Hiro split Sup Forums into western Sup Forums and Japanese Sup Forums
The only ones who disagree are shitposters
Hiro split Sup Forums into western Sup Forums and Japanese Sup Forums
The only ones who disagree are shitposters
Other urls found in this thread:
>wanting literal west-side east-side wars bullshit
Better than not being able to discuss a game from any region with out either some one screaming weebshit or westshit
Does that mean I'll be able to post cute vidya girls without newfags responding with shitposts?
>Console wars 2.0
I want to impregnate Momiji
I'll agree with that but, only if they allow good Japanese games to be discussed. No nep, atelier, dark souls, persona4 or any weeb/otaku pandering moeshit that only sells because of waifus.
You'll still have that, only now it'll be "not weebshit or westshit enough for the board"
Also I'd then have to keep two catalogs open at a given time to find anything. And we all know at least 3/4 of us retards wouldn't be able to comprehend what games should go on which.
A moment's consideration is all it takes to realize, that splitting boards would only make things worse.
Sup Forums would not diverge into two boards that each talked about their respective interests. It would only result in two boards where there's nothing but concentrated shitposting, focus-firing on the handful of anons who haven't figured that out.
I agree with this notion and feel that we should follow through.
Me on the right.
>actual sweater puppies
NOTHING would make Sup Forums better than to split the boards. The only people who say otherwise are normalfag retards who are afraid of having no Japanese threads to shitpost. This is a fact.
BUMPING this thread so my bro Hiroshima sees this. Its very important. Imagine a Sup Forums where there is nothing but cute anime girls, cute games, no console war bullshit cuck posting or SJW shit. That's the future that lies ahead for eastern Sup Forums.
Let the normalfags have their western board please.
What you described is basically vitagen which is usually pretty good.
Id like a whole board like this please Hiro.
I used to browse vitagen but stopped after the mods started getting anal and ruined anything fun.
Grade A pup
But you won't agree to that since you're the same autistic faggot with shit taste that tried really hard for a board split a while ago. The only reason you made this thread is because hiro is here today.
Shut the fuck up and post anout whatever retarded bullshit youre posting. Your anime bullshit can go to Sup Forums.
When OP says Japanese Sup Forums he means weaboo Sup Forums.
I want to impregnate the awoo and then raise a babby awoo together.
Your taste is bad so don't post anymore. If I could redirect you to the split board I definitely would!
You have to go aswell.
Kill yourselves.
Says the faggot that likes p4 and moeshit.
Me on the left
Fuck westerncucks and their shitty tastes. I'm done sharing a board with cancerous fucktards. Hiro if you read this, split the boards.
Avatar fagging is against the rules. Especially with such generic and shit taste.
>imagine a Sup Forums which is all these things
>now remember that boards aren't user-locked, anyone can post anywhere until banned, and there is literally nothing stopping anyone from westa/v/, shitposting in the new weea/v/ all day, every day
Do people like this still live in a netscape world where there's no tabbed browsing or something?
We need kanji captcha this is the only thing that can save Sup Forums aside from splitting the boards.
Westcucks NEED to go. They have shitted up this board for far too long with their Sup Forumstard bros.
ITT: Butthurt Secondary faggots
Anyone who posts this version of Momiji is obviously a massive weeaboo who's never played Double Spoiler, MoF or ISC.
Reminder you should kill yourself an take your fancanon to the grave.
He's a delusional fuck that tried this shit when hiro first started making more boards. He eventually stopped, but now that Hiro's here today he's at it again.
>posting images is avatarfagging
See Hiro? This is the westerncuck morons killing Sup Forums. Split the boards now.
Kanji captcha solvers have been a thing for awhile now, user.
You need to catch up with the modern world before advocating what needs to happen now.
Go back to sleep.
>posting an image with every single post
>not avatar fagging
Okay fine flooding you moron. You still have shit taste.
>posted an image once
>westerncuck thinks it's avatarfagging
You fucks really are retards.
I'm not him but I was in those threads and I definitely believe Sup Forums needs to be split.
How though? Both western and Japanese game discussions are full of shitposting, splitting the. boards that way would just lead to more specific bait and more shitposting. Not to mention crossboard raids.
>lying on the internet
Reminder that moot wanted to take Sup Forums back to its Japanese roots and save the site.
Reminder the people that oppose the split are shitposters and shills afraid their time is coming to an end.
Just fucking do it Hiro. Sup Forums is too big for its own good anyways.
