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Woah there! You look like you're having fun, we're here to take care of that
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Good thing I'm Reinhardt and protecting my team that knows what they're doing or I'd really be in trouble. Just kidding, they all just died to Junkrat's wheel and he got play of the game for it.
Good thing I'm Mercy and I can actually play her. Every time I die to those two is either McCree's Ulti catches me in the open as I'm healing some fucknut, or Widowmaker snipes me.
McCree is second place in the no fun zone, but Mei is still the worst.
Slowing the game down inherently is a mistake, even if you attach a theme to it.
>durr the return of Arena Shooters
>with slows and stuns haha TRICKED YOU
>having trouble against Widowmaker
Just doing walk out in the open. You should know the maps by now. There's always a path around every vantage point.
>Arena shooter with no arena mode, nor is it balanced for the team deathmatch mode they weren't putting in anyway
yeah you got tricked alright
In this game, nearly all abilities 1-3 shot everyone else, including the beefiest tanks.
They made it more casual & faster than TF2 which appeases the short attention spanned babbies of the modern age.
>I'm a shitter who just began playing
You have no idea how influential Widowmaker becomes later on.
>Cowboy has a stun grenade
This is the worst decision IMO
They should remove it and give him an ability that lets him bounce bullets and see their trajectory.
People aren't playing him like a cowboy, they're essentially using him as a casual version of Genji and exclusively using him to flank and gimp people from close range.
thanks obongo
>that cringey "BAMF" belt buckle
what in the literal and actual fuck were they thinking? there's more cringe in that belt buckle than all of borderlands 2.
>Just don't go in open
>Take the side path
>Nevermind the fact she has wallhacks and knows where you are at all times with a fully charged bodyshot waiting for you.
bouncing bullets would be much cooler
>an ability that lets him bounce bullets and see their trajectory
While I get what you're going for and think it'd be pretty cool, that seems kinda lackluster for an active ability. More suiting of a passive property to his left-click, don't you think?
>Don't worry just don't walk around in the open!
>Enemy team pushes on you and you can't do anything about it because Widowmaker has the entire area covered
Granted, someone should just pick Winston and fuck up Widowmaker, but a single hero shouldn't be able to lock down an entire area.
Tracer, Widowmaker, and Mei are the unholy trinity of anti-fun.
OW has so many abilities that drive me absolutely fucking mad.
>Tracer rewind gives her full HP
>McCree's stun grenade that offers a free kill
>Widowmaker's hilariously short scope charge as well as being able to kill with 3 bodyshots
>Widow's silent wallhack ult
>Hanzo can spam arrows without aiming and still get kills
If I die to Mei, I feel it was my fault, same with Roadhog's hook. But I don't feel any of the above is fair and only exists to pander to casuals who can't play well.
>mfw shitters can't into team based shooter, go at it alone thinking they're alpha and getting stomped
maybe but it was passive and every bullet bounced it might get OP. Imagine a team of McCrees firing endlessly into doorways and landing headshots...It would be no bueno.
McCree I think is designed to be a simple, mid-range skill based character. That's my opinion anyway.
I main Mei. People only find her anti-fun because she causes loss of control of your character. I find this ok, because its the purpose of the character. However the icicle shot is too powerful. Mei is essentially a CC'er, escapist & sniper? Too powerful.
When our team is getting roasted hard by cheapers I almost always go Mei to even the odds.
When's the nerf coming?
They need to fix the head hit box.
Yeah, everyone and their mother knows I have a teleporter on the map but it's impossible to know if I'm just not allowed to move outside of cover for the next 30 seconds.
And the fact that it persists after death is really stupid too. What if other ultimates did that? Like if you die during reaper's ultimate you're just double dead with twice the respawn timer.
As a person who originally planned to main Bastion, I can tell you Bastion is pure shit. Remember all the casuals whining over the entire interweb during open beta?
All it was was non-stop Bastion POTG memes and crying.Today, a few weeks after release, virtually no one says anything about Bastion.
To put it simply, Bastion sucks a big bag of dirty diapers.Once you go past level 20, 99% of the time you never see a Bastion.
Any time a Bastion is forced to move out of being deployed, he's been countered. This is so easy to do, as Bastion you spend the majority of your time trying to escape being destroyed, effectively making you not participate in the battle.
Only an engaged and distracted team is vulnerable to Bastion, but a decent team will know of your existence therefore attempt to shut you down at all times.
It's not the head you mouthbreahter. It's hanzos arrows
>It's not the head
Watch the video retard.
I can handle Widowmakers
but fuck McCree with a rake, FUCK
>Remove Grenade
>remove alt fire
>2nd ability is now the hammer fan with cooldown
>new hammer fan doesn't have horrendous recoil so it can be used at a distance now
How's that?
he shoulda just had
Being completely immobilized in an instant is broken
I would rather his flashbangs actually blind you, at least that way you can turn around or drop an ability for a chance to not INSTANTLY DIE.
