
is it good as the PS2?
I´ve never played it before
Only played some smt games but nothing from persona

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It's better. You don't have to deal with the retarded ai.

As long as you don't mind the VN aesthetic and not being able to directly walk around the non-dungeon parts, then yeah.

I don't think P3P has the epilogue from FES

No anime cutscenes, no ingame cutscenes with 3d models, and no running around the overworld, instead you control a dot and click where you want to go.

Other than that it's the same as ps2 with the far better female protagonist and the ability to control the whole party unlike before on the ps2.

There's some extra stuff here and there that make the game better but nothing too big.

No, it gives a completely butchered experience from.the original, changing scenes and details.
Also, it has typos and glitches out the ass

It's breddy gud. Comfy game I keep on my phone for use with PPSSPP.

It also has a /ss/ romance so that's a plus

you can't control your party members on the ps2 version. i will never understand how this board justifies that shit.

play p3p

It butchers the atmosphere and narrative that FES/Vaniila has. Also fusion spells have been reduced to a one use item and no multiple weapons or Answer epilogue.

it's fantastic

my recommendation is to bind the throttle button to your controller so you can go 400% speed through shit cutscenes you've already seen and walking around endlessly in tartarus

It wasn't a game breaker issue. Except for when fucking Mitsuru tried marin karin instead of just healing. Other than that I had no problems whatsoever.

Isn't this universally agreed as one of the downsides of the game?
But who the hell knows, Kingdom Hearts XV is coming out soon, and very soon people will praise not having control of party members as innovative and groundbreaking because Square Enix said it was.
I dread the day.

It's okay I guess, but, especially for your first playthrough, you should really do whatever you can to play FES.

P3P is okay for repeat playthrough.

so basically
I wouldn´t have anime cutscenes or 3d model ones
and kinda of VN
It isn´t so bad tho
but I´m worried about the epilogue shit
does it changes a lot?

the epilogue is garbage
literally not even worth playing

if you've already played the game once get p3p
if you haven't, play p3fes

No, you get to complete the whole game. The epilogue in the PS2 version is not necessary unless you want more.

The game was literally designed around that aspect, to make the characters feel like their own Person, like real life, people don't always follow orders properly.

>HASHINO: Yes! It would have been wrong, for this game. There are a lot of RPGs out there where you can control every aspect of your party members, including what kind of underwear they are wearing… but because we wanted the player to relate to the Hero more than any other character in “Persona 3”, we wanted the other characters to feel like “other people”.

>SOEJIMA: It was important to make that distinction. It helped to emphasize the concept of Social Links, and it also allowed us to show off the improved AI. It would have been extra cool if the party members had been completely free of player control, but we knew that would be pushing it a bit too far, so we gave the player control over their equipment at least.

>HASHINO: It’s true that we got some feedback stating that the party system was “too difficult” to control effectively, but I’ll honestly say that I don’t regret doing what we did with it. I’m glad we stuck to our guns on that one.

This, OP. Play P3 FES first for the true comfy experience, get fucked in the ass (or not, its subjective) by your party's AI and then play FeMC on P3P.

Avoid P3P if you haven't already played FES.

Do you mean the Answer? The Answer is good if you like the combat and going through dungeons, but it seems like most people only play the games for the girls

How fucking mad i am that Persona 3 didn't end with the original true ending, it was perfect in every aspect. [Open]

Fuck "The Answer".
Not only the protagonist choses on his own to become a fucking door, Aigis and the rest of the cast sound like they could care less if (you) died. [Open]

Can we all agree this shit is so bad that it should be non-canon?

Heck, even Persona Q decided to ignore that shit.

>ability to control party members in an arpg
This isnt even possible. Turn based combat is completely different.

I think it is.

>like real life, people don't always follow orders properly.
They're damn certainly supposed to if they're part of a combat unit and you're their leader, I'll tell you that much.

I don't speak for XV itself, which is a beast of its own and an entirely different brand of heresy, but XII was still turn-based, or at least a turn-based derivative, which is what the ATB system was supposed to be.

Don't forget the bugs and typos
Did i mention that some text is untranslated?

I saw The Answer on Youtube. Honestly, it isn't worthy.

It has differences, people will shit on you for playing it but its still a good way to play it first time, also Female and Male paths might as well be different games with how much it changes

Fuck it.

Non-canon, i say.


