As someone who's used and can run teamspeak, mumble, and other dedicated VOIP programs...

As someone who's used and can run teamspeak, mumble, and other dedicated VOIP programs, why should I bother with shit like Discord?

It is moderately less shit than any of those options.

Literally who

It really isn't

You shouldn't if you are already familiar with the others. I use Discord because the only other VOIP program I used was Skype and it was shit. I did some light research for other VOIP programs and Discord was the simplest for me. It does what it does well and from what I understand if you know how to use other VOIP then there's no reason to bother with Discord.

Enjoy having an exposed IP

All the furfags use it

Where did Discord come from, anyway? It seems to me like it just came out of nowhere, complete with its own shills telling everyone to use it.
Whether it's from good personal experiences or marketing, I can't really tell. How can it just afford to open voice servers for people who don't even need an account? Hell you could just use it through a browser and a random username, it seems.

It's skype 2.0, meaning you have a friends list, multiple ease of access servers and their text chats, you can leave it running and not miss a thing. The downside is the whole "muh privacy" thing but there's already a "modded client", for lack of a better term, that can encrypt your messages and the likes.

It's an actual DARPA project.

teamspeak never
mumble has better audio quality and lower latency, but is harder to use
if you have the literal several dollars a month it costs to run a mumble server (or can run one yourself) there isn't any reason to use discord

>there's already a "modded client"
you got a link?
my searches aren't turning up anything

Is it really?

it's free, nigga

It's actually a plugin to BetterDiscord.

>text channels separated from voice channels for some fucking reason, can't link them so if you want to change channel you have to do it twice
>no channel structure to be found, at all, zero

You literally shouldn't, it's shit if you can afford to pay 2 dollars a month for a mumble server.

each voice channel has it's own text channel with it.

Cause you fucking change the structure yourself? Out of all the complaints this is the stupidest one I've heard

Do you have even a single fact to back that up?

Yeah, if you trace people on the development team back like 4 out of every 5 worked with DARPA on social engineering projects.

voice quality better than skype by 10000 times

That's not true.

Number 1? That's terror.

I know that, but you can't link them. If you want to change channel, you have to do it for both voice and text.

Channel structure is literally the most requested feature for Discord and they even have a guide on how to make a fake one. Fuck off retard. Do you even have any idea what channel structure means?

It's botnet. Confirmed to keylog your inputs outside of the program.

I thought you were a GEP gun

They record all of the information and sell it off.

IRC meets VOIP basically

Discord is only for normies who are too fucking retarded to get mumble working and think their being better by using a different botnet other than skype

user, neither of your points are making any sense whatsoever. It's like you didn't even try to use the program.

How are you this stupid? Have you even used a traditional VOIP program?

I've used all traditional VOIP and I still don't understand what the fuck you're bitching about.

>think their being better by using a different botnet other than skype
But it's just plain better than Skype. For instance, the mobile client can actually receive messages reliably. That's one heckin great feature.

>all these fags claiming muh privacy boogeyman
anyone have a shred of proof to this shit?
You can turn individual user's volume up and down, that alone BTFO Mumble pretending its equalization works for anything other than screamers

Discord still sounds like you're talking through a tin can and string.

Then you're just stupid I guess.

Or maybe you can just specifically explain what you're bitching about? Literally none of it is making any sense.


Literally peoples shitty microphones not the program

I dunno man, our game group of 15 people went from skype to mumble to discord and discord has had far and away the best audio quality

Uh oh, DARPA's come to shut down talk about privacy and shilling with dumb frog memes!

He's upset about the fact that you can have separated chat and voice channels and can't see past laziness to realize it's a good thing

>$0.59 has been deposited into your account

It is convenient for group chats and the ease of sharing links and images is what really kept me using it.

Not him, I think he's talking about channel structure like organizing them in a tree?




Yeah but what I'm trying to find out is why it's a problem when in the end you can still just have your one text channel and multiple voice channels. It really doesn't make sense.

Because if you want every channel to have their individual text channel, like literally every single VOIP program, guess what, it's a huge pain in the ass.

you shoudnt bother with this botnet, stick to mumble or some other open source VOIP

But why not just take the fucking less of a second of effort to just click the text channel you want to type in? Is it really so fucking difficult for you?

kill yourself my man

So nobody has any real evidence that Discord is trackers? Fuck off and prove it faggots it should be easy

If you use discord your PC is mining bitcoin right now

it's funny because sam lost a ton of money in bitcoin

it's an alternative to skype, which is more friends based and less server based, if that makes sense. There really is no reason to switch from mumble if you have a mumble.

you shouldn't, fuck off

Now you're just arguing for inconvenience that shit like Ventrilo got right 2 decades ago. You're being retarded.

