ITT: Fix the horror genre

ITT: Fix the horror genre

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What's wrong with it?

Get Junji Ito make a horror game

I was going to get high outside and I noticed something when I did.

Is there a horror game that forces you into situations where a cigarette lighter is your only light? And the faster you move it, the more likely it'll go out from the wind. If not, this could be a fun mechanic. You'll of course find lighter fluid/other lighters, and in tense situations you would be able to see your hand shivering making it more difficult to reignite your lighter. Hmm, maybe this would be a good VR idea?

make another one

They literally need to be more offensive, or repulsive.

>le Max Headroom so scary
It's not that spooky at all, unless you think static sound and bad television connections are scary.

>Make the player vulnerable at all times
>Make the story and events actually scary on more levels than one
>Remove all familiarity and enviroments that feel safe
>Have a good buildup and payoff
>Comedy and quips are only FUCKING NEVER

The rest is up to you


Less jumpscares and screaming. More development leading to a psychological fear being manifested through a characters outward actions or seeing things inside the mind of a demented person.

Better with a book of matches.

Encourage more variety: We have place for the current first person pseudo-stealth horror games, third-person action-influenced games, old school fixed camera "pure" survival horror, and whatever weird offshoots you can think of.

The best type of fear is the fear of something that isn't there.


your boring

Stop trying to emulate RE4 because it was never fucking good.

Stop putting fucking QTEs for everything. Immersion is EVERYTHING in a horror game, and if a giant A button pops up with the text saying SMASH A TO NOT DIE, it absolutely removes any sense of fear. It's shit.

>still no horror game where you play as a cop and track down serial killers in california and nevada

condemned doesn't count but its close

How do we fix dying in horror games?

It seems like games get noticeably less scary after a one or a few deaths (notably Amnesia:TDD)

you need real writers who have something legitimate to express about life and death
no good horror comes before that

Like that one twin peaks rip off? I forgot what its called...

I haven't the faintest idea, Zach

I want something where you have to explore an abandoned megamall that's been taken over by cults

F.E.A.R. is kind of pretty much what I wanted with that though

You don't make the player worry about his character, you make the player worry about his character's friends.

End survival horror. Calling it horror to begin with was a mistake. The games make you feel panic or anxiety, not horror. More games like Layers of Fear or STASIS, where the events of the game are actually horrifying and unsettling, not just OMG I GOT SPOOK SMASH DAT LIKE BUTT

This could actually work

>Stop trying to emulate RE4 because it was never fucking good.

In story, no. It was a disaster. But if you thought RE1-3 had a good story, I question your taste anyway.

In combat, it was pretty fucking good. Still the best third person shooter I have played and the weapon customization was one of the best as well. Only thing that holds it back is the QTEs (and the Ashley missions).

I'm hoping the sequel is a homage to Aliens as much as the first one was to original movie.

Shit, I see potential in that

How about just a game where you explore a huge empty mall. Or even extend that to be a large futuristic biodome where everyone but the main character has evacuated. And over time, the main character begins forming visions and sounds to counter the loneliness. And eventually, starts to go mad.

This would work better as an adventure game like Myst however. Since it would have no combat.

No thanks, a retarded game with the budget of disaster report made by the one nip who cant draw more than 1 face and its no able to write an ending...

Story isn't my problem with RE4, everything is.

>having a fucking store at all
>borderline no puzzles, borderline no exploration
>fucking QTEs everywhere

A survival horror game doesn't need good combat, and focusing so much on it is a huge waste of time. RE4 is an action game with a light horror theme, not a horror game.

First person adventure games are the perfect genre for horror, but they should be games like that don't have enemies and hiding. That shit's for the birds. Horror should be horrifying. If the most you can come up with is "startling", you don't get to call your game horror.

>tfw only jumpscares actually work on me
what you mentioned doesn't even phase me
I don't know why.

Have you seen Dan Bell's abandoned mall videos?

The ones with abandoned stuff that's noticeably dated to the 1970s or such are extremely fascinating to me. F.E.A.R. had a bit of that in some sections.
>mfw finding a fucking horse carriage deep in a section of the cities' underground that looks to be from the 1930's I goddamn love environmental shit like this.

