It wasn't THAT bad.
It wasn't THAT bad
Other urls found in this thread:
You're right. It was pretty good. But Sup Forums hates it because of the tombstone thing.
Dreadful combat
>tombstone thing
It was the most lifeless and hollow rpg experience i've seen in years.
Rpg system itself was garbage too.
>It was the most lifeless and hollow rpg experience i've seen in years
never played divinity original sin eh?
>all those fun elemental combos and creative enemy kills
>that colorful and cute world
I hate you
It wasn't Planescape or ADnD for that matter.
stupid kickstarter backer shit everywhere. I loved PoE but that was an idiotic thing to do. it pulls you out of the world every time you run into that shit. eventually I just tried to ignore it whenever I thought I might run into it.
BG had better story and characters. but I believe that PoE had better gameplay. it was refined to me.
I wanted to like it but it felt very bland and un-engaging.
The fact that the music is basically a fantasy games greatest hits didn't help either.
There are tracks that sound exactly like Fable and Oblivion.
I see, what where those tombstones specifically?
I have no idea why it's hated so hard around these parts, it's a great CRPG and I'm looking forward to the second one.
Pillars of Eternity > Underrail > Shadowrun: Dragonfall
Shadowrun: Hong Kong > Divinity: Original Sin > Lords of Xulima > Serpent in the Staglands > Wasteland 2
Shadowrun Returns > Age of Decadence
in certain parts of the game. I can't remember exactly as i haven't played the game since it came out. also the plaques on the walls. ALSO so many of the npcs in the game (where you see into their soul) was well-written...but go so f'ing annoying and were pointless anyways. that was also kickstarter crap. I know they have to send some love to their initial supporters but it really is like a piss stain in the game's world.
It had some things I really liked. For example the port in the big city, where during the day you could explore some extra parts because of the tide was pretty cool.
Of course it being full of animats and no one giving a single fuck made no sense whatsoever, but the idea was good nevertheless.
It's still better than combat in any IE game
RTWP is cancer as a concept though
It sure as hell wasn't THAT bad, but it wasn't SUPER good either. I got hyped, burned myself. Shit happens.
I'm still miffed.
is worth to buy wastelands 2 and sr honk kong ?
I agree on Age of Decadence, holy shit it's the most 'idea guy' game I have ever played
Seriously what the fuck, it felt like the only way to play the game is to literally be like 'nope, sorry dude this is your problem' every time something happened because if you ever put your foot down in ANYTHING you were going to get fucked and would need to save scum like crazy
Must you really do this in every thread? It's not healthy, user. Cool down.
I must spread truth, they're are the reason why braindead Sup Forums parrots hate pillars, they want to destroy obsidian and suck indie dicks
yeah, I read that the creator fucking loooves save scumming in every situation and made simply made his dream game without caring about anyone else
But Sup Forums hated Pillars long before the Codex. Hell, Sup Forums hated it well before the beta began. Roxor's wall of text didn't start the fire, it just added oil to it. Your hate is misplaced. I'd just find a nice forum or something if I were you.
>But Sup Forums hated Pillars long before the Codex
>Roxor's wall of text didn't start the fire
yes he did, we had comfy poe threads before this edgy faggot ruined everything
I liked it a lot, too bad I could never discuss it on Sup Forums
The expansions were godtier too
Some backer made a poem about a man going to have sex with a woman who turns out to be a tranny and then he kills himself.
SJWs went fucking crazy about it as you'd expect and then Sup Forums got mad about muh ethics when the original backer agreed to change it.
user, please. I finished the game before Roxor's review, by that time it was already impossible to have a civil discussion about the game.
The only time when the hype was strong enough to override the general hate was during the Kickstarter, and immediately before release. Don't delude yourself, mate. Sup Forums doesn't give a single fuck about what the Codex thinks. The only reason Sup Forums latched onto that review was because it said exactly what Sup Forums wanted to hear. If it was a positive or neutral review no one here would even know it exists.
It was the fucking "SJW" thing with the tombstone that everyone got riles up about.
Nevermind the fact that literally nothing noteworthy happened, but since GG anything even remotely associated with sjw's is fucked, even if the connection is only because of retarded Sup Forums memery
>original backer agreed to change it.
