Draw a 13 year old

>draw a 13 year old
>call her 18

why is this allowed?
She's clearly pedobait

I'm not a pedophile and I masturbate to her.

>drawing has an age

kill yourself



I don't think you know what actual 13-year-olds look like.

My sister is 19 and looks like that, bodytype-wise.

No you don't get it, unless it's a milf with wrinkles and dyed blonde hair it's obviously underage.

stop disrespecting other cultures you racist

If you're attracted to a 12 year old then yes, you're pedo.


I will continue masturbating to whatever I want for the rest of my life and there's nothing you can do to stop me. I know this probably makes you irrationally angry, and I get even greater sexual satisfaction while masturbating just thinking about how frustrated and butthurt people like you get about it. Thank you for feeding my boners.

pics of sister

Have you ever seen a twelve years old?

You know what you have to do

People are fuckable after puberty. This is the true, biological age, rather than some arbitrary number humans assigned to indicate the ability to consent, as if comp'eting high school is a mark of intelligence.

Peooe even through their 30s, 40s, 50s, etc change abd regret things they did. Its not just teenagers.

I am not attracted to 12 or 13 year olds but its pretty bullshit to not be allowed to be attractd to an early blossoming 14-17 year old

I don't remember there being a rule fighters in fighting games have to be adults?

I'm suspecting that murrikans have a twisted idea of what teenage people should look like because of all the eight million Hollywood movies that cast 27-year-olds as "teens".

I live in japan and had a 19yr old gf who had an identical body shapw and equally young looking face

stay butthurt normies lolis are better than your sweat smelly oppaipiggus

There are girls that are flat their entire lives, that doesn't mean they are pedobait. But you are clearly baiting so I am done.

Marie isn't a loli.

Marie is just underdeveloped. Saying that she is 13 is only to be sexist. She can't change the way she is

>he hasn't seen girls which are 25 and look 15
>he hasn't seen girls which are 13 and look 18

Get out more, the rate of growth/max "old" look on people is all over the place these days.

I think 'loli" also refers to adult women who look much younger than they are in anime/manga/games

>I think this word means something it's not because I've seen people misusing it


OP just clarified that she is, in fact, 18 years old. Take your "problematic", non-existant issues back to tumblr and reddit.

>why is this allowed?
Because she's not real.

OP also said pedobait.

Even then she's not really underdeveloped. The other DOA girls have ridiculously top tier proportions compared to real life averages. Dressed normally no one would bat an eye.

I work with an 18 yo who looks very similar to pic

Pedophiles should be shot in the back of the head execution style and buried face down in an unmarked grave.

pics of co-worker

So you first? I'd love to give out some punishment


I'm 30 5'4 woman who weighs 183 and I look just like her. She isn't that pretty

>draw a 45 year old
>say she's 21
Why do western devs do this

>weighs 183


Why does it appear as though she has no armpit? Is the lighting obscuring it, am I being confused by the lack of hair, or does she literally not have an actual armpit?

>weighs 183
>I look just like her.
Lose some weight fatty

I can think of a lot of things you might look like with those stats and is not one of them

Marie is a generic doll. I am a real woman of true beauty you betas cannot handle. No wonder you like Marie

won't ever happen, deal with it.

there's literally NOTHING wrong with wanting to taste Marie's bumbum

why should it not be allowed? do you hate fun?

It's funny because I thought kikes were pushing pedophilia, yet you weak-willed shits didn't fall for it. What makes this so different compared to when they pushed niggers, homos, and violent refugees you all fell for? I want to know

>look 10

How is real life allowed?


Angle and hair in that image. She does look younger than she really is, but only around five-six years max in her other photos


There's petite bodytypes and then there's the stylized face of a literal child planted on a smooth hairless childlike but sexualized body with an assortment of costumes that emphasize childishness and a personality that is hand-tailored to appeal to lolicons.

I have no problem with people fapping to Marie but if you don't think she's not 100% pedobait trying to pander to the loli demographic, you're delusional.

