Persona 3 FES

How fucking mad i am that Persona 3 didn't end with the original true ending, it was perfect in every aspect.

Fuck "The Answer".
Not only the protagonist choses on his own to become a fucking door, Aigis and the rest of the cast sound like they could care less if (you) died.

Can we all agree this shit is so bad that it should be non-canon?

Heck, even Persona Q decided to ignore that shit.

im rly gay

Good for ya.

The Answer was perfectly fine as an additional story, it transformed the SEES cast from a group of vaguely connected into a circle of friends. As a game expansion, it was pretty shit.

>Mandatory hard mode.
>lol no compendium
>Party turns back into scrubs.
>Remove social link EXP which is what the game is focused on.
>Be level 35+ and still using shit like agi.
>99% of enemy weaknesses covered by Avoid passives.

>Aigis and the rest of the cast sound like they could care less if (you) died
>could care less
Fuck you

Read the dialogue.

In a way, Aigis failed to protect (you), and that does not bother her at all.

Gameplay wise? Yeah, why not.

I am absolutely mad plot-wise.

I pretty much feel the same way as you OP. The Answer just completely ruined the ending for me. The original ending was great, as it left us on an ambiguous note on what happens to MC and everyone else. But the additional story after that just shits on everything.

I just stopped playing the Answer half way through because of how intolerable it was plot wise in conjunction to the ending. Later on I watched the rest of it on youtube and I still thought everything about it was terrible.


Good to hear someone in here has good taste.

Could have been worse. They could have revived Door-Kun.

I remember people being mad that he wasn't in P4 Arena.

Wait until Persona 3 Dancing hits.

>implying the answer is not the best persona game


Fuck you OP

Even if they revive door-kun, the ending has been fucked beyond repair.

Hey, user.
Have a perfectly built game with a perfectly crafted ending.



>Didn't notice MC's seal on Nyx took all of his HP.
>Ignores the huge fight SEES had over MC.

Motherfucka was dead inside, there was no ambiguity over whether he lived or died. This is why people filter retarded tripfags, they're just shitposters without the self-awareness.

All I know about Persona 3 is that Junpei is a fucking jobber in P4AU

It didn't matter becausw he was happy with his friends.

he could have easily been in Ultimax, considering the fake shadows, he would have worked wonders as a final boss

Count me as one of those people. No good reason for it. He even shows up as a player icon.

It was like he was planned.

I just want more of that game period. It's so good and I want more updates but I know I won't get them since they're starting to phase out P4. Fuck just give me a Megaten fighter. PLEASE.

It was fine, the whole cast instead of drifting apart the answer insured they would at least try to remain part of each others lives.

>mitsuru somehow knows Vorpal Blade

Fastest game over of my life


No, they gave a lot of shit about you. That´s why they ended up fighting each other to near death. They learned to accept that you gave your life to protect them and the world in the end, but also move on with their life, because that´s what you would have wanted. Elizabeth however decided to find a way to save you and still keep the seal on. So is all good.

Aigis promised to protect you, and she did and still does.

I don't know dude, Aigis's psyche fractures and her Shadow starts running around because (you) died, meanwhile Yukari embraces the Chaos and tries to destroy the world, and the other guys are there too.

>most retarded character in the personaverse is finding a way to free you
being MC is suffering.

Say that to my face, in Velvet Room and see what happens

You've posted this what, 3 times in the last hour? Are you just an autistic faggot or is this supposed to be an epic new meme?

She's too stupid to find her way back to the Velvet room.

Nah retard. You never got the message the game tried to tell you in the end of Answer. MC sacrificed himself for everyone, and wished that his friends should focus on their own life and move on with it, instead of wasting time trying to free him, and in turn let whatever disaster come to pass.

Accept it bitch and move on. Aigis cared the most, she was the one having the hardest time accepting your wishes.

Velvet Room for everyone!

The Answer was a total downer playing it right after the main game.

The only characters I think got decent development out of it were Junpei and Aigis. Everyone else was either on the sidelines or trying to tear each others throats out.