Sad that the reason he did it was because he got fucking tired of all the shitposting.
Indeed. But it wasn't nearly as good as it could have been, which is acutally worse.
>I finished the game before Roxor's review, by that time it was already impossible to have a civil discussion about the game.
c'mon man, poe threads were at least readable on Sup Forums before shitposters got tranny&raxor forst obsidian game combo
>Sup Forums doesn't give a single fuck about what the Codex thinks
I wish but that's not true
we will never be able to discuss any new obsidian in peace ever again
you're from the codex user, just proving my point
Yes it was. I got it for like $7 on Gog and still feel ripped off.
I enjoyed it. A solid 7/10.
Friendly reminder that the sample people who listen to Codex on their opinion on games are the same people who listen to Neogaf or reddit on their opinion on games.
I know! How can we stop them?
Depends on what you consider readable, I suppose. The negativity was overwhelming, unless you wanted to discuss how the game disappointed, there was not much else to do in these threads.
>you're from the codex user
Wrong. I started lurking it exactly because discussion here was impossible. I checked every community where anyone was willing to discuss the game except leddit because at least I wanted to read about it even if discussion was not possible. I knew nothing about the Codex before that aside from remembering they had their own special snowflake fundraising during the KS.
I thought it was great.
>The negativity was overwhelming
maybe i just missed the worst threads and at the same time you missed the best ones
planty of people just wanted to talk about builds, classes and asked for tips in general
It was fun while it lasted
I know it was disappointing for some but i fear that due to raxor review(maximum edge btw) all future obs tittles are cursed and will be unable to discuss without massive shitposting
Is it possible to mod out all the stupid backer shit?
yes, by using your weapon of choice
Fucked up stat system.
>maybe i just missed the worst threads and at the same time you missed the best ones
Could be. The only decent one I can remember was about Raedric, and later something about Twin Elms. I even started a few threads with little success. But to be fair it didn't bother me that much. If Sup Forums wants a disaster then Sup Forums makes sure it happens at least here. There is not much you can do about it.
Honestly, I was more surprised by the Codex reaction. I was not expecting the same kind of shit elsewhere, although they still had more meaningful discussion about the game than this place.
The Obsidian can do no wrong sentiment might be gone, but I'm not that pessimistic regarding their future titles. PoE is likely a lost cause here if the next game goes back to KS/Fig and takes place in Vailia, but we had decent Tyranny threads before despite zero gameplay information.
>If Sup Forums wants a disaster then Sup Forums makes sure it happens at least here. There is not much you can do about it.
oh yes the forever tortanic syndrome with sjw boogeyman on top
>but I'm not that pessimistic regarding their future titles
judging from how bad tyrrany threads are right now without any gameplay shown i just don't know
I don't want to post on obs circle jerk forums forums just to talk about the game
>but we had decent Tyranny threads before despite zero gameplay information.
we had? maybe it's just bad luck
>we had? maybe it's just bad luck
Well, nothing like hitting bump limit or anything like that, but I still consider 150-200 post long shitpost-free threads a pretty big success. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the E3 conference, showing gameplay footage for Tyranny is long overdue.
and if you meant what did they say, the first one was
>Here lies Firedorn, a hero in bed
>He once was alive, but now he's dead
>The last woman he bedded, turned out a man
>And crying in shame, off a cliff he ran
later he changed it to
>Here lies FIredorn, a bad, a poet
>He was also a card, but most didn't know it
>A poem he wrote in jest was misread
>They asked for blood, so now he's just dead
i wasnt too impressed but at least it showed that these kind of games can generate money which is a good thing
>Honestly, I was more surprised by the Codex reaction.
are there ANY games that Codex posters don't shit all over like paranoid autists?
It has a big community and it's not a hivemind, so there always are people who end up hating a game. But sure, even AAA games can get fairly positive/mixed reactions. For example Human Revolution was received fairly well, and there is even some hype surrounding Mankind Divided.
Yes it was. Graphics are shit, game looks like it was made in 95 and optimization is terrible. Dialogue options are all lawful good, seriously wtf? Icewind Dale has 5000000 times better dialogue options and that game never cared about any of it. Difficulty is also not balanced, everything other than potd is way too easy, almost impossible to die except maybe to bears in the cave when you start the game. There are 2 great characters, one good character and everyone else is 0/10, lore is shit. Also people that made the game got cucked by sjws and removed boobs. Also there are very few weapons and armors and all of them are the same. Solid 6/10 because of couple of characters but overall a forgettable game.
