third phase's music is the "C-R-O-W-N-E-D" for Star Dream.

I cried like a little bitch

>I heard Rainbow Curse's finale was pretty anti-climatic
>Eyeball monster comes out of Claycia
>Eline turns Kirby into the rocket again
>You just draw lines to collect stars until Kirby hits it 4 times
Rainbow Curse in general was a disappointment
>let's make a game with a gorgeous art style but have the player look at the fucking gamepad

Either Super Nova or P-R-O-G-R-A-M, at least that's what people have been putting as the names on youtube. It's probably neither.


Why does the final boss music always seem to be the pinnacle of the songs in each Kirby game?

I've modded my Smash 4 disc so Halberd only plays final boss themes. Nightmare, 02, Magolor, Star Dream, Dark Matter, Galacta Knight, Drawcia, Sectonia, etc.

Eh, I don't have a Wii U, but I thought CC was pretty. Too bad about the end I guess.