>How about just a game where you explore a huge empty mall. Or even extend that to be a large futuristic biodome where everyone but the main character has evacuated. And over time, the main character begins forming visions and sounds to counter the loneliness. And eventually, starts to go mad.

is this close enough

less youtuber bait and more psychological horror

also this

Let the genre die in general.

Sound Design > Atmosphere >>>>>>>>> Everything Else

heavy shadows and gamebryo facegen

I've read a lot of horror novels and short stories and the one thing that games don't get right is the feeling of unease and dread that comes when a well crafted horror story unfolds. Effective horror stories don't have skeletons popping out and monsters chasing the protagonist. "Horror" games assume the worst thing possible is for the character to die and that's not the way effective horror is written. That's goosebumps choose-your-own-adventure level horror.

Depending on your definition, all RE games are linear. The first game lets you explore a mansion yes. But you really only have a couple places you can go at a time, until you unlock the next area (through story or a puzzle).

>having a fucking store at all
Almost everyone liked that. Either because it gave you upgrades, removed the 'no more ammo so you have to restart game' issue or just because the merchant was quirky and funny.

Too bad you didn't.

>borderline no puzzles, borderline no exploration
RE4 did have puzzles. And I actually think less puzzles and more focus on combat helped RE. The puzzles in RE1 and 2 were the worst part of the game for me.

You can also say the whole game is exploration. Just not free roaming.

>fucking QTEs everywhere
That's a legitimate issue that I don't think anyone liked. And the one thing that keeps the game from being top tier.

Game where you start with a cellphone, and must guide yourself using the light of its screen. On the messages there is only one message with a number on it. You call that number, and you can hear the other cellphone far away.

You must keep the screen on to see in the dark, but at the same time you gotta be fast to not run out of battery. Once you find the second cellphone, you also find a charger. While one cell is left recharging, you must use the other to cover ground, finding more cellphones with messages, and thus allowing you to cover even more ground (multiple phones = longer battery time).

Something follows you in the dark, and is attracted by the sounds the cells make. Many times you'll be saved by calling a cell in the distance, forcing the thing to go after it. Other times you'll die by receiving a surprise message, attracting the thing to you.

Because you don't understand what horror is.
Good horror doesn't startle you and make you fall out of your chair for an epic fail youtube viral hit. Good horror gives you goosebumps, not heart palpitations.

There's more to this idea (much more, in fact), but I don't want to give all here on Sup Forums.

good old jumpscares still do it for me, not every game must be psychological horror

I am here

fuck off

"Depending on your definition," all games are linear because they have a start and end. RE4 gives you a bunch of tiny areas to fuck around in until you find the way out, vs. the other games which give you a big area to look around in.

The people who like the store are the exact fucking problem with survival horror. There's no sense of needing to conserve supplies, which is a key element of survival horror. If you can just buy whatever you need, what's the fucking point?

Again, RE4 is an action game, not a horror game, and because other horror franchises tried to emulate what made it "good," the genre become "action with horror themes" instead of horror.

>e-everybody liked x! that means it was good!

That's all your post really boils down to.

What's the hit the water hit the water hit the water of videogames?

Weird intimidating shit that just happens and there's no immediate reason for it, and you have no idea if anything else is going to happen relating to it.

It's as simple as something ugly watching you from the other side of a long hallway, and then not being there later.

I was not prepared

with jumpscares though, I very much prefer when it's something in the darkness that you suddenly notice, rather than something jumping at you

feels much more natural, even gets me sometimes in games with combat in them

Speaking of horror, are there any good lovecraftian style games that are genuinely scary? Stuff like Bloodborne and Darkest Dungeon are neat, but they aren't really scary.

Hard Mode

I feel like a good story is really integral to good horror, something where you uncover pieces of it as you go along, but without it being overt and in your face.

Make your player's character a vampire.
And then shove him into a haunted house.

Add 666 and this

arent all his endings unsatisfying as fuck

RE4's Ashley's segments were good and a nice change of pace.

I wish they had another one on the island where we dodge Regenerators, that would've completed the game

>jump scares
cheapest tactic there is
easy youtube money to
its everything wrong with the genre today

>good old jumpscares
why do I never read posts before looking at the pictures

Dark Corners of the Earth and Darkness Within

>Remove all familiarity and enviroments that feel safe
disagree with this one.