>Also people that made the game got cucked by sjws and removed boobs
Wrong game, you are thinking of Divinity: Original Sin.
Also it was disappointing that playing as Cipher didn't give any extra dialogue options.
Fucking this.
Everyone who loves this game is either lying or is a no-fun piece of shit kind of guy
>Wrong game, you are thinking of Divinity: Original Sin.
Only the pic on the inet was censored, retail still had bikini armor.
Not that guy, but I loved them. SR:HK wasn't as good as SR:DF but it was still good. W2 is one of my favourite RPGs, but it's an acquired taste and it might not be your thing if you're not well acquainted with its type of game.
If you DO play W2, play the Director's Cut.
I played until the incest lover lord in the village, then i got bored.
Should i keep playing? I've been wanting to restart and try a different class (was playing with a warrior) , which one is the most fun?
From what I remember Cipher gave you the second most class-related extra dialogue options. It's also the only class that unlocks a better ending for a quest. If you are not one, GM can be used to pass the check, but only GM.
>playing as Cipher didn't give any extra dialogue options.
not true
unique dalogues for all classes
Barbarian: 2
Chanter: 1
Cipher: 12
Druid: 1
Fighter: 4
Monk: 2
Paladin: 1
Priest: 6
Ranger: 2
Rogue: 2
Wizard: 3
Wasteland 2 has absolutely fuck all of modern conveniences features people are used to and most hated the game for it. It's purposeful archaic and slow burner so it really is one of those "it gets better after 20 hours" examples. Not that the first part is bad, but they clearly got a lot better at game development in the second part.
>I'm looking forward to the E3 conference
same here, also pretty sure they will announce poe 2 kick/fig thing on pc conference
I played the original version without any patches so I don't know about the classes anymore, there was shit ton of balancing. I also got bored at some point but game does get a little better and if I managed to finish NWN2 OC then I thought I should have no problems with forcing myself to finish PoE. If nothing else, it's worth it because of Durance. Also are you playing at the highest difficulty? Game isn't well balanced around lower ones and it's more boring that way.
>was playing with a warrior
wow dude, play again as some caster
Those were just specific class checks, I thought it would be maybe possible to read minds of NPCs and influence them using mind control etc but nope.
I doubt they'll reveal anything that could take away from Tyranny at the moment. It might be interesting if any other developers show up, though. Maybe we'll see some DOS2 or Numenera footage.
the horror, if poe is truly that bad than base nwn2 is beyond bad
I remember Larian's CEO talking how attending events as completely independent developer/publisher is a living nightmare and questionable financially but I would like to see them attend.
Who knows, tyranny is a rather small project
>DOS2 or Numenera footage
dos 2 is a must, maybe some finally some sp content
not sure about tton since the game supposed to be mysterious after all
also wasteland 3 maybe and that secret obsidian unreal engine 4 thingvampires
Retail version in my country has the censored cover, not that it matters much. But PoE never had any boobs to begin with, so that can't be the game user was thinking of.
And PoE had Durance calling everyone, most of all his goddess a whore for the entire game, a brothel with several quests about prostitutes, a private prostitute for your castle if you managed to impress her with your mastery at fucking, and a main quest with the general message of "shit guys, we really need to to protect the nuclear family and make kids or niggers will invade us".
>It's still better than combat in any IE game
You're retarded.
Kickstarter is what killed PoE:
-we promised a second big city so instead of a one metropoly city we'll have 2 half-assed villages
-we promised a keep so we'll include that useless garbage instead of working on quality content
-we promised 8 companions so instead of few good ones we'll make a lot of garbage ones, you can also forget about well-developed companion quests
>main quest with the general message of "shit guys, we really need to to protect the nuclear family and make kids or niggers will invade us".
you sure you're not reading into it too deeply?
It's true, guys from Croteam said basically the same thing and Talos or Sam are easy to play in those kind of events because you don't have to know shit before starting it, you just solve puzzles/kill stuff. Last time I was at such event all the smaller studios got rekt hard by Blizzard and Ubisoft, everyone wanted to play LotV and Assassin's Creed.