>Heck, even Persona Q decided to ignore that shit.

Unfortunately, Arena didn't.

People don't always do what they're supposed to.

Better. Though I can understand other's opinions. It's still the better.

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>Heck, even Persona Q decided to ignore that shit.
did it?
i just assumed persona Q happened before the final boss fights of 3 and 4 took place

Q is canon?

Great, that is better represented by a panicking bar or status effect or something similar that symbolizes party members to lose their cool. RPGs have had confusion as a status effect for decades.
That is a better representation of people not properly following your lead than every time you desperately need a heal or a specific attack being responded with "SCREW YOU, MARIN KARIM"

Even if it's canon, none of that shit actually happens in the end.

No, but it kept the MC alive and happy with his friends.

>marin karin

Here's how you tell someone was shit at the tactics system

Yes, but in the most ass pull way possible.

The cast of P3 and P4 forget their memories of the events that took place.

What a way to ruin the ending.

I am so fucking pissed off.

Marin Karin is a dumb phrase that has no basis in reality, if you are retarded enough to have Mitsuru as your only healer then you deserve to die.

Persona Q "ignored it" because it took place before The Answer, idiot.

Although, Atlus probably won't make any major reference in the main games that it actually happened though, there might be a minor thing, but nothing like "hey guys, remember that time we met the high-school version of those SEES guys?"


BUT it COULD have taken place after The Answer, and they chose NOT TO.

Think about that.

Naoto is best waifu.

Or maybe they wanted shinji to be alive so they could actually make it a slice of life drpg and not p4 kids teaming up with distraught pissed confused p3 kids

>Not Minato Arisato

Anyways, they kept the MC alive maybe because Yu was alive and needed a parallel between the two.

Makes me hate The Answer a lot more, tho.

Shinji, as in the party member you dense fuck.

What does the Answer have to do with Q, at all?


Oh, yeah.

It literally doesn't matter if it is or isn't desu. You decide.


It's just that the original ending was perfect as it was.

The MC dying out of player choice and having yhe other party members give a big "wathever" about his demise makes me wish it was erased from existence.

You liked The Answer?

>here I'm gonna waste a turn to cure some shitty status effect instead of healing the whole party

>hey guyz we solved a murder mystery and convinced a god not to do bad things, what wacky adventures did you guys do?
>a good friend of ours fucking DIED saving the world, that's what happened
I kinda wanna see that actually

The FES PS2 version is better.
P3Pfags can never get over that fact because they refuse to use their brains to adapt to a different gameplay scheme, but that's how it is.
Even if you don't like The Answer, P3FES has better content, better gameplay and lacks the typos and casualization that P3P suffers from.

Only get P3P for a replay as the female protagonist, or if you have no other way to play P3 otherwise.

Yes. P3 Bitches wanting Yu's dick is canon.

MC died in the original ending, and the whole fucking plot of the Answer is about people giving a shit that he died.

The PS2 was absolutely better.

The models, the animations and the movies are enough to claim it as the better version.

It was left kinda up to you, to be honest.

The original true ending had the MC end up with his friends, which was all they needed to end the story.


Kinda? I mean Ken and Shinji are cool with each other, which makes no fucking sense

At this point everything is canon except FeMC


Good taste.

>up to the playef
>used a skill which requires his whole hp pool
>gets more and more tired every day
Are you retarded?

So... what are peoples thoughts on the P3 movies?

>liking used whores
Lisafags pls go

Yes, but it wasn't hammered into you like in The Answer.

Did he die at the end? Did he not?
(You) just sleep with a smile on your face with your friends alongside you.
They never say "YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD" at any point.

That was it, the most perfect videogame ending ever.

It has the best girl in the series
You can control your party (which does makes the game easier) not that that's a bad thing, tartarus sucks
The FeMC social links are better overall.
And the Answer sucks anyway.

If you don't mind playing as a girl or missing *some* animated cutscenes, I'd say it's better.

Managed to make MC even blander than he is in the game.

Except if you played with the different tactics for 5 minutes you'd know exactly what skills they would use and under which circumstances that might change. The only people that complain about the lack of control are the people too retarded to memorize basic AI behavior and/or too lazy to utilize the form of control the developers gave them and instead just bitch about not having all the control that they want. The only time it can get really fucking annoying is against Nyx and the moonless gown or whatever it's called. You have to give up moves or else your party member will suicide.

