Is there such a thing as a good vidya related tattoo?

Is there such a thing as a good vidya related tattoo?

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Is there such a thing as a good tattoo?


Is there such a thing as good vidya

One of my co-workers has a low-key tattoo of a keyblade on the inside of his wrist. I thought it was pretty fucking awesome and very concealed.

I might do that with monokuma's face.


Fuck off, degenerate.

I was thinking of getting a tattoo of gashadokuro, would that be an okay one?


Pick one and only one.

I helped a guy at my store who had a Mandalorian skull tattoo on his arm that was pretty good. I asked if a lot of people get it wrong and he told me most people think its a mammoth skull.

I think low key shit is alright, don't get it for people to see. Get shit that actually means something to you and if you can't cover it up in business casual, you fucked up.

No there isn't. And now we will get some loud and proud tatted faggot justifying their shit life choices in this thread.

There is almost no such thing as a good game related tattoo. It's like these retard who tattoo pokemon on themselves.

You are never going to get that tattoo done. If you're asking randoms online whether you should get thousands of dollars worth of ink , that will take hours of pain to complete you're either not serious about it or moronic.

what is your race?

>Is there such a thing as a good tattoo?

Is that a mammoth skull?


Of course.

They fucked that heart up bruh


i have hitoshura's lotus that's on his upper arm on my upper arm.

its pretty low key and if people ask me whats up with it who are normies i can just tell them its a lotus instead of going into stammering autist talk about shin megoomi tensay. I rarely wear tanktops so its not shown often, I have an office gig but its programming so I literally no one cares.

If its your first tattoo, no.

Get something smaller/cheaper at first so you know you can deal with the pain and care.


Absolutely yes

I've never seen a good Sup Forums related tattoo.

I have some american traditional style tattoos because I think it's a cool art form and I don't give a shit about my body.

There's no such thing as a good tattoo

Vidya tattoos can only be good if they're subtle

I see someone is a WKYK fan.


I've only seen a few good ones.

Got taken for a ride


I have this on my cheat. It hides the power level with pretty well.

Well, for one thing, It's going to look stupid if you aren't a Jap. This isn't a "cultural appropriation" argument, it's just that getting something from a culture you aren't a part of tattooed on you is tacky as fuck. Like getting Chinese letters or some shit.

Second, that's an extremely intricate scene you've posted, and would take for fucking ever to finish, as well as be very expensive.

Chest* Fucking autocorrect

where is the swaztika

that is not even close to the original logo

Outer Haven is not Outer Heaven.
Did you even watch MGS4?

I'd considered this one.

>doritoswalker tattoo

get a mountain dew tattoo while you are at it you fucking shill

Same. Tattoo artist said it while doable the cuts in the circle would eventually blur out.

> Not having a mountain dew tattoo

depends on how large you get it and how often you touch it up. most quality artists will do touch ups for free.

It's flawed but this is a pretty dope looking sotc tattoo

if I can get something THIS detailed on my chest then those lines will be no problem.

Well like said it depends on the size. I wasn't asking for a huge peacemaker symbol. Artist could just be a bit incompetent too. It's okay though. I got the outer haven on my chest and the Gurren Lagann skull on my shoulder blade. Both hide their power levels pretty well.

now I want some soda

Why the fuck is the colossus like that?

would look hella better if the colossus was a shadow as well instead of weird troll face that it doesn't even have in game.

That's pretty sweet, user. Iconography is always better than getting characters, words, scenes, or sleeves of shit. Keep it simple. That would make a good tat.

to be fair death grape mans tattoos only look good but only he could pull them off

Sure but it would just be a skeleton tat. I wouldn't go for a huge colorful mural but a good artist could do something cool with a skeleton.

I wanted to get some simple Forerunner shit tattooed on me at some point, but then 343i shitted up the series and I want nothing to do with it.

I considered the Principality of Zeon symbol as well, but, eh. Just not a big tattoo guy.

"I look like Alanis Morrisette but I aint throwin peace signs"

good taste

Tattoos are interesting designs on uninteresting people

Covering yourself with something else's talent in order to leech off it with some shitty story about how it "taught" you something or reminds you of something "special"

As if you need a fucking stain on your skin to have either of those things.

No, tattoos are for people with weak identities and a vain self-importance.

Poverty stricken people, criminals, and uncivilized tribes are the target audience of tattoos for a reason.

It sounds like you have decided that tattoos all mean the same thing to everyone. I think of mine as decorations that have stories behind them.

You might as well disparage people from getting their hair cut by others, because they are using someone else's talent to make them look presentable.

No anyone who has any tattoo is always an intolerable asshat.

>I think of mine as decorations that have stories behind them.
Thank you for proving my point perfectly you uninteresting idiot.

There are no 'good' tattoos, in much the same way as there are no profound bumper stickers.

>I think of mine as decorations that have stories behind them.
You literally just proved his point

>You might as well disparage people from getting their hair cut by others
Apples and oranges. Everyone has hair, everyone has to do something with it, its not permanent and people change what it looks like all the time. Its also not some pretentious as fuck story about how amazing and special you are that you got someone to inject you with ink.

>getting a tattoo
>not getting a brand

LOL, tattoos are for fucking retards.

