There's never a healer or a tank on my team

>there's never a healer or a tank on my team
>don't pick healer or tank because fuck you why should I do it and you faggots get a free pass

So is this basically the mentality that most plebs in this game have?

Other urls found in this thread:

i dont pick healers because im terrible at it and i dont want my team to think they can count on me for heals when i suck
i tank frequently though

It's weird, didn't have a problem being able to play whatever I felt like. Past week or so, most games and I'm the first to choose a non support, no other motherfucker goes support. I played the last 3 games as support guys. But no, it's okay, go Hanzo I guess you fucker.

I love being the healer ! Any game ever Val is my favorite healer ever ps4 evolve

Yes, every 15th match or so I will pick based on my mood and not based on what was needed.

With that said 95% of my matches are as a tank or support.

Why don't you post about this in other 10 threads about this shitty mobafps?

Samesies. I bounce between rein, road and zarya. I want to learn how to play lucio, but I always get rekt so hard.

The term i like to use is "Pub shitter"

Or plural "Pub shitters"

All these fuckers gotta roll their main at all times just to suck ass and lose the match for us

Of course nobody wants to be the healer or the tank when at least a third of your fucking team is practically required to play a boring class

Healers especially are cancer, in all kinds of games. They're one of the main causes of power creep, they have to be essential enough to team play to justify their existence so the games are usually balanced around playing without one being a severe handicap to the team, and nobody ACTUALLY likes to play as the little sluts so it becomes a competition of who gets to avoid playing the boring class.

>the other team is the same way

quit yer bitchin

There is no point player a healer or tank if your team sucks
You will do a lot more good playing a killing character you are decent with

Yes. I play with guys I know and they still remind me the worst of public matches. Refuse to switch, refuse to play as a team. And when I complain during a stomp they tend to ask why do I want to win all the time...

Usually I try to quickly pick whoever I want to play, then if our team comp ends up fucked up I switch to fix it. So ideally I can get what I want but I'm fine with going healer if no one else will.

>Don't want to play healer
>Don't play healer
>Some random idiot who is just like you but feels self righteous goes to a cantonese meme board and throws a smug fit about it
>At the end of the day none of the 2 played healer but only one bitched

I find the tank is missing a lot more often than the healer

I just play what I want. I found I have significantly more fun with a game full of me playing on my terms than holding the medic gun on some rando because it may or may not boost my chance of a victory screen. That and mercy is super fun to kill.

>go Lucio
>get gold in objective time, healing, and objective kills
What's the problem again?

>play public matchmaking
>in a game marketed towards teenagers, waifu autists and blizzdrone casuals

did you seriously expect competent players in that game? really?

get on your knees and heal then

learn to complain less, it will be for the best

my fucking sides
is this still a shooter or a MOBA we're talking about?

It's called the Prisoner's Dilemma, it essentially ensures that without coordination a group of individuals are incentivized to both act against their own self-interest and against the common good by a perceived rational need to protect themselves.

I play but never actually tank as her. It's just fun to slam into a hanzo or widowmaker from behind while they're absorbed in sniping. 90% of the time they're so surprised you can then just left click them to death as they try to run away. I find that surprise slam+left click works really well on anyone that isn't a tank or mei.

I very rarely get on teams that don't have a tank and healer. At the most I queue with one friend and we almost always have two tanks or healers even if we aren't playing those roles

>dead game

>plaing healer is boring, most healers suck ass, not even the serial pusher can fight relyably, wich is a deal breaker for me
>most tanks are slow and teir hit box makes them much more vunerable than lighter heroes

that why

How can you be terrible at it when all you have to do is to stand there as Lucio?

I'm a pretty terrible dva myself

Honestly I rarely get the urge to play offensive heroes, I'm so absorbed in trying to win the match I have to pick some tanky shit to be extremely agressive with (thus roadhog most played)
Or support in the rare case that my team seems like they can do something.

Not good enough at sniping shit to be as effective as to win matches by being a lazy shit standing around behind others taking potshots.

