MTG card

What does this card say?

Other urls found in this thread: <=[1]

Harold McNeill

The pleasure of being cummed inside, or something along those lines.

>Sup Forums - trading cards

How is MTG video games?

Better off with pitchstone wall

Pretty bad wall. Even with Rolling Stone.

I have worst though. Is there even a worst card?

>implying pic related isn't worst card in the game

That's clearly a good card.

Not even the worst card in the block. In fact, that's a good card. Pic related: a counter example, and worse black card in Kamigawa.

oh wow, that's actually insanely terrible.

>Worst card in the game
>Sneak your Rat in after an unblockable swings and animate shit out of their own yard
>For 5
>Every single combat step
>In a set full of 1/1 for 2 that have nothing else

Alright I can't even argue with that one

>5 life to regenerate a 1/1

The only good quality is that it can block any amount of damage that is not trample and not die. But it's a non flying Spirit. It's not even a wall.

Not even <=[1]

I have around 6 copies of this card

Fuck, this destroys my aysen highway deck.

this is some kind of weird bait, i didnt get the reference

but i assume there's somebody who roams the /tg/ mtg threads and is obsessed with ink-eyes and this poster was trying to trigger that person

this card is legit one of the worst ever, much like scornful egotist

one with nothing is pretty bad but has theoretical use

wood elemental is truly awful

great wall is 3 mana for literally nothing in 99.9999% of games

>Cost 7
>Deals 3 damage to each target creatures or players
>Draw card each time damage was dealt

How is this a bad card again?

this is a weird bait too, some kind of reference for people who've been browsing /tg/ for a while i suppose?

It allows you to draw two cards

B/U ninja rat deck with unblockable, mill, discard. solid card

R/G manaramp wall deck (colorless pump) - fling for win

cheap lifeloss for e.g death' shadow deck. use sanguine bonds and children of korlis for insane damage

only really bad card here, i only can see donating it and getting some value out of it... meh - this is the winner

Scornful Egotist is way better than this.
Egotist allows you to easily turn on CMC matters cards, while still allowing you to cast it as a morph if you need creatures early.

>friends birthday
>gave him 50 copys of this card
>also gave him 50 copys of Break Open

>cheap lifeloss deck
>4 mana
If you want to talk about a casual brew, you have so many better options for the deck you described. Don't do this to yourself.

and a swamp

Did you drop out of primary school?

For anyone who doesn't get why; in the history of Magic there have been 5 creatures with plainswalk.


you did your friend a favor, now all he needs is 50 dream chisels and he is set for his scornful egotist command deck.

Liar I went to the Gatherer and there was 6

Really? I double checked and now I think there's 4...

Lord Magnus just takes it away again, and Old Fogey just has Snow-covered plainswalk (so regular plains are fine.)

well it is potentially a 3/3 regenerate for 4 which is ok, i was just givong an example that isn't the worst card in the thread... I wouldn't play it though, you are right that are many better cards for life loss

An instant lightning bolt that cantrips for 7. It's fuckterrible and would still be terrible even if you lowered the mana cost by 1-2

i did not remember her being that busty back when i played the kamigawa block

can you only use that effect once or would you be able to use like 7 red mana and make it a 7/1.

Seems solid in EDH
The question is how do you bounce it back to your hand so you can Ninjutsu again?

No, you can use it as many times as you want.

I like these weeb cards.

Are they viable in any way? Think I might buy the set

as often as you like. combine it with this card and sanguine bonds (whenever you gain life, opponent loses that much life) for lulz

let me tell you about bad cards

Post underrated cards.

can block a storm crow, radness confirmed



I have one of this in my Simic deck. It never fails to wreck face. The balancing in Khans was ridiculous. Just wish it wasn't tied to those gay ass dragons.

Dies to thunder/10.

My first "real" mtg deck was the Scourge preconstructed UR deck and this guy was the star.

lowering it by two it would be okay for draft at least. I've certainly had to use worse

My little brother started with the same deck. Amusing premise. Too bad he spilled melonade on it and ruined most of the cards.

>Hey guys, lets make a set dedicated around reprinting power cards for eternal format
>Balances it around limited play, including garbage cards not even seen anywhere near eternal formats
>When it has an extremely limited run
>When packs are 10 dollars each, meaning probably 40+ dollars buy in to draft
Who designed this shit? The gainlands from fucking Tarkir are in it.


If you read the flavor text of that it becomes clear he's merely pretending to be an animu girl

Basically find a 9 foot tall 9 year old.

Manlets btfo

>mfw this card is not worth the sleeve it's in.

well... shit

>It's color is the color of your eyes
>The card is blue
Only true Aryans play this card

>not taking the opportunity to play a Brown or Yellow spell

I ask the same question in a yugioh thread and I get shitposted into oblivion so I don't know man.

>Implying he isn't actually a loli pretending to be an old god

Not even close. This is the worst.

Scornful egotist isn't that bad considering its whole gimmick is morph cost.

one with nothing is perfectly fine if you build a madness, threshold, delirium etc. deck

I won't defend this card or wood elemental though fuck that trash

When you understand that WOTC doesnt give a shit about reprints other than making bank, it makes perfect sense.

It's because WotC cares more about collectors than players.

Nigga you think people with Jaundice are going to be playing mtg?

If I get turboblazed I can play it as Red.

Unhinged is the greatest

I'm pretty sure the point of this was to synergize with the Kamigawa "whenever you cast a spirit or arcane spell" cards by allowing you to trigger them repeatedly. It's still fucking awful though.

Have you BEEN to a FNM?

What's Sup Forums's favorite color?

I don't live in Detroit

Some of them are. Kamigawa was a weird block.


Pic related is my least favorite card in MTG. I have one with a hole burned through the middle in my trade binder.

>1/1 for 1, is k, elite vanguard is better but k
>guy looks fucking badass as fuck, stabbed two dudes and is sucking their life essence to fill his own
>1/1 for 1
>regenerate for 2 and 1 green to shoehorn a crappy selesnya weenie
why would you ever use this guy, I would legit use storm crow over this faggot

Best card ever.

i wanna play this and give it vigilance so i never have to touch it.

you touched it when you put it in play!

If they really cared about players being able to play the game and not about collectors, they'd get rid of the reserve list and stock Dual Land collection boxes at walmart with complete sets of Dual Lands for $20.

They printed this in a legal set.

I love these artifacts, simply because I have a joke casual deck revolving around these and bazaar trader + mindslaver. Trade this to someone and make them go down to 1 or 2 the next turn.

Barren Glory or some shit

You sure about that?



Nevermind. You're right.

I made an exalted weenie UGW deck based around her.
So much stuff worked.
You had wall of denial, plenty of white exalted 1 mana creatures with good defense, rafiq, rogue equipment, multi coloured enchants like favour of the overbeing.

>they dont collect shitty mythics

come on Sup Forums what do you collect

>time twister for two more mana
That's not THAT shitty.

The fact that they aren't even willing to do anything to curb the excessive prices in modern where all the cards can be reprinted speaks volumes to their policy on card prices.

>not using your other cards to put it into play

>It's a rat woman

Fucking no cultural appropriation to Japanese culture. I can't even begin to explain why I don't support Magic. This is why YGO got off so well in the Eastern world, because fucks like you can't give other nations respect.

>Not using sleeves
It's part of the joke.

I would make a U/B deck that gave my opponent control of it and kept tapping the fuck out of it

You stupid motherfucker.


>Servant of Oni


>servant of oni

wall of heat it has firebreathing

SOURCE my memory