Nah, problem was they ran with literally the first draft of the script due to time constraints.
Fights aren't really that bad most of the time if you understand the basics and are specialized in combat.
pretty much this
mega dungeon was a mistake
Legend of Grimrock II > Underrail > Shadowrun: Dragonfall > Divinity: Original Sin > Shadowrun: Hong Kong > Pillars of Eternity > Wasteland 2 > Age of Decadence
Div:OS EE>Legend of Grimrock II > Underrail > Shadowrun: Dragonfall > Divinity: Original Sin > Shadowrun: Hong Kong > Pillars of Eternity > Wasteland 2 > Age of Decadence
Codex hates reddit and Neogaf as much as Sup Forums.
Did we ever find out why LoG2 bombed so badly?
Nah. The threat of the Republics invading Dyrwood if they don't get their shit together is flat out mentioned at several points in the game. The nuclear family part comes from quests like the drunk father, and some mentions of families falling apart and people turning to brothels and such because attempting a real family is too risky at this point. Hence mass depression and shit.
It did? I know it didn't sell as much as the original, but that was a given since the original was in the lowest tier of some humble bundle.
Blobber is about the most niche sub-genre of RPGs.
>Lords of Xulima
was absolute garbage
because a lot of people bought the first game, found out blobbers, which they never played previously, are not their thing and didn't bother with the second game.
250k copies sold for an indie game is pretty good.
Why do people asume that you always need millions in sales for a game to be a hit?
it's a blobber thing, I think new people didn't like the first one that much to begin with but at least it was something new for them
Games has a reputation of being difficult and being filled with mazes and dungeoncrawlers are not that popular really. Even I expected the game to be shit and I was pleasantly surprised.
This isn't even the main problem of this game. The main problem is that it's a plot driven RPG where writing is really fucking bland. The other thing is it's pretty hard to play as a hybrid and it's generally not recommended. The good thing about NPCs is how they blend combat and non-combat activities. Like being able to convince enclave soldiers to help you fight Horrigan in FO2. In AOD most of the time you are either a fighter or a talker, which means that you are playing either a really basic and bland adventure game or a shitty tactical game.
Nice shit list, let me help you out:
Underrail > Shadowrun: Dragonfall > Shadowrun: Hong Kong > Serpent in the Staglands > Divinity: Original Sin > Age of Decadence > Wasteland 2 > Pillars of Eternity > Lords of Xulima
Underrail is right up there with masterpieces like Fallout or Arcanum and Shadowrun features exceptional writing. PoE lacks any real depth in its combat system despite having to grind through dozens of bland enemies on every single map.
Honestly I think it's mostly just a matter of it being released into a much more saturated market than LoG1.
The rampup of indie devs over the past 5 years has been absolutely insane.
Wasteland 2 > Pillars of Eternity
over the line
I know why Legend of Grimrock is liked but honestly, having to manage the entire party with clicks while moving around due to real time but still grid based combat was hectic and clunky as fuck. Game would've been way better with a deeper combat system and being turn-based.
The Director's Cut makes Wasteland 2 actually quite solid. Add a few combat tweak mods and you have a pretty nice game on your hands.
yep, i bought it thinking it was turn based. i stoped playing shortly after i realized it wasnt
PoE is a fantastic game. I enjoyed the story a lot and the expansions were nice too (though they should have been one expansion, as the first part is left unanswered so it feels wrong to charge more for the complete story)
Something more:
What I didn't like was all the skills? Levelling up, i had to choose some useless skill like Trap mechanics as I had nothing else to use - there should have been more of these or something. And then all the attributes like Resolve,Vitality,Reflex etc were never clear to me.
(Caed Nua was awesome!!!!!!!!)
>expecting fat nerds too be able to kick everybodies ass
>expecting dudebros to care about some reatrded old doodads
The point of the game is to roleplay. It is up to discussion if it is a good idea to confine roleplay to a certain class but it is certainly a good idea to fuck up everybody that wants to do everything with same character.
Typical PoE fan everyone.
It was shit.
If it helps: I like KOTOR1/2 New Vegas, DE:HR
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