I like the way Amnesia did it, you get nice day-lit puzzles with no enemies every now and then. It helps for doing longer sits because you're not just on the edge the whole time, and also it inspires a sense of dread because you have to go back inside.

>It helps for doing longer sits because you're not just on the edge the whole time

You had me thinking it'd be interesting to see a modern horror game take inspiration from Old-School doom in terms of pacing.

In Doom you're just dropped into a level and told to figure it out,you're always on edge since enemies can be around every corner, but Doom is an action game, I wonder how this would work in a modern horror environment where all you know what you have to do is survive to the next level

We need more story heavy horror games. Make more games with really fucked up twisted stories like The Cat Lady.

More bum fights. Hide and seek games can go fuck themselves.

>you have to make split-second decisions
>but multiple paths and optional objectives
>your half-baked decisions can have unforeseen consequences

I could get into that.

There's been more than enough Aliens wankery over the decades, please let me have my Alien series

>tfw let cancer lady shoot the final boss
I figured I was destined to die anyway so might as well go out with a bang.

Suck my dick Queen of Worms.

Horror games nowadays start out nice but then they throw a bunch of weapons at you, and somehow the MC knows how to shoot every gun like a Navy SEAL.

If you're going to add weapons it shouldn't be a fucking arsenal that suits an entire unit. Let players feel vulnerable and cautious of their surroundings.

Also, fuck jumpscares. That's such a cheap tactic that'll get most people. Make people feel like they're being watched, followed, hunted etc. It doesn't even have to be a monster or ghost chasing them. How about pure isolation, claustrophobic situations. Play with the players minds and make them fear going outside.

>go back to the past
>kill Konami
>save Silent Hills
>save the world

Make a horror version of Dark Souls. Make enemies hard. Fearing enemies is important. If anyone played Dead Space on normal vs hard there is a HUGE difference in how scary the later is just because the enemies are more of a threat.

Horror games shouldn't even have enemies, not even invincible ones like Amnesia. Once you die a couple times, they aren't scary any more.

>Junji Ito
Kazuo Umezu is better.

yes gone home was the greatest game ever made

game is about a world overrun with black bulls, you're the last surviving white male, you must cuck the bulls somehow. working name is
louis c.k as the final boss, CIA is your guide.

More jump scares.


Edgar Allan Poe never wrote a story about space marines blasting aliens. Just saying.

I'm sayin bruhhhhh

>More bum fights.

RIP Kimbo

First person (co-op?) survival horror where you play as a government agent who investigates paranormal phenomena

basically X files the video game, but with actual investigative work being part of the game. You find documents and remains of people and have to piece together what happened in each case all while surviving assaults from the various entities that are behind each case.

topics could range from something as simple as a haunting to alien abduction, skin walkers, and demons

Honestly there is no way to fit it because whatever the new way of making them will be memed to death
>le jump scare
Will turn into
>Le super tense all the time
Or whatever it is

>He clicked on DonutMan

A real X-Files game that captures the spirit of the show would be fucking baller.
I remember there being a really shitty one on PS1 that my cousin had.

That's not funny, user.

You're kidding, r-right?

hey can my post get deleted too?

>Mods deleted his post


He's just trying to make you paranoid, user.
There is nothing to be scared

your edge is going to cut someone, maybe even your self

What did he post?


Probably not that good unless the spooks are really good, and if they are, you might aswell build a good story around it at that point.
Something like the first Slenderman, and that wasnt so great exactly because all you knew is that you had to do objective X to win


something about being a homosexual


This, if you actually think re4 was a good installment in the series you're probably a casual gamer at best.

Also niggers need to realize re4 had tank controls, you just saw over leons shoulder... as for puzzles, the puzzles were effectively made in the first few games so that middle schoolers could do them, re4 puzzles were for down syndrome children

Also re4 was as linear as final fantasy 13. re1-3 were as free roaming as final fantasy 7 or 8 (just random comparisons) because in re4 or 13 you went in one fucking direction with nothing to check/do besides getting to that checkpoint, same for 7/8 and 1-3 you COULD go look around and find some small things to actually do that wasn't for the story, but ultimately you had to get to the checkpoint, but you still ahd those small things that could be done. Which as I digress was non existent in re4


You guys make a mistake in thinking RE4 is a horror game

Its one of the greatest action games of all time

no but they generally had a thread involved