ITT:games That existed

ITT:games That existed

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Bin bin bin bin ben ben ben ben

>Crazy Frog has 169,000,000 views on youtube
What the FUCK

That shit was fucking popular, user.

The first memefrog

this was legitimately good

(Can't be bothered getting the photo)
Jet set radio on GBA




True, but why are the daily views so high in 2016?


He's dat boi grandpa


there was also a racing game. I used to play it. A lot.

imagine babyz

and pretty much everything on the wii

oh shit, it's the best game of the century coming through!
>there will never ever be a game based on this
end my life


>>Sup Forums

What the fuck?

Not surprising. You can run Doom on anything. Though performance varies.

The GBA port wasn't too bad.

As long as you turn up the brightness so the FPS increases.

Best licensed anime vidya after Pro-Pain.

confirmed for smash NX

Hang on though, this was legit good.

A mash up of the original Duke 1 & 2, and fucking great.

The best ZoE game.

I know, lets make a game based on 300, and make it a PSP exclusive!

Broasca dilie.

you said games that existed not games that were good you stupid faggot


I miss it ; _ ;

Better than any official fast & furious game.

tfw someone gifted me this game and we still didn't have the chance to play together

Either nostalgia or botting up views to make it relevant again

still waiting for that DooM 3DS port, CFW hackers.

looks like fucking Lucas Lee



Meme run

I didn't believe it at the time. I remember playing this on a samsung flip phone in 2005.

>As long as you turn up the brightness so the FPS increases.
Wait, what?


I remember playing Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2 on my flip phone in 2009. Those real early phone games were great ports. Shame iPhone had to murder the market.


Doom RPG? Hell yeah, that game was actually really rad. I played a lot of java mobile games on my old nokia brick, that was one of the few I'd call a legit good game.

Had a sequel on iOS, I didn't think it was quite as good though.

All I wanted was more fucking battery life out of my Casio. Instead I got Apple Radio and Siri.


Yeah, nothing can recreate the frantic mashing of that tiny center stick

Highest quality vidya rips :'(

underrated as fuck


At least on Doom 1 GBA you could set lighting to "dynamic" (normal) or "static" which makes all light levels the same


Here come dat boi

Eh, I wouldn't say underrated. The gameplay was tedious as fuck.

Thanks user, actually didn't know this was a thing

Remember when Rockstar would release more than 1 game ever 6 years?

there is one already


>got this as a gift
>had never played an SRPG before
>actually had a ton of fun but the story went way over my head, though I do remember that girly as fuck looking guy
>later find out that it's part of a series
>always wanted to try it so buy the first
>they announce the HD Collection
>decide to wait for that
>finally play them
>Zone of the Enders 2 is now one of my favourite games
Feels good.

I should emulate Fist of Mars and hopefully appreciate it a bit more now.

Probably these meme loving retards, looking at "memes of the past" or some dumb shit.

i played this back on my old ass phone almost eight years ago or more. the real sin? it was my first resident evil game.