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For what. I don't understand.
I'm sorry I don't understand?
I don't know what you're meming about but
>Get the itch
>Install Nostralius after UO:Forever just felt lame after coming back to it and having an account all set up with nothing to do
>I played WoW at launch with all my friends!
>This will be great!
>the only person that speaks to me in the 2 hours I play it griped about me stealing a kill for his quest and didn't want to quest together
>chats pretty dead outside the main areas
>unlike in vanilla, I know exactly what to expect.
>there's no sense of discovery
>or new content
>its just all that old shit without the heaps of bullshit blizzard lumped on
If I could turn back time and be there for the start of WoW a second time, with all my friends and even my girlfriend and sister playing with us, I'd do it.
But Nostralrius isn't it. It makes people happy to do it all again but to me it's just clunky ass vanilla WoW without the excuse that it's new and the latest and greatest.
This doesn't sound good
it's about what you expect, the developers mandated all the server first raid kills go to Horde, a forced non-dwarf diversity quota for priests, orcs running rampant in the streets impregnating night elf women, etc. etc.
>MFW Vanilla cucks will never EVER EVER get their official progression server
feels good.
They havnt done anything.
The nost team and Mark kern both met with blizzard already. They've had nothing but good things to say and its something Blizzard is seriously considering.
>something something subway artist
>this is how retarded you sound right now
Nostalriusfags btfo
Who the fuck is Panser?
And why does she think she has pull with Blizzard?
Whatever happened to that petition and the visit at Blizz and stuff?
literal gamer gurl sjw trash.
makes "geek" videos about blizzard mainly WoW
Pretty much this.
Retards keep acting like there's some kind of easy fix to make them happy and "le evil corporation" is purposefully making them sad. It's just not reality.
What a loser.
The pink hair "nerd" girl from King of the Nerds
Have you even seen the way Blizzard's devs act in their Legion Feedback threads? Pic related, this is what their response to the Blood DK community was over the feedback that Death Strike costing RP was awful.
oh sorry
what is that pic btw?
Is it so hard to just talk about games? Why does some faggot have to bring in some twitter shit into everything?
They are posts about video games.
Why? Is it coming back?
no, but it served it's purpose
What has even happened to runes? Did they make them all universal?
I thought the existing rune system was pretty good
Who is ready to roll their mains again?
All runes are death runes now.
shes one of the chicks from big bang theory or something
it was too complex for blizzard's ideal audience
I always look for an excuse to post this
>lots of players (majority of testers) agree that Death Strike costing Runic Power is bad and needed reversing
>dev comes in and says "too bad we won't change it ;)"
Why even have feedback forums if they won't listen or at least attempt to explain why they won't change it. Are these the new age blizzard devs who made the disaster that is WoD?
Yep. They did the same with pretty much every class/spec. They created feedback threads then stated "We are no longer making any major class changes" two weeks later.
always gets me
>mfw this lost the machinima contest that year because it criticized blizzard