Steam Release of Wildstar on June 9th

Steam Release of Wildstar on June 9th.

This will save this amazing game.

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It doesn't loo amazing.

Three years too late.

no it wont anybody who cared played it already

Is it free to play yet?


What do you think it feels like to work on a game like this? Must suck going into work everyday knowing that you're a huge failure

I hope this revitalizes the game for alittle while

I need to sell this Glitterkitty set

Every mmo on steam ends up being 90% bots

Any Founder's shit for those of us who sadly bought it?

11,000 people will play it on day one and 1,250 people will play it next month

If no one gives a fuck about it now when its free why the fuck will they two days from now.

I think you got grandfathered benefits I don't remember the details

Yeah, it went F2P a long time ago. They put a lot of effort and hopes into it. They even went and hired the people who make the League cinematics (I'm assuming from the look of it)
Really good cinematic, just like their launch one.
But it apparently flopped again.

This Steam release is its 3rd attempt at staying alive.

Every ounce of effort put into it was wasted the second they signed on with Nexon.

All dying mmos go to Steam. Like TERA but amazingly enough, a lot of people still play TERA

A corpse that won't stay down.
They still haven't even fixed the whole "Only 2 Races in each group can be Espers" and similar with all the classes to Races nonsense.
>Like Mechari
>Want to make an Esper
>LOLNO, Chua or Human
>Despise those furry bastards
>It's the same on the other side, but with humanoid rats
>There's even some NPCs that are classes they shouldn't be
>Literally just lazy development
Game's pretty decent besides that dumb shit.

>tried this a few months back
>promising controls, combat, animations
>would run into three people over 4 hours
>none of the ques popped at all
>check forums/reddit/general
>fired like 40 people that same day

One of the weirdest gaming experiences ever. It'd be nice if this did pick up though, just to see what a dungeon is like.

It was impossible to get into a Dungeon at relaunch and there was a serious bug with the 2nd Dungeon, but they're pretty decent.

People play Tera to screencap their large-hipped babyfurs in lingerie

it's literally being funded by pandering for pedobuck

And it's working

Yeah, and MMOs tend to come with a lot of hard work and unpaid overtime so they basically gave up the past couple years of their life to be a failure.

Wasn't it already released on Steam?

Or was that just it going free to play that I am thinking of?

Either way, a pretty, cute, game that is held down by an ancient, terribly performing engine and boring WoW quests.
I couldn't handle more than one session before uninstall.

Steam release, sadly, won't save this game. The engine needs to be entirely rebuilt if it expects to compete.

Oh man, steam?
I love when these mmos who have fucking subscriptions get knocked down a peg and are forced to go free to play and then steam


Blade and Soul does the same thing but people arent half as interested. Kinda weird

this, honestly

as much as I love the game - it had it's chance and it blew it

pretty sure the only people that still play, play it for housing because that's the only part of the game that they can consistently milk autists for their shekels

Elins are the only thing keeping it afloat, and the devs know it.

They recently added a Ninja class that was, you guessed it, Elin only. Easily the one race it makes the least since for.

Cause they're not going as hard with it as tera
tera was good but it's got no shotas
blade and souls has shotas but the outfits arent as nearly as skimpy and tend to follow the same trend

I hope they make that cat bathing suit with the rubber ducky float a male lyn outfit

Played it at launch with a friend, got to 50 in just over a month and stopped playing it shortly after that. The combat was decently fun and housing was neat, but just lost interest really quickly, no real desire to go back. I think one reason my friend lost interest was Esper was pretty gimped at launch, no idea how it is now, but it sucked back then. He liked the class, but medic and the spellslinger or whatever it was were just plain better.

Sup Forums guild when?
unless you cant have guilds i don't really know never played.

They went a bit overboard with their vanilla WoW mechanics

Someone give me the 411 on Wildstar?