Fuck me you're a faggot

That's because retards like you thought he was still alive or that it was up to the player. The answer was Atlus 'so way of getting retards to accept the fact that MC is dead.


The first one is good ol' fanservice and enjoyable all around. A 7/10 if you are a big fan, and a 6/10 if you're not.

The other ones are thrash, because the MC acts like an edgy retard who doesn't make sense.
Maybe the third and fourth ones are better, but they're still directed by the same guy (the first one had a different director), so I don't have much hope.

Kinda worked both ways desu senpai

I only played the p3p version of p3 should I play fes?


I mean, yeah, i can accept he died.

But the ending in itself was left ambiguous about the future, and everyone was together and happy.

You literally didn't need anything else.

The answer is fucking boring to play through, you know how you finish tartarus in 1 or 2 days so you can spend the rest of the month with your friends?

Well swap the month with about 10 minutes of cutscenes, where Yukari is a bitch and Aigis has a sister or something.

Just watch a playthrough.

>MC is dead
>P3 Bitches reunited with Yu in arena
Door-kun is gonna get need hard desu senpai

The original ending was great, as it left us on an ambiguous note on what happens to MC and everyone else. But the additional story after that just shits on everything.

Well, he might want to be a door made out of "wood'.


I think the movies started going downhill when they got the same guy who did P4GA ( which was awful)to direct the 2nd movie.

Which explains all that Aigis pushing, since it's very similar to the Marie pushing present in P4GA,.

Do you think Atlus is ever going to pull the trigger on reviving MC?

P3: MC died and the cast moved on
The Answer: MC IS DEAD. Please move on with your lives
Same shit.

It really annoys me what Atlus did with Persona 3, in P4 when you go back a couple of months later everyone looks like friends, and love each other in a non gay way.

In P3 they just said fuck it, in Arena only Mitsuru and Yukari remember each other and everyone else did their own thing, the worse one is based Jumpei, which becomes a couch for a minor baseball league when everyone else is a world champion or a fucking superstar.

Junpei was always a fucking failure. I'm amazed he even has a job.

Yu is canonically paired with FRIENDSHIP and BONDS.

He has some threesomes with Naoto and Rise in the city whenever they have the time to meet up, but otherwise, most of the other party members are in the Shadow Ops or on their own.

That's probably the only way they could repair the ending.

But they won't, the ending has already been too ruined.

And, probavly the only way to revive him is with the power of friendship.

It didn't need to.

It just feels out of nowhere.

" The Answer just completely ruined the ending for me. The original ending was great, as it left us on an ambiguous note on what happens to MC and everyone else. But the additional story after that just shits on everything."

When they run out of ideas for spin offs and have no choice but to resort to bringing him back, to get people to buy it.

You don't have to be with someone 24/7 to fuck them.

Well, the most plausible way to revive Misato in my opinion is that if they make a Persona 4 Arena "3", Yu and the rest of the gang defeat Nyx (Superform or wathever) again, and gain the MC's life energy or wathever back and revive him.

Make him hug Aigis and have Yu say his line from Persona Q.
"I am sure we will meet again" or something like that.

It's shit, but its the best possible thing they could do.

>That's probably the only way they could repair the ending
That would completely ruin the ending and the entire point of P3 though.
And it is highly unlikely that the Persona writters will be able to pull off something that doesn't end up being retarded, uneventful or both.

Let MC rest, he saved the world and died for your sins. There's no need to bring him back.

I know, i know.

I was refering to the fact it was bettee left up to you. (Aka. Ambigous.)

The most plausibke way they would revive him would be something similar to my shit fanfiction over here.

That is not Nanjo.

>best girl
Too bad she's a slut who seduces other people's boyfriends.
i heard she was supposed to be romanceable, would have made sense with all the tension going on with her SL

I dunno if you've forgotten, but defeating Nyx is impossible, which is why he had to settle for sealing it away from Erebus. The only way to 'defeat' Nyx is for mankind to not wish for death.

>slut who seduces other people's boyfriends


I mean her SL is the closest you get to f/f pairing outside of Aigis. Which is kinda sad, where my /u/s at?

Fuck you Atlus

Read this and tell me how anyone but Demi-fiend could stand a chance of truly defeating P3 Nyx.

You literally cannot truly defeat Nyx as long as humans are alive. That's like saying you'll defeat existence.
