What's a game where I can play a loser with crippling insecurities or deeply rooted issues, but grows from the journey and overcomes his problems?
>inb4 real life
I already live with the fact.
What's a game where I can play a loser with crippling insecurities or deeply rooted issues...
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There are thousands of VNs with those settings but VNs aren't games.
Max Payne 3
Final Fantasy 7/8
final fantasy 7
I wasn't going to say real life. There's no need to lie to ourselves here, we all know you wouldn't experience the second part of your request and stay forever as a loser.
Dumb frogposter
>"lol stay depressed im so edgy"
Misery loves company, doesn't it?
Nearly every single JRPG with underdog tendencies.
Lester the Unlikely is your game, OP.
Can you name a few, user?
Same with this. I've never really seen JRPGs or VNs with such a setting.
Actual Sunlight
Where did you read that?
Tales of the Abyss
The main character goes from being a naive but confident jerk to being a total wet paper bag with no idea what's he's doing and who's catch phrase is "I'm sorry"
From there he kind of gets better? maybe? Actually, by the end of the game I still liked his starting personality the best because at least at that time he was sure of himself and stuck to to actions that he perceived as being correct and helpful.
Gitaroo man
I want to fuck that amphibian
>Tales of the Abyss
He is a prince but every fucking character hates him, he is a loser in the sense that he is totally asocial, childish und throwing his selfish fits left and right. He grows from his journey.
What's a game where I cuddle with a frog?
The World Ends With You
Seems interesting enough.
Title alone gives me a faint idea of what to expect. Really eager to try it out.
Isn't that the exact opposite?
I should replay that soon. That was a good game.
>Isn't that the exact opposite?
It's not presented that way.
And he goes from having one actual friend to many, because apparently they all believe it's an improvement?
XBlaze, though that doesn't have the growth or overcoming any problems by himself.
Frogs are things that you freeze for fun.
That sounds depressing, but I'll check it out anyways. Really conflicts with what described, though.
I actually own that on Vita but never really got far. Do the characters help him out of being a loser?
They try to help him, solve his problems for him, but he's too big of a bitch to have any sort of personal growth from it.
great game, great music, story gets complex as fuck but has a lot of character development
Still interesting enough.
I'll try it out. Should emulate fine on my Wii U.
You begin as nobody, and end up as one of the biggest gary stu in the universe
beat me to it
Tales of the Abyss is literally what you described.
Didn't read the replies but wouldn't surprise me if it's mentioned already.
How has no one said No More Heroes yet?
Happened to me. So literally real life.
Tales of Symphonia 2 did this, but it's terrible so don't play it
Did he really overcome any of his issues, though? Been meaning to replay that one, too.
Good job.
I mean, does it at least have some redeeming factor? I remember trying it out and didn't think it was all bad. There was a massive difficulty spike come Ch. 2 though, and I quit because of how empty the narrative was.
real life.
It's redeeming factor is being a sequel to ToS1, but only if that's literally your favorite game ever.
Yeah, he overcomes his sexist chivalry by finally murdering women.
If only it were that easy.
Then I'll avoid it completely.
I guess that fits the bill.
Megaman Starforce, really.
You start off really depressing but you develope out of it after a while, and it keeps on going through all 3 games
That's a pretty good suggestion. Thanks, user.
This is the first thing that I thought of. Glad to see I am not alone on this one.
You already know what song this is
You play as an autistic manic depressive who got his niece killed, he steals from his family, is obsessed with memes.
He also plays VR games in public.