>blade and souls has shotas

literally the only reason im still playing

shotas actually look pretty kakkoi in BnS

This is another case of "DUDE AWESOME LMAO"

It's pretty bad

+good combat
+best housing of ANY game

-boss grind
-raid mechanics
-boring after awhile

boss grind?

they got rid of the horrible attunement

This, but warrior and tanking. At launch warriors were by far the worst tanks. Had worse survivability, damage, and threat generation than both of the others. I was relegated to being a power link whore in my raiding guild. It was fun, but over time my guild and I just lost interest.

its like every mmo. Grind the same 5 dungeons daily for Vet coins

>This will save this amazing game.

C'mon man you know this isn't going to do anything to increase the playerbase

I'll play it again if they fixed the fact that it ran like dog shit

See Really sums up the game's biggest mistake.

>Nearly all the vanilla WoW players have moved on from MMOs
>Most the people clamoring for "the good old days" never actually played Vanilla WoW, or anything pre-WoW. These people hit the endgame, and quickly went for the unsubscribe page.

thats one of the main things that killed the game.
>vanilla wowfags love raids with 40 to 60 people!
>the huge party raids were a disaster in wildstar and it was hard getting people together for them

Steam release isn't going to bring in enough people for you to do low level dungeons. If you want to do a dungeon then you better get to max level.

A perfect example of what catering to the actual "WE WANT VANILLA RAIDING SHOULD BE HARDER OMG NO BADS ALLOWED" crowd will get you - a dead fucking game. This is the same reason I could give zero shits about WoW Classic servers or anything else. Sure, there are a minority of people who actually want that old content, there are others who are trying to recapture their glory days of first MMO fun by assuming "Game is less grindy and less tedious... thats what changed!" even though its actually their experience that changed instead, but overall most people do NOT want the shit mechanics we saw in WildStar.

WildStar COULD have been a great evolution of WoW's "Theme Park" style. They literally had all the pieces there. But they implemented them in the worst way possible. Like crafting/housing - instead of globally unlocking each item account wide you acquired for your house, you had to literally go buy another one in order to move the fucking bushes around your property. Keying for raids wasn't bad in and of itself, but they made dungeons scale WAY too hard and then put the only progression gear (ie raid ready) gear for Gold Medal runs - think of them similar to Challenge/Mythic runs in WoW. Anyone who didn't think they were going to get Gold because new players, under geared etc... simply dropped group and nobody learned or geared up because getting anything less than Gold was a big turd in the box.

It was a horrible game made horrible by listening to horrible people.

>make cute tomboy lyn
>everyone calls me a shota

This still makes no sense to me. I don't understand why they can't create a set of animations and copy-paste them across all the races.

They keep making excuses about keeping animations unique, but Castanic and Elves had them copy-pasted and they'd make more money, make more people happy that way. A human female only Brawler seems so stupid. I don't understand this developer at all.

It runs better than it did before. Saw a pretty good increase in the frame rate.

Disappointing part was the lack of mod support in the game after the F2P launch. Probably one of the best parts about the game.

Also, Wildstar has some of the best housing in an MMO. Going to be a shame to see it go.

the devs were also incompetant as fuck every patch they put out broke something and every patch they put out to fix the broken stuff more more stuff

I got to the level cap and then realized there was nothing to do

Warhammer Online - Dead
Guild Wars 2 - Dead
Wildstar - Dead
Rift - Dead
SWTOR - Dead
Elder Scrolls Online - Dead
Black Desert - Dead
LOTRO - Dead
TERA - Dead
Age of Conan - Dead
Tabula Rasa - Dead
Aion - Dead

Even the low level ones are intense compared to almost every other game out there. They might have dumbed it down for F2P (not saying a lot, but still), I wouldn't know

they are the same , pretty much

>(not saying a lot, but still)
meant to put that after "compared to almost every other game out there"

aion was on steam from day 1

Welcome to Korea. Nearly all that is bad in PC gaming, from microtransactions to other monetization et.c... comes from Korea. That includes "playing a character that is a single race and class",in MMOs as opposed to selected a race and then class, customizing from there (ie Western Dungeons and Dragons inspired style). . Korea ruins PC gaming.

