>he hasn't bound melee to middle mouse button
He hasn't bound melee to middle mouse button
That's what mouse 4 is made for, silly.
I use middle mouse button for teamchat with my friends, side mouse button is where it's at.
Middle mouse is my spray button.
>he posts Overwatch shitposts on Sup Forums and not where they belong
I actually did bind it to middle mouse. Are you me?
thats implactical as fuck
its already on the thumb
why sacrifice a triggerfinger?
its like you want to die
I did that when I got into the OW Alpha.
I bound it to E, I use side buttons for shift and what used to be E's ability.
>Not having buttons on the side of your mouse
My E is on middle mouse button, put melee on E instead.
>not using f for melee, e for ultimate, scroll down for one ability and shift for the other
Whats it like being utter fucking shit
you're in the wrong place, newfriend!
you're looking for
>he plays memewatch
You can't even shitpost right.
>he fell for the overwatch meme
I bound it to scroll wheel up and down. Because why the fuck would I need that for weapon switching when only 2 characters even have a second weapon?
I use E for melee, Q for ultimate, LShift for voice, and the side buttons on my deathadder for both skills.
It really feels like the way the game was meant to be played.
>bind melee to middle mouse wheel
>have a shitty mouse that scrolls up and down erratically unless you click it in just right
>accidentally switch weapons when trying to melee
Fuck Razer
>playing activision garbage.
There's no middle mouse button on my controller
Melee is shit in Overwatch anyway.
>he doesn't have alt+f4 bound to left click for instant rage quits
Right click to jump
Middle mouse button for melee
Q to secondary fire
4 to ult
Alt to crouch
V to voice chat
G to emote