Chances of Morgana being romanceable?

Chances of Morgana being romanceable?

Chances of this weebshit of a game being good ?

Chance of rolling a good waifu?

None, all the previous games are trash but that doesn't stop dumb weeabooanimefags likes it

0% furry faggot
Its a weeb game and morgana isnt a 12 year old girl

I want to impregnate all of the girls and strangle the fucking cat.

You know it's male, right?

That doesn't answer my question.

They won't make gay route, that's for sure
Neither bestiality route, fuck off

>impregnating a girl while strangling a cat
This is a very focused fetish.

5-8 PLS

>We want the yokai watch audience

There was a gay route in 2, and a cut one in 4.

It's also just in time to be le progressive.

Chances of Morgana dying at the end?

58 indeed.


fucking a literal cat isn't "progressive"
that goes over the scale a bit

>cut one

Tell me more.


This is 2016, you disgusting conservative!

Japan is immune to the progressive meme
2 was way in the past
4 had the opportunity but it was scrapped
Teddie had way more opportunity to be a romantic gay furry romance option than Morgana and hasn't so it's clear it won't be

Let's just say Adachi remembers the six gorillion.

I'm sorry, my bull has been away for a few weeks and my mind wanders to dark places

She has a social link and a human form, of course she is romanceable.

pls god let it be the cat

its a male

3-4 girl is best girl

I always get Anne, if I get Anne again it is fucking fate.

(here's hoping for Makoto)

I'm so conflicted. Out of them, I really like Anne, Makoto and Haru. I had at first liked Anne a lot because I liked her design, but Makoto and Haru's over all look is really appealing. The whole biker thing is badass, and Haru looks awesome as well. Futaba looks cool, but she's not for me.

About as much as Jack Frost or Teddie being romanceable in previous games -- 0%.

No it's not.
Stop trying to force this.

It literally is, you are literally in denial
>"Morgana is a mysterious, shapeshifting cat-like creature that joins the protagonist in his heists."

>Teddie romance option
Well, that could've been just em-bear-assing

>joins the protagonist in his heists.

As in the Protagonist's Heists.

I just realized this, fuck

It wasn't, Yosuke was going to be the homo.

his meaning the protag
dont be a retard

You got the second best girl. Don't complain.

About as good as me dying before the game releases.

That doesn't mean Morgana isn't a boy.

is this our chance?

Going for 3

I guess we will see


He isn't?

>I have no reading comprehension.
That's referring to the protag retard.

I want dat cat ass on mah dick!

>Morgana is the most mysterious one of all the phantom thieves. Morgana’s height is close to that of a child’s, and while she may look like a cat, nobody knows what she actually is. She also seems to be wearing a mask at all times…
Translation of Morgana's profile that was revealed back at TGS.
Now shut up.

Morgana will transform 60% into the game.

Will either be waifu tier or be trap tier like Teddy dressed as Alice.

So either way it's fine.

Not in canon


Rolling for adieu

The only Japanese lewd pic of him gives him a dick.

Japan is smart enough to know he's a boy.

A cat is fine too

this desu

Do it


Japan is full of gay niggers who think flat is better than cow tits, that doesn't prove anything except their bad taste.


can't go wrong with any of them. rolling

let go

Suppose she transforms like Teddie.

What would her design have to be to make her "10/10 best girl" for you?

She'd have to still be a cat.

Shiki get out of here.

fuckin janitors


Hes not a cat.
Morgana has said hes not a cat in like the very first trailer.
Come on.

hes a neko

Will I get to rub Morgana's belly?

Fan translation from something that didnt use pronouns.
That new interview with the director used male pronouns.
Hes a fucking guy.

I bet you're a fucking weeb who thinks boku or ore instantly means they're a boy. Newsflash, times in Nippon have changed. Girls, especially tomboys, use them. You're just as bad as the faggots who claim Vivian is a boy because her sisters used "boku" to refer to her.

It was an interview stupid, it wasnt Morrigan talking.

god that board is fucking terrible

Still doesn't negate my point. She's a girl cat, no doubt about it.

Morgana is a straight up boy.
Boy cats are way better than girl cats.

I'm honestly totally down with a romance if there's a human form.

I'm cool with shitty cat puns and showing Morgana what it's like in the normal world similar to Elizabeth.

Why would the director bother to use male pronouns over female if he was a girl?

It does negate your point, faggot.

>Why bother calling a girl "bro" or "muh nigga" if she was a girl

>A boy named Morgana

Sup Forums, please.

Its Japan, the fuck do they know about male vs female names.

Are you saying it's a girl's name?

Japan does that all the time.


>calling a girl "bro"
Only a block head would do that.

Not saying it isn't.


You little shit

Yusuke has a recorded confession to yu that's very explicit about how he feels about him.

The influx of small cat character from Japan is really nice

>You're just as bad as the faggots who claim Vivian is a boy because her sisters used "boku" to refer to her.

I don't know if you are serious or just baiting but whatever...Vivian IS a guy