My niece is in her typical cutesy outfit consisting of skin-tight t-shirt (just enough to show off those budding blossoms) and shorty-shorts accentuating her ever-growing long, smooth legs. Her silk blonde hair is pulled back in a pony-tail and she looked a little tired from a hectic morning. She plops down rather lethargically and I tell her that this is gonna be a veg day at unc's house! Any junk food she wants, anything she wants to do! She brightens up a bit and says "OREOS AND VIDEO GAMES!" Hey, a girl after my own heart. She asks if she can take a quick shower and I say no prob. Apparently her mom had hurried her out so quickly, she hadn't had an opportunity to take one this morning. I told her where the towels were and sent her on her way.I got bored myself and flipped on a video game. I hear the water go off and after a minute she comes wandering out. As she prances by in front of the TV, I take note of something slightly different than before. Tight little t-shirt...check, long smooth legs...check, shorty-shorts....hmm...shorty-shorts?...no...shorts. Is she really in her panties? I don't flinch and continue on with my game as she exclaims, "It's Veg Day! T-shirts and undies!!" I giggle as calmly as I can as my loins begin to stir uncontrollably. She grabs a remote and without missing a beat, jumps across my lap without a care. The biggest difference between my undies and her undies would be a shitty pair of shorts vs. a tight pair of boy-short cut white cotton panties with the words "Sweet Thing" across the ass in pink lettering.

I look much better than her too. You beta virgins only like little children


Why are normies so paranoid about age?
>underage girl by a year
>they bitch

>label her 18 whereas thered be no way otherwise to know her age
>they still bitch

You don't have to go to Sup Forums to see what is going on

>i have to have morality when i play a fighting game
Get over yourself.

Because they want to fuck teenagers but they don't want to get arrested.

But that's wrong, the jew fears the samurai, they are not pushing it because they have none of their claws in JP culture yet. They are making their first real strides only recently, and it's actually an anti-pedophilia movement, if you've seen what is going on in akibahara for when Japan hosts the Olympics, they are basically scrubbing the place of anything foreigners would find offensive which is obviously lolis.

Oh,that I know. I'm mostly talking about US

It's funny that that british or german study, I forget which country actually found that most people are attracted to puberty age [obviously]. But they dismissed it as "inconclusive" because muh pedo.

What video game did you play?

you are probably a fat roastie not even virgin

Oyyyyyy veyyyyy! You must be some kind of SJW!

>cock hungry slut is 17
>cock hungry slut turns 18

Yes, and they're cute.

Why is Mayoi so perfect?

Reminder that the absolutely stacked/mature looking Ayane is 17 and age is arbitrary in DOA. What matters is the demographic they pander to i.e. Mila the tomboy, Christie the dom, Honkers the anime tittymonster, Leifang the elegant China doll, Marie the loli, etc.

It craves attention even more than it craves the semen of men other than it's husband, don't even acknowledge it and it will eventually shrivel and die.

If anything, I am ine of the most beautiful women in the world while you're a pathetic beta virgin on his little comfort board. I'm done with you. I only talk to real men

Because she's not even more not real than regular 2d.

Getting your dick mutilated and taking hormones does not make you a woman. Nothing ever will.

Those are the best, bonus points for nice hips

I've been playing video games for 6 years now and this is the first thread I see on Sup Forums Sup Forums?

Really shows how pathetic this place is.

Stop getting baited so easily.

She's not even the youngest character, Ayane is iirc

Those thighs don't make sense.

Stop forcing this.

g-go on...

I was horrified when she started to pull on the garters because I was focused on more important things and I thought she was peeling her skin off in huge chunks or something.

But those pasties though, muh dick.


Fucking this. I know for a fact that they do. Even in movies with people in college freshman year and stuff they'll use people well into their 20s or 30s.
Everything is super fucking skewed and people have a very wrong idea of what these ages actually look like anymore.

Please stop. I've been fapping for far too long that I think I have ED now.

Exhibit C: 2009 mutant experimentation

Thanks kikes

Glitter Armageddon 3: My Hips Can't Stop Moving As I Stare Into Your Eyes!

>real, beautiful women weight 900 pounds, virgin!

Post of a pic of yourself, fatty.

I hate the character, but love her playstyle. Just like another blonde loli pandering character.

Who is this semen demon?

dumbest argument ever tbhonest with you family

drawings themselves are real, since you can obviously see them, and since these drawings are supposed to make them look like little children, it's still pedo shit.

>inb4 1000 years old "argument" that makes even less sense
it still looks a certain way. no argument like this would actually work if you're trying to convince people that aren't also pedos that you're, in fact, not a pedo.

>drawings themselves are real, since you can obviously see them,
Normies are so cute.
No (You) though, sorry.

I'm attracted to 2D MILFs but not 3D MILFs.

Explain that shit, nigger.

You know what a 12-year-old body is supposed to look like? Are you a pedo?

>drawings themselves are real

That's just a natural part of being an autistic NEET posting on Sup Forums.

3/4 milfs aren't actually milfs, just disgusting old ladies.

Is Aoi Yuuki pedobait?

So do you feel bad?

I'm not an autistic NEET
I have a job. Work sucks, send help.

Man, imagine if you put a kitty video in front of normie eyes.
I bet most of them would watch it.