Yes I know ,better the bo3 tho,

>last one to pick, neither tank nor support on team
I play whatever. If someone switches, I'll switch too.
>last one to pick, missing a tank or support
I pick the missing one.
>not the last or second last one to pick
I play whatever. I don't switch even if we end up missing a tank or a support.

D.Va is not a tank, she's a harasser. She's not particularly good at it though, as her mech's weapon has too much spread to hit thin targets like Widow reliably even at close range. Couple that with the slowdown while firing and it's really hard to finish off people.

I always play support with my friends, usually Lucio or Mercy.

Fuck you faggots though, when in randoms I play what ever I want.

this, I can't handle the pressure of having 5 other people needing me to pump goo into them.
That's why I pick Lucio

Playing as mercy is fun because you decide who on your teams gets an edge and you can let people who bother you die by cutting off healing right as they start getting attacked

>tfw I enjoy playing the healer

gotta play that jet set radio ost while rocking the gold frog alt

Literally every g ame.
Not just Overwatch.
Not just TF2.
Not just MMOs.

Literally everything.

In my personal opinion I think healer is a harder class to master than anything else cuz it's not just a run and gun average gaming style there more of a challenge

>only pick support if we need one (no one picked one.
>my stats look like this
Oh well

>main mercy
>people never try to protect me
>everyone are resistant to turning around and smacking the tracer

>if you play as a tank, you won't have a support
>if you play as a support, you won't have a tank

>it's a "two widows and a hanzo" episode

I've been healing and tanking 90% of the time so far, and even though I enjoy it I wish I could play genji and tracer more often.

I play what I want because I paid 70 fucking Australian dollarydoos for it, if I feel like playing a healer I will play a fucking healer.

>Be support
>''guys we need a tank, can someone pick a tank?>''OMFG YOU PICK TANK THEN U FAGGOT''
>Be tank
>''guys we need a support, can someone pick a support?

no, its more like.
>no healer or tank.

>play tank.
>people are stupid and dont keep behind you and get killed

>play healer.
>People are stupid and they believe they can take loads of damage and you will be able to heal all of them all the time and make no attempt at all to evade damage, instead they go full Leroy Jenkins because of that and get killed.

>don't pick healer or tank because fuck you why should I do it if you are so stupid to not have one already.

Yup, everyone goes attack heroes for that sweet potg wank.
This happened to me recently
>been playing Mercy for most of the day on pub due to teammates
>Anubis on atrack
>instantly lock Zarya before anyone else gets a chance cause it's a map i do well with her
>4 fucking atrackers and a Hanzo
>they spend the 30 seconds and first wave push demanding everyone else go healer
>eventuallu go Mercy to make them shut up but we lose cause no Tank

>it's yet another Bastion/Torbjorn/Junkrat potg

>playing as reinhart
>get to the point
>team seems to decide now there is a tank there they can fuck off
>mcree/76/junkrat/etc comes around corner, too far to charge
there is literally nothing I can do, I am just fucked

I don't pick a healer because I don't trust you.
I go hard carry 76 and hope you're all smart enough to stand in the heal on your own.

Not my experience at all.

70% of the time its the widowmaker telling people to choose a different class
30% its the mcree/hanzo doing it.

>why should I do it

Because it's fun.

Why does this fucking shit happen so often senpai.

I only play Lucio and Soldier 76.
There always is a healer on my team :^)

>tfw I see an enemy Pharah/Mercy circling above

>friend keeps picking the same hero over and over
>complains when we don't have a healer or tank
Well no fucking shit

Is it really the CoD crowd only wanting to snipe that is doing this, because it happens way too often to be funny anymore.