The best thing about Wildstar's fucked up balance to me was medics.

>start out with heals that make them unkillable in PvP
>devs nerf their heals and give a little bit of damage capability to compensate
>this makes a class called "medic" a mediocre healer and top dps in PvE for most of the game's lifespan

Lets be honest, Guild Wars 2 isn't dead. They're doing pretty well overall. Not sure about Elder Scrolls Online, but I heard they launched a couple of expansions recently and their monetization is MUCH better than say, SWTOR if you want a "single player-ish story MMO".

I just played it as a single player game until I reached content that required a full party, then quit. There weren't even enough people around in F2P to join up with randoms.

This pisses me off so much especially when I just don't get the appeal of Elins besides pedobait. I'm already surprised they just gave gunner and brawler to not-Elin races.

Yeah, that's why I rolled engineer, they were powerful at launch.

>generic WoW clone that tried to be like vanilla WoW but didnt capture anything about it
Why would I give a fuck again?


MORE LIKE TWO! This game came out in 2014.

This has to be one of those games alongside Evolve and Stillborn that died so fucking fast.

Actually GW2, TERA and ESO are still doing pretty well. I actually still play TERA and ESO so can confirm

Dont give me that bullshit, the ONLY thing it had going for it as being "vanilla" was raiding, something that was never relevant for early vanilla except for a minuscule minority.

Every other aspect of the game was so generic and shallow with no relation at all to vanilla WoW.

>raid mechanics
>a negative
nigga what?

If F2P couldn't save it, what makes you think Steam will?

Still... this game is pretty special to me man. The PvE dungeon running in this game is so unique and good compared to other MMOs, its just the world leveling and everything else that makes it a deal breaker for other people.

>'lets grab the vanilla crowd!'
>focused on dungeons and raiding, which is not what vanilla was about
>leveling content was rubbish
>casual as shit
>no need to talk to anyone ever
>cartoony, childish art style
>try hard borderlands like writing with continuously in your face bullshit
Not surprised it died. Rule 1 of selling a product to a market is knowing the market, they didnt know theirs.

>there are people who have played the game for 2 years who have never done a single vet dungeon or tried raiding because they thought it would be too hard
I hated their HARDCORE advertising.

>casual as shit
>no need to talk to anyone ever
Did you ever try a dungeon? You couldn't just faceroll it. People needed to know what was up.

I really hope this game is good and it gets a breath of life with steam. I need a decent MMO to play. Tera kind of sucks. I might download it now and skip waiting for the steam release. But I don't get too optimistic and disappoint myself again.

This game was fun but I got too old to spend the time needed

Learn to read

If you like exploring/leveling with a buddy or two, then ESO is pretty decent. Its dungeons suck. It was very much designed around solo play.

It's currently extremely cheap on key seller sites and a pretty good deal depending on your tastes. It's definitely not dead, but since the playerbase is split up 18 fucking ways (NA/Europe have different megaservers, the 3 consoles play on different servers, and the 3 factions literally can't see each other in PvE) it'll be extremely noticeable when the playerbase diminishes.

If you're interested, might want to jump on it while it's cheap and the devs aren't too jewy. Like every game, the subscriber/cash shop benefits are creeping upward. Used to be subscribing only got you expansion access and a 10% xp boost, now it gives you unlimited inventory for crafting items, which is almost every item.

>played the game for 2 months
>finished the first raid
>literally not enough people in the entire server to even attempt the second raid
>guild quickly falls apart after that
I heard that they reduced Datascape to a 20 man at some point. I'd like to give it another shot, but I also heard they nerfed everything. I was actually part of the real hardcore crowd that was serious about wanting challenge. It's disappointing to me that most of my friends were in the poser hardcore group.

