What happend to VR? A couple of months ago, everyone was talking about it and hyped the shit out of it.
But now, it's like dead, is it like Kinect or PS Move, where everyone was excited about them till they realized it was shit.

They priced themselves out of existence. The people who could afford VR had absolutely no idea what to do with it once they got it.

Look at the games, worse than mobile shovelware. Even the "best" games are utter shit. And if you ask the autists why they want VR they just say porn.

B-but it will be the next big thing they said?

VR porn? Now I wan't one too.

Is someone here who bought a Vr headset? Come on, reveal yourself.

I don't own one and I probably wont for a long time, but it's first generation hardware. It's always for cucks that are essentially paying to beta test. The next revision will be cheaper, have better hardware and there might even be good games out by then. The current headsets are just for people who want to say they "got in on the bottom floor" so to speak.

It was definitely overhyped by redditors too who thought that it would instantly change video games on launch which is obviously not true. A lot of players are putting money into it but the change isn't going to be instant if it happens.

I have a Vive. It's been sat on my desk since Doom / Overwatch came out.
This is absolutely true. There just aren't any compelling reasons to invest in VR right now.

The room scale experiences are by far the best. I have absolutely no idea what people are doing with their Rifts and PSVR in the future. Seated / standing experiences just aren't interesting in the slightest.

You cannot have games that have any sort of locomotion in VR unless you're in a vehicle of some sort. I thought I'd be running around in Half-life or whatever, but I cannot play for more than 30 minutes in games with any sort of locomotion without getting immensely motion sick.

VR is a meme, the best part of VR is demonstrating it to normies.

>over hyped fad dies out

What a shock.

There's Three main problems:

1. Price. No one wants to spend 800 dollars on something new.
2. Wearing shit on your head. No one wants to wear stupid shit on your head.
3. Games. All the games are just motion control tech demos. There's no real game or campaigns in them.

What games I'd want:
>Zelda or Grand Theft auto first person with motion controls.

What you get:
>empty room with targets and a bow

And they sell these tech demos for 30 dollars. It's all shit that should come for free with the VR set.

It's still cost prohibitive at this point, especially when you factor in the computing needs. As others have mentioned the mk IIs will be key. This first gen brought it to first adopters and enthusiasts. By 2nd gen PCs capable of handling it will be fairly common, and hopefully the hardware will drop in price as well.

Our real hurdle to face is pixel density to minimize the screendoor effect. And in the long term, accommodation.



Has anyone tried the Insomniac VR game yet? It came out like yesterday but I've seen literally no one talk about it. Seems like a break from all the Wii waggling shit at least.

When a real consumer level VR solution is built, we will need kiosks in every Walmart, Gamestop, and electronics store out there.

The things most devs are using it for right now is wii-tier wagglan' garbage.

I'll get a headset in a couple years when the tech is better and the price is lower though, for racing games and porn

I think PS VR will do just fine, especially since Ace Combat 7 is going to be VR compatible with it, from what I can tell Sony is going to aggressively market the PSVR by making up coming games work with it

>250 demos, games and other VR titles on Steam
>Ubisoft to announce 2 VR titles at E3
>VorpX now supports thousands of pre-existing games on Rift and Vive

>Preorder for headsets haven't even finished shipping yet

Yep, I guess it must be dead...

you can't talk about it on Sup Forums anymore
VRthreads are 90% shitposting

Most people who ordered a headset are yet to receive it.

Only those with high potential for enjoying VR will sink big bucks into it.

If you can tolerate long VR sessions while you're high, tripping, etc, then YOU are the ideal VR audience. A lot of people get sick/tired even when they're sober doing VR, and these symptoms typically get worse in an altered state.

But boy oh MOTHER FUCKING BOY, if you have that special, key-in-lock physiology that enables you to enjoy VR problems free while you're mega stoned, then you are going to buy the shit out of VR games and peripherals.

>getting super high and fucking a mount outfitted with a high quality onahole while VR is projecting you fucking your waifu
>taking some oxycodone and chilling out on a virtual beach with heat lamps physically above you to simulate the sun

The possibilities are endless if your physiology can deal with it.

Even the porn is lacking. It's either below average MMD shit ranging from PS2 to PS3 graphics or a few fake 3DPD shit.

There you have it, OP. This is why VR is dead. Nobody wants you to think you are this kind of weirdo.

I play in VR every day and have both Oculus and Vive. The room scale on Vive is so amazing that Oculus should be scared shitless right now.

To thus original question, VR is making it, but you won't see Sup Forums praise it because Sup Forums can't pirate it.