>just tell team "focus the mercy, not the roadhog"
>they get personally offended and start insulting me

I assume it's just teenagers or little kids or something

Every pussy freshly crawled out of using the AWP for 500 hours in CSGO heads off to enjoy his "skills" now that he has wallhack and a ridiculously precise and quick sniper rifle.

in short, 15 year olds jerking off

>team gets ravaged by Widow, Genji, Hanzo and the like
>nobody switches to Monkey Love to fuck them up
>be Lucio so me switching would remove out only healer

Lucio + mercy + 76 is actually a great combo. The other team will need heavy burst damage to take you out as long as you mostly stick together.

because everyone wants to be le ebin sniper that gets potg and doesn't have to contribute to the team

the only time I don't go healer when we need one is if I've been stuck as healer for several games in a row, as for tank I'll always play one if we need one its usually roadhog

My mentality is that I play games to have fun, and the healers in this game are not fun.

I'd rather lose doing something I enjoy than win while bored with the game.

>Yup, everyone goes attack heroes for that sweet potg wank.
This, we had 2 fucking hanzos on our team and still managed to win when I was mercy and rezzed 3 people on the objective on overtime and Hanzo got salty as fuck saying ''omg i killed 4 people with my ultimate why is this shitty mercy getting potg?

snipers rarely get potg unless they get shutdowns

Only betacucks play supports.

>mfw they dont see me and are closeby

>Attacking on Anubis, one of the worst maps to attack
>2 lock in Widowmaker and refuse to change for the rest of the match
>Attacking on a Payload map
>Hanzo AND Widowmaker on my team
>Never see them kill anything on the killfeed

Anyone else found Torbjorn to be really good? His turret shreds tracers and acts as a mini-Bastion, his gun has both great range for picking off faraway targets and a shotgun mode for up close, and he can toss armor kits all over the place

>All these crybaby tryhard faggots

I play for fun, get over it. Competetive mode isn't even out yet. You're literally playing casual matches and acting like an angsty child because you lose. Grow up.

and you don't want to be sprawled over the toilet, drenched in the cum of random men as they breed your ass?

What are you, gay?

I had a hanzo on my team that did that to someone.
I don't even know why. the mercy used the rez at the correct time. he was bitching that she didn't wait till ONE more person died for Maximum Theoretical Res Efficiency when she was gonna die herself and it literally stopped their push in its tracks.
I then lost the next game because the mercy rage left and I had to play support instead of killing everyone.

His turret is good but any decent tank (with healing) will shred it.
It has way, way too much HP when Molten Cored though. Maybe reduce it to 600 or something. 800 is over the top.

>losing is fun
Yes, when you lose a hard match not a onesided stomp because the rest of your team is running around like FFA deathmatch

I tend to be a fucking support every time kinda wish people were forced to be a character ftom each class but that's just me

make healer or tank fun and I'll pick it

It's obvious Blizzard fucked up when I'll roll medic in nearly any other team based shooter, but healing in this game is so goddamn boring.

>good widows dominate the game they're in
>good widows tend to be good players
>they switch off when some shitter picks widow too
>there are never good widows on your team as a result

I wish I was good at the wallride

Everyone wants to be Rikimaru and Clinkz, no one wants to be the guy that makes their plays actually possible. I learned this over a fucking decade ago, I'm sad for you that you're just now learning it. The humorous bit is that it's still taking place on

I usually focus the roadhog to charge my ult for free, when its charged i kill the mercy then ult for maximum effect with no HEROES NEVER DIE

I personally think medic in TF2 is way more boring than any of the healing classes in this.
I actually refuse to play medic in that game. I actually play lucio and zenyatta in this game because there's something to them.

>The planets align and the game finally puts you on a half-decent team that knows how to work together
>You only get to play one match before the server reinstances and scrambles everyone up

I find it funny that I queued with 2 of my friends, won 2 games and it took the server over 2 minutes to find us games, as if it was having a hard time trying to match us against a perfect team what would make us lose.

I'm trying to learn healers. Or at least supports. I seem fine with Symmetra and I think I understand how Zenyatta works.

Lucio seems easy enough, but I have one question, when or how should I use his wall ride thing? I don't understand how or when it's useful. It's not like he can use it to get up to high places. Avoidance? Anyone with decent aim is just going to follow you as you wall ride. I don't get its purpose in a practical sense other than meme value.