Also, combined with the other bullshit of not having any channel structure, guess how much fun it is when you have more than 4 channels, all of which duplicate because they need an individual text channel as well?

If you're actually stupid enough to argue FOR this, then holy shit, I'm done.

Oh man I suuure loev the shill meme!@ Anyone with a sensible opinion here must be an absolute shill. We dont; have any proof Discord is doing anything shady yet its all about SHILL SHILL SHILLL if you dont join the hate train. Holy shit i fucking hate V goddamn you assholes always gotta be angry about something stupid and memey. It;s all about fucking memes with you idiots

oh yeah REAL FUNNY FUCKHEAD fuck OFF and go back to whatever autism voice service you used before that looks like windows 98 and plays anime sounds in the background of your voice you fucking manchilfd

>yfw every windows program is mining sweet sweet bitcoin using that 1% of CPU power
kill me :((

Wow. You're really this upset over having to click on a second link. That's amazing.

Nice meltdown

>We dont; have any proof Discord is doing anything shady
They straight up tell you they are going to record everything you say, type, all the information they gather of you and they can use these things to permanently shut down your account without any notice. They also admit to selling your data. Just straight up.

Maybe you should read one of those texts that you just immediately accept without any thought.

Now, what you're doing right now is arguing for the fucking sake of arguing. What NEED is there for a separate text channel for every fucking channel when you only want one for each main channel and not sub channels? Just fucking name the other voice channels [x]1, [x]2, [y]1, [y]2, and make a text channel for only X and only Y. Or you can still just make each separate text channel for everything still. I don't get your fucking point since all you're saying to me is you're a lazy fucking cunt and just want to be against discord cause it's the cool thing to do.

Really out of all complaints about discord, this is the shittiest I've ever heard and you should honestly just stop.

Mumblr has shitty volume normalization and you can't turn people individually up or down only the whole client.
Discord alsonhas shitty voice normalization but it isn't as strict because you have more control and can individually turn someone up or down.

Discord has a better and persistent chat system too.

Still waiting for proof of botnet btw are you faggots really this flaccid

Not only is it pretty good but it's getting better. There was an update a few weeks ago that dramatically improved voice quality.

You're an idiot user
>I hate all these chat channels I just went and individually created for each channel to be like every other VOIP has instead of just one or two communal chats like only Discord does because I make sense and I'm not a salty queer

Clearly you've never been a part of a bigger group outside of 5 buttfuckbuddies you play with. Like someone said already, Discord is a replacement for Skype rather than an actual VOIP program like TS or Mumble.

You are literally arguing for going BACKWARDS and that's a truly amazing amount of commitment from a shill.

Fuck discord.
It's mumble for shitters.

>not an argument
nice, you're still the saltiest queer here Mumblefag why dont you fact up

>persistent chat
You can have that in Mumble too you know.

Every company sells your data. Sure VOIPs like TS or Mumble probably don't but since most people using Discord are upgrading from Skype they're probably seeing an increase in privacy even if its moderate.

Eitherway, the server I run has like 5 individual porn channels and I feel pretty confident Discord won't sell me out for something they won't earn money on. Selling data is not selling out pedophiles or telling your family about your secret fetishesized sonic cartoons but rather selling collective census-like data surrounding generalized topics. Nobody cares what the individual has to say but every company cares about the groups opinion.

Tl;dr: Anyone that actually has a privacy complaint about Discord thinks too highly of themselves. Nobody cares about you and you alone.

Describe to us exactly how having chat and voice channels separate inconveniences you in any way.

>argue that you want channel structure to minimize text channels
>tell you how to basically do it
No, fuck off retard. I'm in multiple servers of at least 15 people and we get by just fine with having 4 text channels because guess what, you can name the text channels what you want and tell your faggot friends to post relevant shit there.

Eat shit and kill yourself you fucking retard.

The other's are also free.
Your point?

Just use Vent.

>I don't care about my privacy nobody cares about me just cuck my shit up

this pretty much sums up everyone who uses discord

You are going backward, dumb fuck. I'm done here, you're clearly clinically retarded.

