New Kingdom Hearts 2.8 video tomorrow

キングダム ハーツ @_KINGDOMHEARTS 48s48 seconds ago

E3で情報解禁される『KINGDOM HEARTS 2.8』最新PVを明日、日本時間6月8日21時にフライング公開させて頂きます。動画URLは同時刻にこちらの公式Twitterにてお知らせしますので是非 ご覧下さい。今回の映像は新素材モリモリです。@野村 #_KH

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PS4 Exclusive.

this game will tank and kingdom hearts 3 will suck

Hard to even give a shit about this franchise anymore, they did everything possible to make people not care anymore

Having invested so much time into the series combined with emotional investment and nostalgia from their childhood people won't allow themselves to admit it's all been shit and big waste of time.

Yeah they took way too long.

Is that Daybreak Town? I didn't play much of KHUx after launch, but that looks nice.

is this a fucking joke? who still supports this shit franchise after 10 YEARS OF WAITING

>Tfw you just got into the franchise last year

I'm still fucking mad they didnt bring 1.5 and 2.5 to the PS4.
Also fuck SE for taking 10 years to make KH3

Does not help they released a game on pretty much every single platform including mobile back in the day which actually play a part to the overarching story. Wouldn't be surprised if less than 5% of all people who played kingdom hearts 3 actually know the full story of the previous relevant games.

>kingdom hearts 2.8
>it doesn't come with kingdom hearts 2.5, but instead some 3ds kingdom hearts game



It's actually a better time to get in to it now if you have a PS3
and now PS4

Is Kingdom Hearts X a browser game or a phone game?

Hope the aqua chapter is long enough

also think itll be 60 fps for DDD? please square...


Browser game only released in Japan and now ported to mobile worldwide known as KHUx

It was originally a Japan only browser game
The international version, unchained, is mobile

Im not used to phone games.

No Square doesn't do 60fps
Both KH 1.5 and 2.5 are locked at 30
The PC ports of the FFXIII Trilogy are locked at 30fps
The PS4 and PC ports of FFX are locked at 30
The upcoming PS4 port of XII is locked at 30
KH2.8 and KH3 will most likely be 30fps

>The PC ports of the FFXIII Trilogy are locked at 30fps
No it's not.

You should see 60 FPS Kingdom Hearts 2.
You can't fucking jump.

>that drop shit

tfw I want to get into KH but I have no fucking idea what to play and in what order, what even the fuck are these games, just realised it says FINAL CHAPTER/PROLogue aswell, send help

Do you have a PS3? If so get Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and Kingdom Hearts 2.5 and then later Kingdom Hearts 2.8. These three games will have everything you'll need to know for Kingdom Hearts 3

Read this slowly user, 1.5, then 2.5, then 2.8, then 3.

Now's the best time to get into the series user
All you need is a PS3 and a PS4
1.5, 2.5, and 2.8 are "HD Collections" of all the games in the series prior to KH3

Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (cutscenes only)

Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts: Coded (cutscenes only)

>2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts X (new story cutscenes)
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Volume 2 (this is basically a Prologue to KH3, it uses the same graphics engine)

Play them from top to bottom

Neat I guess. I'm not really that hyped for the series anymore. I did get really into it again when 2.5 came, since I had never known about the Terra boss fight or critical mode and it was one of the best experiences of all games I've played, but I've just lost interest again. I don't even feel like watching that 3ds game on youtube, since I hear you have to to know what the fuck is going on in the story.

If the gameplay for 3 and 2.8 is as good as KH2 critical, and they have bosses as good as Terra, I would not be able to wait for the game. But they've rarely shown anything since last year's E3.

So is 2.9 going to be a package of all the games?

Nomura said the next game to come out will be KH3
There won't be a 2.9

>All these people claiming they're not hyped anymore
You unfaithful bastards. I've waited forever for KH3 and i won't stop waiting eagerly untill it comes out.

>you remember how hyped you were when you saw that reveal of Sora picking up Master's Keeper on the beach
>3 years on and we still know next to nothing about the game

Worse, we'll get less than 10 seconds of BBS2 in this trailer, with no gameplay.

Mein neger

Still hyped, although i'm worried about the combat being made by BBS team though
seems a bit floaty and magic/ability intensive from the trailers i've seen
I just want to create combos and whack stuff with my keyblade like in KH2