N-never ever!

N-never ever!

Delete this !

We know

Why do people buy gaming pc again?

Enjoy our sloppy seconds.

Don't forget to download mods. Oh, wait. :)

So they don't have to deal with shit fps, resolution, and paid online.

shit fps in a shit game
fine i wasn't gonna play this shit anyways

thanks for beta testing :))

>not posting the more recent one

I'm happy for console users, it's a good game and they should have a chance to play it.

Hopefully the port is good, getting the controls right on a gamepad won't be easy.

pcuck gets game after 3 years of the console release
>t-thanks for beta testing !
pcuck gets the game first
>e-enjoy our sloppy seconds !

Seriously don't buy it the game was average as fuck and not worth full price.

>Be an idort
>Enjoy seeing less games being exclusive

Exclusives are only good for the hardware companies.

>I'm happy for console users, it's a good game and they should have a chance to play it.
Pretending you don't care huh?

>sonycuck gets game after pc release

t-thanks for beta testing mustards

>sonycuck gets game first

I-It was shit anyways!

Holy fuck nice very nice this game nearly forced me to build a PC I've got 800 saved up for one right now, is this legit???

It's not that I don't care, I really am glad.

I don't get pleasure from other people not getting to play videogames, do you? I'm happy to see good games get ported, whatever they get ported to.

that doesn't even make sense

Glad console bros got it. I hope they will get better optimization. It runs poorly on PC.

I don't know if Firaxis will try doing something with mods on consoles.

Oh shit not until September 6... should I spend 1200 on a PC or just wait?

"Beta" ran at 60fps. Your game will run at 23fps.


You should (eventually) get a PC anyway

But buying hardware for one exclusive game is stupid, don't sink $1200 on XCOM just to play it a few months early user

Had no interest in playing that game anyway


>Not sloppy seconds.

I don't think anyone ever said that, seeing as the prequels were on the PS360 as well.

wasn't the first game the whole reason they realized porting to consoles was an awful idea?


Maybe they've got some new ideas..?

a modern xcom game on consoles? who would have thought!

Yay! Now console users will know the fun as fuck game again!

Just as a warning, do not fuck with Sectopods or Berserkers in this game.

Kill them before anything else.

Thanks PC bro I fucking loved this game on 360 and it broke my heart when I thought I couldn't play it.

With how bad Xcom 2 ran on my PC I feel really bad for consoles who will have to play it at 3 FPS.

But hey, at least it's turn based!

Join us

Have fun, consolefriends. I loved it.

How will the modding work though?

I thought the whole reason it was PC exclusive was so Fireaxis could be lazy and not optimize anything. From what I've heard it still runs like ass. How are they gonna get this game to run on the Xbone?

Some people are too butthurt user. I know what you mean and I'm happy too. If it means more sales for XCom, it means more games for everyone.

>Redditors were so happy that PC finally got a high profile exclusive for the first time in ten years

Don't worry, that Conan game that's coming out later this year is going to be PC exclusive, for awhile anyway. Then you can come back and shitpost consolefriends into oblivion again.

makes you think how sad OP must be

>3 FPS

Nah, it'll run at a barely stable 30fps at 900p with all the textures gimped.

>Implying that's the most recent one.

SHHHH! You're ruining the narrative!

I got this on PC when it came out, and probably won't double dip for a console version, but I'm glad they're making those ports. As many people as possible should play this game, because it's great.

The game works super well with a controller, too.

lower graphics, downsampled res, and probably distance fog depending on the position of the camera

that's 2 different scenes.

PS4 dies when any alpha effects were on the screen.
Xbone died when FO4 tried to stream resources.

Also, it's a Beth game, I can't believe anyone tries to use it to show power or anything at all. I don't know if new GTX 1080 will be able to run it at 60 on PC.

Consolecuck thinks 30fps is good

Wasn't XCOM 1 also on PS3 and XBOX 360?


It sold like absolute fucking garbage on consoles, so the devs focused on PC for XCOM 2

Then why is everyone making a big fuss about XCOM 2 being on PS4 and Xbone?

What am i supposed to think now? I dont have a PC for exclusives.

When's the mech add on you fags


It really doesn't matter at all

Cause the 2 weeks of never ever posting

Petty revenge against the PC users who shitposted about XCOM 2 being an exclusive back in February.

Toaster, xbone, wii u reporting.
This makes me quite happy.

I'm so fucking tired of shitposters I don't even go to Sup Forums a lot nowadays.
I prefer to chill on Sup Forums, /vr/. Sup Forums and Sup Forums
This board is fucking shit, it was at least tolerable in 2014, but now it needs to be nuked.
Now I have to go to fucking Reddit to talk about videogames.
