I'm fucking done. Sup Forums, reccomend me a skill-based class-based shooter. Preferably with a high tick rate. Not TF2

I'm fucking done. Sup Forums, reccomend me a skill-based class-based shooter. Preferably with a high tick rate. Not TF2.

Other urls found in this thread:



To Battleborn, To Gearbox, To even Randy FUCKING Pitchford....I'm am so, so, so sorry.

How did that roadhog not just hold down the button and one shot you?

So that is why Hanzo random shots always hits.

Mei has a thick hitbox.


rainbow six seige



>plays mei
>complains about low-skill gameplay


>arrows have slight aim assist

I can forgive that since they seem tricky to aim from what gameplay Ive seen

I actually had no idea that was in game. They should probably hype that more.

>slight aim assist
>literally killing enemies you can not see through walls


The hook can pull you along small corners and stuff so he can hook people off platforms. Arrows have larger hitboxes because else Hanzo would be absolutely useless.


lol, dods is pretty dead, and only realism fags are left. I do miss it though.

Overshit is the worst game that came out recently. What is sad is that EA's shitty Battlefront has more content than this. More maps, more game modes, more things to do, vehicles.

Only reason people like this shit game is because of the waifus.


It's not just arrows, user

>something that's not related to tick rate at all, but blames it on tick rates
>is playing the easiest tryhard character in the game
>doesn't even die from something that would kill people playing most characters
I'm pretty sure you're a retarded child.

>$120 full price of admission to a half baked game
>$40 full price of admission to a half baked game
Gee I wonder why one is more popular.



>skill based
>class based
pick one

>because of the waifus
Man I wish this was the case.
I'll point out why this game is popular just by using the boxart.

What? I was just playing the other day there's still plenty of populated servers.

Why are you posting this tr4sh game?

can you play as a nazi ?

I'd say Dirty Bomb, but Splash Damage are a bunch of incompetent fucks and the game is buggy and unfinished beyond belief despite having really strong core gameplay.


No bully the squids

>reccomend me a skill-based class-based shooter
I have some bad news for you

This is what happens when you make the lasso ability hitscan



>we made the game shit so everyone and their toaster can run it



You and I are one in the same, m8

Not him, but OP asked for a skill-based shooter
Though I'm bothered by all these webms being in competitive and the player is nowhere near the objective

>Sup Forums, recommend me a skill-based class-based shooter.
Team Fortre-
>Not TF2


Maybe, but compared to what it used to be its dead. Again trash realism players are all that's left.


Just wait until the big matchmaking update comes out this summer. There are no real alternatives atm.




Was this suppose to be impressive?



It's a shame, I blamed Dirty Bomb for about a year before moving onto Overwatch. In many ways it is the superior game, but in many more it is a piece of fucking trash. I'm never looking back. So much potential just squandered by incompetent retards.


Unmatched quality and diversity.



ffw ti 2:04 if it wasn't obvious, the embedded video does do it.

Forgive this


>carbon roller

from an outsiders perspective its more impressive then over watch actually

Dirty Bomb tbqh

>Space battles, including CTF

looks shit to me ...



You either want to be a special snowflake class or you play on equal grounds and let your skill decide. Sadly, the majority of gamers wanted the former.

Hook is hitscan, just has a stupid delay to it.

>laggy Bum Nuggler roller webms


Dirty Bomb


>mei shitter gets rekt and mad at same time after beign outplayed
why i'm not surprised

glad I'm not the only one


Genuinely fun.

I might get back to it, actually.

>a game to suggest when youre laving one due to dying in bullshit ways

Enjoy dying from some unseen invisible force from across the map due to the game matching Japanese and American players together while giving Japanese players an advantage.

Also 90% of players are on wifi because the wii u does not have a network adapter slot

Yeah no. The hitboxes are bad, but Battleborn, Gearcox and Randy fucking Pitchford are unmitigated shit.


It's time to stop. He said skill based shooter, not kiddie console FPS.

No. Only console has aim assist. This the combination of large head hit boxes and large projectile hitboxes. Neither matches the model itself.

OP also asked for a game without lag. Splatoon matches you with 80% Japs unless you play on the weekends where it will match you with 50% Japs. It is a really fun game and probably my favorit recent shooter, but there is no denying that there are a lot of moments of frustrations worse than what OP is complaining about. Regional matchmaking that is a smaller region than North and South America would be a wonderful thing.

Look how far over to the side that is. Most of my widomaker/roadhog death cams are like that where it's like they aren't even aiming at my character and shit still hits me.


Hook is hitscan, and will drag you through walls if you've already been "hit" by the hook

If you thought OW was going to be any good then your opinion is pretty worthless

hold down what button? his alternate mid range fire or his hook button?

>we want you to test this option
>but it's in custom only
>and there's no custom game browser of any sort
>you would need to gather 11 other people to test it
>what? test it with quick play?
>but what if it doesn't work!
Thanks for nothing Tigole


Okay that was funny




I dropped splatoon because the playerbase was too small and tryhard, and the devs made even worse decisions than overwatches team

Wait you can play as an Octoling now?


>all these carbon roller scrub and "look mom I can stop a kraken!" webms

Stop posting, kiddo

All the faggots that don't know the difference between aim assist and a large hit box should probably kill themselves now, just saying.

Battleborn is shit too you know
