Which game has great marriage mechanic?

Which game has great marriage mechanic?

Now single and looking for some nice marriage game mechanics. I'm just tired of sims and skyrim marriage doesn't have any sense.

Nigga what?

Harvest moon maybe? Idk

I'm not sure if there's any marriage mechanic that adds anything to the overall gameplay; it's usually just fluff.

But if fluff is what your looking for, Rune Factory or Harvest Moon is your best bet.

Why are the french so good at animating shit?

Not the OP, but I am curious what the full scale of Harvest Moon and Rune Factory are.

In my head one of my biggest disappointments with things like a majority of RPGs with companions of any depth is that once you finish their personal conversation or quest line, that's pretty much it.

You never get asked to grab a beer randomly and just talk. You never get some random mission to go to like a training yard or whatever. They'll just give you some canned lines.

Kantai Collection
Fire Emblem
One of the Dragon Quests.

Was gonna recommend those

Marriage plays a neat role in Dragon Quest 5, not too much in the way of mechanics, but its pretty nice.

Because the american standard is worse than newgrounds tier?

Fire Emblem
Rune Factory
Harvest Moon

Mount and Blade Warband, but don't expect the marriage to be good or to really fall for a character, you play it so you can kill people.

Some light novels probably. I've never played one.

For waifu pairings, I hear Fire Emblem - Genealogy of the Holy War has an entire mechanic solely devoted around marriage and descendency.

For simulating a married life, I'm not aware of any game that does it well, but Harvest Moon and more recently Stardew Valley come to mind as "there was an attempt" kind of games.

Harvest Moon, Mount & Blade: Warband.


>not newgrounds tier

Not even joking

Well theres always gonna be limits on the amount of things you can do. At the end of the day its still just a game, and you're gonna see those repeated events and repeated dialogues.

>Demonic Snipa married Shadow Darkness by a priest called Showtime

What a time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen


>Fire Emblem is now a marriage game
>this is the world we live in

Just kill me already

Most games don't try to simulate married life because

A) Nobody on the writing staff in Japan is married, and

B) Most of the audience are fanboys/girls who are fascinated with the mechanics of falling in love but not interested in the consequences.

Generally you'll get a few canned lines but for the most part the point where you get married is pretty much where the story (or the part people care about, anyway) ends.

I'm reminded of one of the questions you get asked in Catherine- "Do you believe marriage is where life ends, or begins?" Or something along those lines, the localization might have changed the wording a bit. When I played the game, prior to the US release, 'Where life ends' was the heavily favored answer.

>Needing other players

user that takes real work and means you'd have to build a real relationship.

>what is Genealogy of the Holy War

In Rune Factory 4, for example there are four months in a year with every character having at least two lines of dialogue everyday. I didn't see recycled dialogue until about a year and a half. Marriage candidates have more dialogue than that. More than that though, there are little events with certain characters that flesh them out even further.

So yeah I think companions are handled really well in these games.

that fucking duck

>Not just marry your buddy to get more XP

None of them.
What exactly are you expecting to happen in a video game marriage, anyway? You mow the lawn and argue about pointless things?
Video games are supposed to be fun.

You can't just convince some pathetic neckbeard that you are a nubile young grill in need of what the fuck ever?
C'mon, we've all done it.

I meant to say "now considered a marriage game"

At least FE4's system made sense. Fates goes completely out of its way just to include children.


you are right
its not

>game includes a pocket dimension where you can raise offspring in a displaced time bubble so they grow 20 years in about a month or so
>this is by no means morally dubious or an example of insane parenthood
>you can also marry them
Welp, not gonna argue against that

True. I've long come to accept in any open world or MMO rpg, grind is inevitable but it would be nice if, with all the downloadable content and online support stuff we keep tossing onto games if maybe developers could consider going back and patching in a few variations just to make things seem a little less of a grind.

But I do get there's limits and I'm just being entitled.

>"Do you believe marriage is where life ends, or begins?"
>'Where life ends' was the heavily favored answer.

Hell of a bleak outlook. But maybe for me it's because my single life hasn't been terribly interesting and only spiced up by the closest people too me.

spoilered for blog faggotry: Or maybe I'm just different, I gave a speech at my sister's wedding expressly about how marriage was the beginning of a new life.

that's pretty cool to know.

Crusader Kings 2.

Just don't marry that lowborn harlot.

>Or maybe I'm just different, I gave a speech at my sister's wedding expressly about how marriage was the beginning of a new life.
I like you, user.

I like you both anons.

Getting units to fall in love with each other to pass down skills and weapons to their children is an extremely important mechanic in Genealogy of the Holy War. Your second gen army might not turn out so well if you make really bad pairings or no pairings at all beyond the mandatory ones.

Underated post

>underage ends up pregnant
How the french got away with this.

Awakening also made perfect sense with it, in Fates it was just fanservice though.

The point was to keep them safe, seeing as invisible enemies were attacking your castle.

The growth was a side effect and it's pretty clear all the parents regret having to do it, there's a lot of guilt around having left their kids, even in a safe world.

Age of consent is 15 here bro

>Age of consent is 15
Fucking horny french, they aren't called the most "romantic" of the world for nothing.

Second Life. Plus you can fuck em!
Or Fable. I think Fable has that?

14 in Italy and Germany

not really that underage she 17

And yet, the rate of pregnancies (and rape) is higher in countries with an older age of consent.

Rape (and possibly teen pregnancy) statistics seem like they're always going to be a slightly wonky thing.

It's not just about how often it actually happens but rather about how it's reported and if it 'counts by law'.

Not saying it is or isn't low, just saying the numbers might not be as accurate as you think.

As I understand, in Japan, molestation, crime, and rape are about as common as any country but it seems lower because people won't report it because they 'don't want to be a burden'.

I've been the priest for over two dozen Ultima Online weddings over the years.

Fucking hell that's pathetic.

Tell me about some of your experiences user.