And maybe it's because I just play pugs, but Mercy is a frustrating experience. Every single fricking time the team separates and I'm trying to fly all over the map to heal retards, who either just die before I can get there because they're way off to the side of someone else/rest of the team, or get healed, and just turn their back and run away from the threat and leave me to die in their place instead of using the healing I'm giving them. Or if the team does stay together, the inevitable flank comes and I get gang raped from behind while either yelling at my team to help or hoping they do turn around and have some map awareness, which is normally not the case.

This problem is enhanced because of Mercy's kit. I get supports aren't supposed to be killing machines, but other supports I feel I can try and hold my own when attacked. With Mercy, because her only offense is a different weapon, the time spent switching in a fast paced FPS like this is a death sentence. What am I doing wrong with her? Or is it normally like this with her or is she for a team of people only?

Winning is fun faggot.

It's not boring when the enemy Winston makes it his personal mission to target you every time he spawns.
It's super annoying when the rest of your team just leaves you to get zapped by harambe dick while they do their own shit.

here's what you can do with the wallride

this shit isn't hard at all

It's pretty goddamn sad people have to explain this

no not at all


just pick your toon fast, the rest of the team normally pressure the last person to fill the team's needs

>tfw see the flaws after 1 week
>tfw shills tricked you

I wish small dicked moot would do something against Shills.

Only dumb gayfucks play support

I play Lucio a lot, and I don't think there's much to it. Not sure what you need help with, but here are some things.

Speed boost is situationally useful, and you only really NEED to use it to get a large portion of your team to the objective quickly (usually at the start of the game), or if you're trying to get back to regroup with them. The rest of the time, it's safe to have your healing aura on.

Anyone in your line of sight is getting your heals, and the number of teammates you're reaching is indicated next to the crosshair. You're not obligated to chase down teammates to heal them, especially if you're attacking, since you should both be headed to the same place. Good players will try to get back to you or go for a pack. Meet people halfway if you don't think it will hurt anything.

When you see that an ally is at critical health, or they're about to take a big hit, use your E. It comes up again in 12 seconds, so err on the side of saving a teammate (or yourself) rather than hanging onto it. If you die, especially with a teammate, use it with speed aura to get back faster.

If the opportunity comes up, you can get environmental kills on maps with pits/cliffs (almost all maps). Don't try to work for those kills, though. You can also use it to survive hairy situations, if you're lucky -- say, if Roadhog hooks you and doesn't shoot you fast enough, or if you see McCree and he hasn't flashbanged you or a teammate yet, you can blast them away and spoil their chance.

You can do decent damage, so shoot people from far away. If you have a Reinhardt, you should hang out behind his shield (no kidding) and prioritize turrets and snipers. Turn around now and then to make sure nobody's sneaking up on you.

On Lijiang Tower and Nepal, certain points have structures on them that you can skate on without falling off. If you're up high enough, the enemy team might not see you, and you can hold the point to give your team a chance to regroup.

How do you feel about people like me who only enjoy, and are only decent at healer characters like Mercy? I play Mercy 95% of the time, the other 5% being Symmetra when we already have a Mercy.

It's bad because sometimes I'm forced to go a damage dealer and I suck at shooting.

>Want to play Genji
>"We need a healer!"
>No one else goes healer
>We get our shit pushed in
>Switch to Mercy or Lucio based on the team make up
>Keep the team alive and we win
>This happens every time
>My stats are the same
>I just want to play Genji

Widow in your team is always a completely useless fuckwit. Enemy widow kills off all of your team in under 10 seconds.

reminder this is """"""""""blizzard e-sport""""""""""


>no support or tank
>pick hammerboy
>some fuccboi instantly picks mercy and sits on my cock
feels good being a hammerboy

It's why I try to get good with Zen, that way I can heal and get some kills

>pick mercy
>dont heal one guy at all because he picked attack hanzo and was a whiny bitch the match before
>proceed to have the best mercy game of my life
>game ends
>guy calls everyone to report me
>he gets laughed out by both teams
>38% damage healed
feels good man