WWI game

>WWI game
>Germany is the bad guy

Other urls found in this thread:


>The germans are the bad guys

They were the bad guys

Pro tip Germany has never been the bad guy

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

>thinking it's a pol thing

I bet the ex iranian president knew way more than you or anyone in Sup Forums did

desu it's awful how the commies are always the good guys despite their 100 million men slaughter
the UK dresden bombing

>implying WW1 wasn't just a massive pointless shitshow that was essentially just having massive fit of european autism(or eurotism)over some duke of some country that doesn't exist anymore dying


>WWIII game
>America is the good guy

>the commies are always the good guys
They were villains for decades after WWII, long after Germany had been mostly forgiven. Stalin is immediately brought up after Hitler when people talk about the most evil men in history. Stop being intellectually dishonest.

>Jews are the victims

>babby's first edgy contrarian opinion

>ww1 game
>you play as an american soldier

maybe where you live because there's million movies coming out each year about the holocaust and none about the holodomor
also the history books always go on about how evil was hitler NEVER mentioning the good things like animal rights, renewable energies and whatever and then when it's about commies they never mention the millions killed


>World War thread

>being ignorant

Winners write history, even if it's the bad guy.

thats history for you user, and hollywood is ran by jews so thats why youre getting all those movies, this is a fact, and i think that its disgusting how overlooked are other, much bigger genocides

>WW3 game
>Turkey is a good guy

Fuck off Sup Forums

>the good things like animal rights, renewable energies and whatever
That goes out the window when stacked up against millions of murders.

I learned about the holodomor and Stalin's hand in it during high-school, it certainly does deserve more attention in general. Stalin and the communists do deserve more scrutiny but it is a lie to say that they are not commonly portrayed as villains.

In WWI both sides were the bad guys tbqh

This, There was no bad guy in WWI. Everyone had beef with everyone so it was rumble time.

>then when it's about commies they never mention the millions killed
Where do you live? I was told about this extensively growing up in America.

guess who came out on top after ww2

was it hitler or the jews?

In all non-america , ie the rest of the world


>Nazis supressed the opinion of the people
>picked a fight with your neighbors
>Gestapo used asylum inmates, and convicts to police Denmark because the population refused to co-operate

Also I find ironic how Nazis did finally more harm to honest "aryans" while Hitler cabinet themselves was full of literal subhumans. Double irony from Sup Forums shitters who are also subhumans supporting others subhumans who participated directly in the whitey lolocaust. Fact: there would be more white people in the world had not been for the Nazis.

Besides WWI and WWII games are really not suitable for anything but grand startegy and RTS games. As FPS they were cool, but people expect regen health and weapons to behave like modern weapons today, and FPS can only cover so much ground.

American here. You are either lying or lucky. All we learned about was hitler, hitler, hitler during WW2. Commits only got focused on during the Cold War.

>Jews declare war on germany
>germany fights back
>they'te the bad guys

I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of western countries and those who suffered under soviet control are at least vaguely aware of Stalin's crimes.

>WWII game
>there's no jews to kill

>desu it's awful how the commies are always the good guys despite their 100 million men slaughter
This is straight up delusional.

Stay bad and stay mad shitter

What sort of shitty highschool did you go to? Do you live in the south? You didn't receive any information on Stalin?

You mean all nations' governments, people were pretty much forced into the war, and the intellectual kool-aid of the time proposed that people should die in glorious combat...before any of them knew gattling-tech had kicked in yo.

College students were literally sent to stop bullets with their bodies...hilarious tactic, maybe this is where Game workshop took inspiration for 40K Imperials.

WWI was a hard lesson on why people should control their government and not the other way around.

>being anything but retards trying to destroy Europe for the 3rd time

>inb4 muh aryan white superior race

>White people killed other white people
>Jews are the bad guys

You must have to a shit tier school then

Also I think this thread is based on a false premise, I went to a shitty public school in the midwest and we still learned all of the root causes of WWI. No where do people still believe Germany were the "bad guys"in WWI, our history books and teacher even emphasized that France's butthurt at Germany and the Treaty of Versailles were misguided.

>Good and bad guys

You are all retarded

Not bloody likely.

what about Merkel?

Indiana. All history class talked about was Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, and Hitler

If you wanted to be the good guy you should have won. Winner makes the rules.

Sucks for you I guess.

Both company of heroes game made them seem either neutral and human to good but with flaws

I don't think any game did it more perfectly than CoH

WW2 germany nazi is the most mediatized horror of history, so of course there would be a counter culture movement emerging from it.
It is mediatized that much probably because the jews that control the media see that as an opportunity to make jewish religion pass as a martyr.
It doesn't mean that they weren't evil.

Obviously, there is much more horrors that merit as much attention(if not more) than that you could fin throughout humanity history.