How is he even going backwards? Not only that but you have multiple people against you and not one single person backing you up, it's clear you're the one is the wrong and you are indeed the dumb fuck here.

I actually didn't, but that's only one of many factors in what makes Discord chat far superior to Mumble.

First of which despite this salty queer spamming his opinion, separate chat and voice channels is a pretty big positive.

I do care. Fact is data collection =/= data protection act infringement. As I stated beforehand every company collects data. It's likely Discord can't even ID anyone using Discord outside of their IP which usually tells them nothing anyway. It's like committing a crime and nobody knows you did it.

All of this aside through, I really think Discord should have some other way of earning cash. This project cost them 2 million dollars (I think) and currently I doubt data collection earns them all that much to keep multiple people employed working on this.

>one person saying everyone else is wrong

still waiting on proof of botnet too

I hate the fucking meme loading/update messages so fucking much on discord.

I cannot wait til someone buys that program out and those devs will sell it immediately and it will inevitably be ruined somehow and people will go back to mumble.

Read their privacy policy. They literally tell you any data you send them (your chats, voice chats, pictures, your operating system information, your location, your web broswer history) is theirs and they'll share it if they feel like it. They are %100 transparent about collecting your information to sell it to advertisers. It's in the privacy policy. Their stand alone client is even worse, it tracks what games you are playing and anything else you run on your computer, all mentioned in their EULA.

Huh would you look at that, it's the second most requested feature and the developers have said they are working on it.

Guess I'm in the fucking wrong here.
You dumb fucking retards.

Discord wont last very long, no way are they making enough money to support the amount of users they have.

Reread the post where it tells you about [x]1, and where is your mention of text chat now? Literally all I'm hearing from you is "I'M LAZY, EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG BUT ME LALALA".

But I'm done, feel free to live in your delusion.

How can anyone be this stupid. If they weren't making money off of selling hardcore gaymer's data they would have gone the way of Raidcall and filled their client full of russian/Portuguese adds.

You like discord. Thats fine, whatever. But they do sell your information, and they collect a lot of it. If you bother to read their EULA they tell you this.

Raidcall lasted a good while before all the normies dropped it for the new meme VoIP client.

>What? EA is collecting my data through Origin? This is blasphemy they should be lynched for this!

But it's okay when Discord does it! :^)

Mediocre as fuck, it's advantages over teamspeak, which is what I still use, is you don't have to pay for servers, and images (which can go south when someone starts spamming porn for no reason), yt vids etc. Show up straight on chat, and it has some kind of twitch integration. It's just another voicechat thing, and that's about it, pretty sure it will go to shit sooner or later due to jewry.

Even when I post a picture that says the developers themselves saying this will be a feature in the future, you don't believe that it's the correct thing to do.

This is how big of a dumb fucking retard you are.

>All rights, title and interest in and to all materials that are part of the Service (including, but not limited to, designs, text, graphics, pictures, video, information, applications, software, music, sound and other files, and their selection and arrangement), except for Your Data, collectively referred to as the "Service Materials", are, as between the Company and you, owned by the Company and/or its third party licensors. You acknowledge and agree that you shall not acquire any ownership rights whatsoever by downloading Service Materials or by purchasing any Virtual Currency or Virtual Goods (each as defined below).
>third party licensors

In Mumble you can have all the same chat functionality as Discord.

I don't know if you're retarded or not but all channel structure does is add a fucking title over voice channels, literally nothing will change and once again you're being a stupid fuck.

>By uploading, distributing, transmitting or otherwise using Your Data with the Services, you grant to us a nonexclusive, transferable, royalty-free, sublicensable, and worldwide license to use Your Data.
Discord fags will defend this

>don't believe that it's the correct thing to do.
No one said it wasn't the correct thing to do, they were telling you a way you can do it at the fucking moment with what we currently have. But you had to have a sperg out because "ITS NOT EXACTLY HOW I WANT IT!!!".
And why the fuck are you bitching about it anyway when the devs have said they are working on it? You are literally just having a cry because you can.


Not only that but it won't even address his bitch fit with the voice chat either. Really just being a contrarian for no fucking reason.

Hm, interesting to know, never used mumble in my life, been on TS for good couple of years now, Discord is more of a text chat for me, because for some reason 2 of steam groups I've been in migrated their chat to Discord, so I went with it to keep contact with them.

I'm not poor so I use Mumble rather than Skype 2.0.

You have like four different arguments you're confusing yourself with kid
I wish you actually would go away