What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Rafe Adler as a character/villain?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Rafe Adler as a character/villain?
pls reply
He looks like Jake Gyllenhaal in Prisoners
I liked him. Much better antagonist than random incinvible nigger slut.
he did nothing wrong
He'd probably look really good if his hair wasn't messy like that
>Whole motivation is finding the treasure
>Wants to kill you so you aren't in his way
>Finds the treasure
>Still wants you dead
He didn't really need the treasure. It was all about the glory for him, and he especially hated Drake for discovering more lost cities than he ever would.
Great villain really memorable for me, their banter was slick but he engineered his own demise in his riches
So far best villain of 2016. They really nailed it with his look and voice. You just love to hate him.
He's a fantastic character/antagonist.
Naughty Dog really are masters at characterization.
Uncharted 4 10/10 would definitely purchase a Neo remaster at full price.
Not even b8ing. I would actually buy it again because it's that good. No. I do not care what you think about that. Go be poor somewhere else.
His design is bland as fuck but he has a neat personality
Not Lazarevic tier but Rafe would be the second best
Pretty good villain. I liked the backstory between him, Nate and Sam
UC4 is peak graphics...I doubt neo would make any difference...
uhh eye can't see above 24 retard
>masters of characterization
Haha what!?
It's just Hollywood stereo typing without a cohesive back story. Take your mouth off the Sony dick for a second and expand your horizons. Any person that's experienced life long enough knows exactly how cookie cutter the uncharted franchise is.
I think he was really well acted, he pisses you off just the way he should. Certainly the best antagonist in the series.
Why are you getting so mad?
Naughty Dog does the best characterization in videogames, as they've proved with Uncharted and TLoU.
No other developer does it as well as ND. They are in a league of their own when it comes to that shit. I'm sorry if this upsets you. I guess you'll just have to deal with it.
He was pretty shit. He just felt like a lazy way to facilitate Nathan and Sam's le character drama.
Uncharted 4 was boring. It wasn't an Uncharted game. It actually geeky like it was trying desperately not to be an Uncharted game.
Stupid autocorrect
I very desperately wanted Brendan Fraser to portray him
Any Sup Forums lobby up? No mic lobby pls.
U4 is a 6 to 6.5 out of 10. I played it twice. The whole fucking "game" is a slog
Graphics alone make it an 8/10. You mad.
>Fraser accidentally says Dwayne instead of Drake
NDrones ladies and gentlemen.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Nigger, I will such ND's dick and lick its balls because they make games that I fucking really love playing.
Stay mad.
Holy shit
He was pretty one dimensional, no real character development, just wanted some treasures... Boring.
How are graphics alone 8/10. Graphics are the only thing it has going for it besides a couples story elements. The pacing is shit. Out of 13 hours you are shooting 1. The first half is terrible
i really liked him.
and he's handsome af, god damn
He did nothing wrong. Also, ending was complete, predictable shit.
Literally who?
Cliche villain with equally cliche death.
Generic rich boy. Even the characters in the story are fine with leaving that as his only trait. This game in a lot of ways is simply incomplete as a final send off.
Just felt like a stripped down Flynn. Not as bad as Talbot though.
Honestly a pretty great villain. Really good foil to Nate. Should have cut the dumb nigger mercenary out to flesh his past friendship with Nate out more though.