>>Nazis supressed the opinion of the people
ah yes, nothing like letting people spit on the people that died fighting for you

The Soviets were clearly the bad guys

>common core in action

>modern warfare
>G*rmany is the bad guy

>Decades later
>People still want to remind us of da evil not zee's

How can anyone deny the jews are behind it all, only they could bitch and moan about something that long.

>All that Ruskie ass blast from CoH2
I ought to buy that game next sale.
Not because of that of course, the stuff they added later seems really cool.

>no one remembers the Japanese in WWII
If any one country could be defined as evil, Japan wins by fucking miles.

Reminder that Patton our number 1 general during WW2 spoke out that we were fighting the wrong people and then shortly died of a "minor car accident" that week.
And the autopsy was never made public as well.

yea, what gives

I mean is perfectly okay for some people to sympathize with terrorist yet you are total jackass if you do not think of Nazis as demons

what gives?

Texan here. I can't speak for other states but we cover stalin's purge in middle school.

Oh definitely CoH2 is so much better now than the shit they released at launch

>War game
>America is le good guy
>russians are le bad guys.
Thanks Vietnam Syndrome.

Everything is inhuman during that time and you didn't hear of it.
US and Brit concentration camps.
Italy's public hangings.
the cyka genocide.

>WW2 game
>You get to play as the nazis
Oh wait

No wonder americans don't know shit about anything.


World at War, Rising Sun, Pacific Assault

theres multiplayer

Remember that questioning the Holocaust is a crime in Europe. Nothing suspicious about that at all.

Don't forget the fun fire bombings.

I want singleplayer dammit

Everyone did bad shit. The Japan just make everyone's bad shit look like it was done by children.

>he doesn't punch someone who pushes him

>Reminder that Patton our number 1 general during WW2 spoke out that we were fighting the wrong people and then shortly died of a "minor car accident" that week.
not only that but he was riding with other people in the vehicle, but they got out of that accident perfectly fine

>"We've been fighting the wrong people"
>"We need to instead focus on defeating the Russians"


They did, there was an exhibition back in 2010 on Berlin, which I attended to, focusing on the prohibited art by the Nazis.

but sure I will let myself be educated by a guy who hasn't left his basement much less his province tell me about the world.

Red pill me Sup Forums

churchill said that too and he lived quite long

>world war three game
>set in the far off future

>george "we need to kill all the asians, slavs and probably the africans too because fuck them. also the nazis dindu nuffin" patton

>implying he didn't deserve it

Well the germans just didn't give a shit about things going public or didn't care.
And russia was fucking ace at deflecting blame on germany.
Because churchil was the one who instigated the whole thing and brought us in. So his overlords spared him.

>"good guys"


Blitzkrieg missions would be rad

Hitler wanted to kill Jews, gypsies and gays
Not blacks, race is irrelevant in your argument

Evil and good are subjective

>killing shitskin and tunnel savages

>commies are the bad guys
wew lad

from ur point of view

>sending millions of americans to die because muh racism

why are conservatives such terrible people?

>who hasn't left his basement
my house doesn't even have a basement


he wanted to kill french people more than anything anyway

Back to hell Stalin.

>Red pill me Sup Forums
The Wehrmacht gets far too much shit, they were just soldiers fighting for their country and get blamed for a lot of shit the SS did. Even then the SS are a mixed bag too, the actions of a few units and a few soldiers ensured their reputation will always remain poor.

Because the Reich totally wouldn't send you to the camps.

The Ardennes campaign was added, and picked my interest.

I was in the Netherlands, I visited the memorial museum, I just cannot believe the U.S lost 10,000 guys like that. The guide repeated the number thinking I did not understand the amount, but I was appalled even after reading, seeing the places, and walking through the exhibition.

One would assume Generals had a thereshold, I mean even with 700 guys left, this was not the Alpha Strike to win the war. Patton had enough after months of intense combat and went to breach South.

Really once you learn how the people in command make their decisions, you understand that there was really not a lot of difference between a career general and a zerg player. I think Terran players are more conservative when they manage their troops.

>any kind of war

Hey, I think that cutie is a local barista near me.

>implying my great grandparents weren't waffen mountain division :^)

You forgot Jehova's Witnesses.
>No Seinfeld, therefore no Costanza images
>No Queen, or David Bowie
Alright you got me there, I would say killing them is exaggerated.

That Hitler guy sounds like bad news.

>Because churchil was the one who instigated
Now I might be wrong here so correct me. But it is generally agreed that WWII started when Germany invaded Poland.

So the side best at violence is right?
This here is coming right after babby's first youtube documentary, isn't it?


Well Germany was literally just defending their land they got taken after they somehow "lost" ww1.
But obviously you dummy, but Churchill and Britain couldn't get the job done, so they roped us in to finish their sloppy job.

He was just as conniving and a kike as Stalin.