A big problem is how Tobjorn gets a half strength Bastion for free every 8 seconds and if it gets destroyed who cares. Plus it's literally incapable of being flanked. On top of having a disgustingly strong main weapon that can 2-3 shot most of the characters in the game and armor packs that he can use to heal most of the damage he takes in retaliation. Bastion is just a weaker Tobjorn.
her second shot should be like tolberones, that is arcs
Bastion is either completely in control of the situation or at the total mercy of it.
They should probably balance him a little bit more so he's a little more fun and sees more use than strictly defense/turret spamming.
>Arena shooter
>no arenas
>no tdm
I think you're confused.
McCree is getting nerfed into uselessness anyway, Tigole said he won't be able to hurt Tanks anymore, just the likes of Tracer/Genji etc, so hes a counter to low tier characters no one uses, 10/10 game design
Hes not even that good unless you flank people, kinda like the Pyro
It's just retards run up to him (especially tracers) & be like "why i die doe?"
That would work, at least it couldn't get you behind corners.
Plus it would fit more with the theme of the character.
A cowboy who throws flash-grenades and empties all 6 cylinders into his unwitting victim isn't exactly "cool". Sounds like something a murderous ex-SWAT cop would do.
>they have a widow and zarya
>good thing im here with my shield, ill shield them
>oh they just run right trough and get ripped appart
>team has no support and I'm the last one to pick
>pick Mercy
>enemy team has a WM
>literally no one on our team can deal with her
>can't switch because otherwise we'd have no support
>one guy switches to D.Va
>sigh in relief since I expected him to go harass the WM
>he stands behind Reinhardt's shield and shoots people from a distance
fucking great
>>Remove Grenade
Enjoy getting bumraped by tracers/genjis.
Reading the official OW forums every day makes me glad that only blizzard's opinions matter on game design.
The forums are only a pressure valve, somewhere shitters can vent their horrifying experiences.
>theres plenty of paths around every vantage point
>Hanamura A
*blam blam blam blam blam blam*
*rolls away*
*blam blam blam blam blam blam*
>woah there
>throws flash
>tries to roll away in shame
>a character that can instant stun and do over 800 damage in under 2 seconds
>a hit scan gun that has drop off but can still pick off players from afar
>not that good
It's pretty easy to get through the choke and go left
>afraid of Genjis
A good Genji should never face someone with full health with intend to kill
As a Genji, you're job is to run past the enemy lines, cut someone on the way, pepper them with some shurikens for good measure- and flee/heal.
Keep this up long enough and eventually you'll start landing killing blows because of how gimped and scattered the team will become trying to deal with your hit & runs.
Reaper is still my no fun allowed. He's not broken but fuck he's just annoying
Love it wen a bubble up a money as Zaria and he rapes a McCree.
so you play shitters that dont know set ups? gotcha
Same with McCree, people need to learn to keep their distance & make him waste his flashbang, then he is
shit tier
You got to treat a McCree the same as Roadhog/Reinhardt, as in don't fucking get too close to them, simple
Fucking disgusting.
>McCree stuns me
>Mech dies
>I kill him before grenade comes off cooldown
Or alternatively
>Widowmaker snipes me
>Mech dies
>I try to outsnipe her with pistol
>If that didn't work, change to Reaper, and turn the rest of the game into *Teleports right behind you* to get back at that no fun faggot.
She's hardly a sniper. The icicle is subject to damage fall-off at distances and only does a max of 75 damage without headshots. If you died to a Mei sniping you, you're either terrible for letting her hit you that many times at a distance or you already took damage from others prior to her shooting you. She has the range of a sniper but not the damage or efficiency for it.
Torbjorn is worse. The Turret is essentially a seventh teammate but one that always knows where you are, has amazing range, and never misses a shot
>I can beat bad players
Woop de fuck.
You forgot that it can't move and can be easily killed by a 76, WM, Hanzo and Pharah.
the thing is mcree isnt shit tier without his bang. his roll gives him instant reload and his alternate shot can kill anyone in under a second.
At the cost of a hefty amount of HP, except for Widomaker and Hanzomon certain maps with certain placement
The turret can barely shoot you if you just quickly peak.
Why does everyone complain every character is OP? Wouldn't that make it balanced?
Remember when people thought Pyro was OP? Just adapt.
Yeah, McCree is good without the bang. But the bang+fan turns him into near broken
Atleast with other characters you can pick counter, but not with McCree, he beats everyone. Widowmaker? McCree doesn't even go in same lane with WM since he lurks behind corners ready to pocket sand.
>Just adapt.
Fairly certain they got rid of the +50 HP on the backburner to put a stop to that shit.
Mcrees flashbang should require a charge. Release it instantly to stun anyone under 150 health, but he needs to charge for 2-3 seconds to stun bigger heroes like tanks. That way it isn't just
>oh, did you just try and surprise me? Too bad, you're dead.
But he can still counter tracer and shit.
Or maybe just make fan the hammer extremely inaccurate except against stunned targets.
How does one beat the meme set-up of Bastion, Reinhardt and Mercy?
Widow is fine except for on Gibraltar where the sun shines so brightly that you can hardly see her against the background.