I've never seen someone walking around saying shit like "hey look at this tat I got, want to know why I got it?"
Even when people get a glimpse of one of mine, if they ask what it means or what it is I just say it's personal and they leave it at that.

Okami tattoos in different variations are bretty good.


>I've never seen someone walking around saying shit like "hey look at this tat I got, want to know why I got it?"
No shit moron, but they will still rub it in your face the moment they get a chance.

They are just as annoying as drug users.



>Even when people get a glimpse of one of mine, if they ask what it means or what it is I just say it's personal and they leave it at that.
Yeah no, you dont. You go on a rant about how its special and means so much to you, how it reminds you of something so special and amazing.

And any time someone has ever asked why you have a tattoo they are asking why you could be so stupid to have one, not what it actually means.

>muh degenerates

>Even when people get a glimpse of one of mine, if they ask what it means or what it is I just say it's personal and they leave it at that.
Thats pretentious as fuck. You went out of your way to mark yourself in a spot on your body that is public and then wont tell anyone what its about because they are not important enough to know? Arrogant and pretentious.

imagine the thing you love the most and then imagine that thing tattooed on some fat ugly sjw. you knoa it doesnt make her look or think any better why would it make you look or think any better. you wont even like it in a month.

They are degenerates, supporting criminal activities is degenerate behavior. Its not even the fact its illegal, its the fact that your money has funded criminal organizations.

Its like walking up to a Nazi and giving him cash.

Except I don't
Oh shit man never mind to the guy I just replied to, this autist is sperging out and I now apparently do.

Not if it's something fucking obviously from a game, like that Hyrule Crest/triforce design.

Something low-key from a fairly obscure game you really like might be nice, still gonna' be difficult to explain later in life, though.

Simple symbols and stuff without a lot of different colors would work best, honestly.


Yup if that makes me pretentious (it doesn't) then I guess I am.
I got them for myself, not for others to look at.

Jesus Christ that is entirely pretentious, you're a terrible person, thank god you marked yourself so others can know too.

>Yup if that makes me pretentious (it doesn't) then I guess I am.
>I got them for myself, not for others to look at.
That makes you entirely pretentious. At least you admitted you're a waste of space.

His body is his property, if he wants to mutilate himself for whatever reason that's his business.

You're the arrogant fuck for thinking he has to explain himself to you.

>I got pictures on myself for myself.

Then why don't you just imagine pictures on yourself?


It's not about justifying himself, it's about making him realize he's lying to himself. He's ignorant to his own flaws and reasons for what he does.

He got a tattoo to show off, and now he's not getting the response he wanted.

That's like waving a sign and saying I DONT HAVE TO EXPLAIN THIS SIGN TO YOU!

Oh man you got me, I can't ever recover from this. You want me to be like the faggots you were attacking earlier in the thread.
Are you two women by any chance? You're doing what my mom would do, tell my dad to punish me but then jump in and defend me when dad got too real.
Because I can get them on me since I like how they look and it was something I deemed worthy of carrying around for the rest of my life. If you have a different way of expressing your passion for "x" thing good on you man, this worked for me

>He got a tattoo to show off, and now he's not getting the response he wanted.
Many people get tattoos for attention, but not all of them.

The idea of carrying some important message or symbol on your body at all times is pretty simple, I don't know why you have trouble with it.

Yeah, I have a way of expressing my passions for things: I have pictures. The difference is I'm not stupid enough to get those pictures on my body for the rest of my life.

Hey, if you're dumb and illogical, that's cool.

Oh shit, now you're telling me how I actually think! Why can't you get it through your head that I got them for me, not for you, not for my friends, only for me since it's on me. Is it the aspergers or autism that's keeping you from understanding this shit?

Because it's dumb, and there are much more pragmatic ways of expression than that for people with actual substance and identity.

Hey dude call me whatever you want. Like I said it worked for me and I like it. You keep carrying your pictures around, more power to yah.

girls will think his shitty anchor tattoo is more interesting than your butler black wall scroll, user sama

Not vidya-ish, but I liked the look of a couple shoulder plate armor like pic related. They seem kinda cool. What about you Sup Forums?

>I got them for me.
>That's why everyone else has to see them.
>That's why I put them on my body forever.

LOL, stop lying.

I understood that reference

Scott Steiner should get these


LOL, and there we go, you just admitted you do it for attention. Congrats, and welcome to self-realization.

That's the difference: I don't have pictures for identity or attention, I have them for memories. You have them for attention.

See? Again, doing it for attention and identity. Weakness. Thank you for proving my point.

Also, a poster isn't on me, lol.

>I don't like something so it's always bad and wrong
Stop being a child.

I wouldn't get a tattoo myself, but I can understand why someone might want to.

This is the only acceptable answer and I'd still reserve it only for combat veterans.

Never seen it done though, despite being one of the best video games of all time

>there are much more pragmatic ways of expression than that for people
Literal fucking autism with the reading comprehension of a rock
What part of getting them for myself and not others are you not getting?
I didn't get a tattoo to show off and tell others about them, I got them for myself to have as reminders of meaningful things that have happened to ME.
As in, I got them for MYSELF
