Sup Forums hates game

>Sup Forums hates game
>you love it

What's its name user?

Other urls found in this thread:

Dark Souls 2


Spirit Tracks


Final Fantasy VIII


Hate that game but I love Quistis.

It's okay, user.
I feel it too.

This. Story was underwhelming but still had some very strong moments, and the gameplay was stellar. I can see why some people might get fed up by it but i never got bored in any of the 50+ hours it took me to beat the game.

Also, rad picture.

Twisted Metal 3 was fucking annoying, but I seriously don't get the hate for Twisted Metal 4


Not my favorite,but i don't hate ff8.

We all resent MGS4 for only having two real levels while having really good gameplay.

hey kid

Cisquisition. I fucking love that shit.

It's so comfy.

And SA2.

this so goddamn much
god knows if it was all the same shit but developed by some nip company and all the characters were copy paste anime shit Sup Forums would eat it up or at least not shit on it constantly

Star Fox Assault.

I like the land missions, too.

>being this new
Nigger, Sup Forums loves COTM despite its massive badness. Lurk moar.

>everyone loves a game
>you hate it

>if it were developed by a good company a d had a good art style it'd be better
In other news, water is wet

Why is the sneaking suit in that game so fucking shit? I always stick with the spirit camo because it does what the sneaking suit fails to do.

Its gameplay carries most of MGS3's problems with some fresh bullshit of its own, though. I don't even think the first two acts are that great.

I just can't get into it. I've tried to play it from the beginning at least 4 times now but the farthest I've got was some canyon place I think it was Chapter 4? It just doesn't hook me in.

It's not for everyone, but seeing the "XIII is the wurst game evur" is boring


Bioshock Infinite

I love it

You should know by know that Sup Forums hates anything that features a deep written story. We're talking about people with attention spans of about 5 minutes here, so naturally games like MGS, The Last Of Us, Uncharted are going to be wasted on them.

Resident Evil 6

People on Sup Forums never stop sucking this game's dick though.

>Version if the gane with bad camera

Might want to try subsistance.

COTM was the only hard metroidvania, and it was the best.
Unless you cheesed it with the fucking ice cube spell

PoR and OoE were tough in hard mode.

I feel u

Awesome horror bait and swtich.

subsistence is the one I played and it only highlights how fucking shitty the animations are and makes the controls feel retarded since they have no place in a standard 3rd person game

Really, i dont get the hate either

Apollo Justice. People consider it the weakest in the series apparently but I like prettymuch all the cast. Trucy feels like a stand-in Maya with spirit stuff replaced by magic. If Ema (grumpy Ema) was your partner instead of her, it'd be my favorite in the series.

THIS tbqh

currently stuck on Fume Knight, well "stuck" I only fought him once and died quickly, should I destroy those 2 ashen cucks? They grant power ups to Fume Knight, right?

Me too, i played it for the first time last march and loved it

Impale nadalias idols that are in the outside, that shit heals fume knight, then just roll to the side that he attacks with the ultra sword, and it will be easier to dodge his attacks

FFVII and the Kingdom Hearts series


I thought Zombi U was pretty cool

Mass effect 2 think I've replayed it like 5 times and I still get so hyped for that suicide mission

I could see why somebody would like 8, fair enough.

I can't get past the junction crap but good on you if you got your fun out of that game. Wish I could have too.

Honestly though, Sup Forums loved Mass Effect 2 when it came out

it was only when Mass Effect 3 came out that people began retroactively hating it because in hindsight we saw what ME2 was leading into

This is the part where I'd say XIII gets better later, and that's technically true.

On the other hand it takes a ridiculous, insane amount of time for that to actually happen and there's no reason it should have taken that long.

I still like the game, I've done three runs already, but I'm not going to pretend it's not fucked up the ass.

I didn't hate it, but I didn't like the message at the ending and I don't think I'd ever want to play it a second time.

I dont think people could have seen what it was leading to, all the choices in 1 seem to have real substantial follow up, it was just 3 didn't seem to give a shit what you chose.

Far Cry 2
Saints Row 4
Spec Ops The Line
Bioshock Infinite
Life is Strange
Any racing game that isn't Burnout

There is literally nothing any of you losers can say that will change my mind on any of them.

I enjoyed life is strange at first but you have to admit chapter 5 was pretty garbage

No I don't, I thought it wrapped things up as well as possible for a game about time travel and shit.

Pic related. I don't care what anyone says I love this game, including Teedus.

She was easily the best part of the game, and of course she gets sidelined for that hyperactive slag Rinoa.

>Any racing game that isn't Burnout

Sup Forums loves lots of racing games, especially cartoony ones like F-Zero.

People hate Peace Walker? I mean, I can understand disliking the PSP version, but the PS3 version is god tier.

Peace Walker still has neutered stealth and awful bulletsponge bosses

Everything you said makes you look like a retard

there is never a PS3 version thats "god tier" when theres a 360 version

and being ported to consoles doesnt make the game any better, its a laughably bad game with terrible controls, completely missing features like crawling, terrible AI and graphics, bulletsponge "boss fights", constant repeating missions etc

its the iPhone version of TPP

When does Sup Forums hates it?

>there is never a PS3 version thats "god tier" when theres a 360 version

Keep trying

I feel the same way. It's amazing to play AJ:AA for the first time after completing the original trilogy, seeing the darker, more bitter atmosphere, and how Phoenix's character has actually developed into a bitter hobo mastermind.

I just wish Dual Destinies hadn't completely undone all of that by making Phoenix a lawyer again and reverting back to the old atmosphere

I disliked Mass Effect 2 on principle.

"Hey, lets gut the game of the RPG mechanics and give guns clips and Shepard regenerating health!"

Fuck that noise.

>Bioshock Infinite

I can understand all the others, but why Infinite?




Dragon Age 2.

Sup Forums is full of anime-loving retards. Metal Gear Solid 4 is still a good game and much better than shitty PW and V.

Fuckin' this.
But it's a hatred I understand. Although I really enjoy the MG games, I'm not super into them. But I realize it's one of the most beloved franchise on Sup Forums, and seeing its final bang having such an underwhelming narative would definitely sting.
Meanwhile, I was just kind of disappointed, but on the other hand the gameplay was so, SO good that it kept me going for over a hundred hours, despite the endless repeats.

I also hate oblivion

Oblivion doesn't hold up. Your opinion is fine.

Any Halo game
Any Kingdom Hearts game
Super Paper Mario

Yeah this. I had a lot of fun with the game.

But then again, I never gave a shit about the story in Metal Gear, it was always retarded. I get why people are upset though.

RE5 and 6
RE Survivor + Dead Aim

Fight me

are you genuinely retarded? Not only is the PS3 always shittier for multiplats but its controller is laughably bad


mein nigger

X7 was irredeemable garbage though.

It's called having good taste

preferred inquisition desu

Mystic Quest