But that usually takes much longer than it needs to and might still cost you HP thanks to its stupidly fast tracking. I have clip where it was tracking me behind a wall. Plus you give your location away
All that needs to be changed is Fans damage so it can't kill tanks but can still kill characters like Tracer and Mei.
Reaper and Genji are solid McCree counters. You can bait flash bang with wraith for or deflect.
The devs are considering nerfing fan the hammer when competitive drops though.
>got the point that every match is now suddenly fun and nothing feels cheap
>Widow on Gibraltar
Fuck that shit, literally no fun allowed.
flank them. Reinhardt can only block 1 way, so if your team is currently distracting their front, you pop up behind them and blast them with reaper or pharah or something.
If your team can't out coordinate them you lost though, coordination is the entire game.
D.va's shield can give you the 3 seconds your team needs to get them, if you're coordinated
>seven lives for my country! (Translated from Japanese)
What did he mean by this?
>fan the hammer does up to 400 damage
>blizzard gave him a free instant reload so he can do it twice
Why did they think this was necessary
>not having six Reinhardts tetsudo formation in down the objectives legion-style
>Playing reinhardt
>Going through some tight hallway or something
>No one stays behind me, everyone just keeps running in front and dying or trying to go some secret path all alone and then dying
>Headshot Widowmaker
>Go close range with McFaggot and iceblock when he flashbangs
Easy counter~
>Yet another thread whining about McCree
You guys need to chill. He's getting nerfed, relax.
If they lower his fan the hammer damage and remove reload on roll, I would still like him. I literally can't wait until balance patches come out so I can enjoy McCree without being labeled a piece of shit.
All that needs to be changed is making the fan a third ability that gets put on a cooldown when you use the flash.
And remove the ability to roll and reload instantly.
What if fan didn't automatically unload but just let you fire as fast as you could click?
>You can bait flash bang with wraith
>Can't cancel it.
>The animation for leaving wraith form doesn't allow you to shoot.
>But it does tell the McCree when to right click.
wew lad
Because most people (casuals) are fucking shit at this casual as fuck game so they bitch and moan about character being OP when it isn't actually the case.
There have been tons of "NERF CHARACTER X" Overwatch threads the last few weeks and nearly every character has been mentioned.
>suddenly junkrat tire into the center of them
They should really rework mcree desu. Absolutely braindead to play and has really no options for stuff besides being a closerange stun + burst nuker. All of his abilities just funnel into vomiting your load on a single target and deleting them and don't do anything else.
>The turret can barely shoot you if you just quickly peak.
That's BS, you still lose like 20HP just by peeking for a split second to that pile of shit.
Flashbang is a skill I am glad the game has, it feels really necessary for someone to have to stop ultimates and tracers/genjis. People who can only rely on McCree M2'ing people are going to be fucked soon.
Are you part of the 20%?
I want mcree to stay the anti-flanker but currently theres nothing stopping him from also being the best nuker in the game. So not only does he check flankers, but he decimates everything else in his way.
>Game determines that I'm afk if I'm shooting and moving my mouse, but I'm not moving
>As a sniper class
Wait a minute. This isn't a picture of Torbjorn.
For me it's not a matter of whether a character is OP. It's whether or not they are fun to play as or against. Mei, D'va, and Tracer are all cancer. If they removed these characters the game would be 1000x better.
Hate this shit soo much.
>me and another skirmishing 5 of the enemy
>die while doing damage to several but not enough to finish anyone
>hope there is some follow up since a ton of them are weak
>pharah is dicking around in a side buiding
>mei is dicking around in a side building
>widowmaker is dicking around in a building
>genji the flanker is the only person helping me skirmish
It does feel scummy to solo take-down a Reinhardt, but I might as well enjoy it while I can. That and getting completely bullshit hooks with Roadhog I should have never got are some of the things I feel the worst about doing.
>playing Lucio on attack
>our Reinhardt rockets off into the sunset every time he sees an enemy in the horizon
>they flank and rip our assholes apart
>"What the fuck team?! Help me!"
I'm quoting Blizzard and Gamespot retards
his right click should literally not exist
Its the reason hes such an amazing tank buster.
Flashbang left click on head will continue to be amazing at killing trajers at genjis
>Shitter isn't moving as a sniper.
I can understand Mei and Tracer but why the fuck D.Va?
Snipers are always anti-fun but Widow takes the fucking cake.
>Gun charges way too fucking fast
>Even then you can fire it at any time during the charge so there is almost no delay between shots
>Can one shot some characters with body shots
>Can one shot everyone else bar tanks with a single headshot
>Can two shot everyone but tanks with a charged + uncharged
>Has a hook to get into annoying places other characters can't reach
>Can you said hook to instantly escape if you catch her
>As if you would ever fucking catch her because she always knows where you are thanks to her wallhack ult
>Wallhack ult is teamwide so they all fucking see you flanking
>Even if widow dies the ult carries on
>Her main weapon doubles as a machine gun without having to weapon swap
>Even if you close the gap on a widow she will just bodyshot you then finish you with her assault rifle
>Also has a mine for the fuck of it
Which by the way is two direct hit rockets from a pharah or one direct and two splashes exactly
Some cuck at Blizzard likes her a bit too much I think.