>trying to appeal to vanilla WoW fans
>who are now in their 20s/30s
>do this sort of crap
Seriously, the entire marketing team needs to be fired

>I really hope this game is good
depends what you're looking for from an mmo. wildstar's dungeons and raids are the best around. if you want something else, don't bother.

>I also heard they nerfed everything
You're hearing this from people who were carried in though datascape and can trivialize everything with their new 120 gear. doing content at level is still a challenge. If you don't believe me, try doing skullcano and see how many raid geared players die to laser in Mordecai's fight.

>watch the 2nd year anniversary stream saying steam coming in a few weeks
>roommate wanted to try the game, but I was waiting on steam release
>WoW went on sale for 5 bucks
>roommate is a WoWhead
>threw him a bone, got it since he was curious about mine. I've never played WoW personally.
>this announcement happens

I knew this shit would happen. I just wanted more time with wow first damnit.

Still hella hype though

A good leveling experience (which NO mmo seems to be able to do) and good endgame and not broken pvp.

Hearing I can level to max in a week is actually a turnoff for me compared to other casual mmo players.

that fucking framerate at 1:55

It's funny. Even back in the day my hardcore group would sometimes fuck that up. We ended up using the rock exploit because our female healer that was otherwise pretty good could just not do that part.

Also, I'd like to add we did that before they fixed the ridiculous respawn point. Getting silver in that dungeon pretty much required you didn't wipe even once. Having to run back from the elevator was easily a 5 minute chip off your time.

as someone who played it for a year you're going to be disappointed user this game really isn't something for shitters a normal dungeon in this game is about on par with the hard mode dungeons on wow

>played during beta
>filed bug reports
>never saw bugs getting fixed
>turns out, it was virtually impossible for the devs to fix bugs because of how absurdly awful Carbine management was
>realize this shit will never ever get fixed
>they couldn't even fix their buggy, shitty UI before launch
>they disguised awful optimization by dropping big giant walls everywhere in the capital city to try to improve framerates there

I had fun in the BGs for awhile when the game went F2P unfortunately the queues for that died shortly after so I got bored of it. I might check it out again and start over on a PvP server for the Steam release. Though thinking about that I'm already bored of the idea of leveling up.

Played Wildstar the last time it was free and I think I hated it. I was a psychic assassin and it was like pick between the good builder skill or the garbage/slow one, and then decide which of these 3 nearly identical finishers you want to have. Everything else was on a 30-60 second cooldown so even though they were kind of cool it's not like I could ever use them. Like I got 2 pets that kind of deal damage for a little bit.

I still play wildstar.

It's not like NCSoft couldn't afford a steam release from the get go... The only reason it's happening now is because they know they'll be able to milk the last bit of money they could from Wildstar that way. In about a year from now, they'll shut down the game. Not because the Steam release went badly, but because it's already planned.

Doesn't anyone here remember what happened to City of Heroes?

If it needs saving, it's probably not amazing.


Don't remind me. I'm still mad about City of Heroes and Exteel.

It appealed to me and a lot of people.

It had that space age Atompunk feel from the Buck Rogers / Flash Gordon universe where instead of exploring space, you explored the inner depths of a planet stumbling on alien creatures and battling primitive but dangerous civilizations. Last time we had a game like this, it was back in the PS1 age with Blasto.

Name me ONE other game like this...

game coulda been alive

but instead

it ded

I know I was subbed for its first year and played a lot in beta. Shit was great, but I dropped it since expenses took priority. After I built a new pc, I wanted to wait for Wildstar's steam release. Spellslinger is fun as fuck. I was just upset at the irony of this announcement so soon after trying wow.

>It's not like NCSoft couldn't afford a steam release from the get go
They didn't do it because they didn't want to share profits with steam.

The only thing I care about in that game is the big titties redhead.

Wish there was more porn of her.

why did you wait for the steam release when it's been f2p for months

Cool, I had a vague interest in it years ago and I know it's f2p

>only 6 classes
Dropped. There is literally no reason to only have 6 classes. Fucking every other MMO has far more.