>the website was made to be an english version of 2chan
>the first two boards were Sup Forums - anime and Sup Forums anime/random
If you don't like japanese culture, shut up. If you scream about how much you hate anime and link to Sup Forums on a daily basis, you're just advertising the fact that you're a newfriend.
Sup Forums is to big as is.
Smaller unknown games get their threads bumped off by bigger known games.
Splitting the board would let niche games get more exposure.
That fucking sticky didn't even show up for me until an hour and a half after it was first posted.
Hiro's focused on making us buy gold passes to see new posts at the same time as everyone else first.
gook here. i really want to believe that nip/anime game hate is a nationalism thing, but they are likely the same people who are marxist shits. when will you westerners straighten yourselves out?
>both western and Japanese game discussions are full of shitposting
That's thanks to the westcucks, they love doing nothing more than shitting up threads with their aggressive hostile attitude towards anything Japanese and can't tame their behavior even in their own threads. They live to shitpost and this is why we need a haven free from them. Its these anti-"""""weeb""""" retards that came straight from reddit/Sup Forums that are ruining this site.
>crossboard raids
They'd get bored eventually.
>Not to mention crossboard raids.
Just like between Sup Forums and /vg/ that never happens? Your paranoia is misplaced. Jap games don't get much shitposting until the triggered westerncucks show up to shit the thread.
Nice try, Sup Forums wasn't made until several months after the site was up.
Splitting Sup Forums never fucking worked anyway and it wont work this time. The only split Sup Forums would benefit from is probably some shit like "vidya cultur" that would actually take a load of activity off this board and also deal with all the terrible e-celeb shit
>play very few jap games
>find most japanese games esp turn based ones boring
>ignore eastern threads
its not hard
that being said, MGS, SotC and a few other games will always have a place in my heart and it'd be a shame to be off topic discussing them in Sup Forums
I only said the first two boards, i didn't say anything about the their chronological sequence in being brought online
>WAAAAAHHHHH I want a little hugbox for me and all my fat virgin friends so we can all jerk off to animu gurls and roleplay together!!! :'((
Fuck off and die
It's funny, I want Sup Forums split into two boards specifically so you waifu fags will fuck off but I also want the console war shitposting gone, perhaps we need 3 boards.
Here's the thing, brother. Yes, I like the idea of a board where I don't have to trudge through brown-and-gray EA/Activision/Ubisoft turds to get to a thread where I can spout my deeply-held beliefs about Japanese games, like the fact that the difference between Compile Heart and certain recent Atlus games is that Compile Heart can actually design a cute girl. I'm on your side, I think it would be a good idea.
But don't say that console wars, the "cuck" meme, or SJW v Sup Forums: Dawn of Stupid won't follow us there. The Xbone won't follow us, the only Japs to ever buy Microsoft consoles did it for iDOLM@STER, and that'll certainly take wind out of the sails of the most active console war, but console warriors find a way.
The "cuck" meme is associated with the Sup Forums position, and Sup Forums will leak in. Maybe it'll be another destructive localization. Maybe it'll be a game not coming over to North America, where some site says it's because of SJWs and imports a bunch of copies of the Thai version to sell to consumers who want to protect their games from the alleged SJW menace. Maybe it'll just be an argument about fanservice. There is nothing safe from politics, at the end of the day, and anything that's not safe from politics also isn't safe from political extremists or trolls looking to piss off the political extremists or idiots spouting uninformed opinions.
A split between /vw/ and /vj/ would be great, but it can't solve every problem. Only alleviate some of the problems.
Spotted the shitposting westacucks
>console players are allowed on Sup Forums
makes me sick
Sup Forums wasn't anywhere near the first two boards though. Fucking /y/ (if I remember correctly) was made before it.
It's easy to ignore eastern threads since there are so few of them. Meanwhile the catalog is bloated with Overwatch/Witcher/e-celeb shit throwing niche Japanese game threads into 404. This is why people want a split. The western side has completely suffocated the eastern side.
Don't get so fucking triggered jesus christ
Well maybe Japan should make better games then you fucking retard. Even nips are playing overwatch and uncharted
Not him but I don't think it would.
Sup Forums moves way too fast so if you want to talk about any niche game then you need someone to post every 10-20 minutes to bump the thread or else it dies.
Splitting the boards would let smaller games get a chance to be talked about, threads wouldn't have to be started hostile to get people riled up and respond fast enough to bump the thread.
It would move a lot of actual video game talk off of Sup Forums which would only make it worse but they made their bed, now they can lie in it.
Remove these shitposters.
The western side has always been way bigger, but it is true that since 2010 the vast majority of new users dont give a shit about eastern games and unfortunately in recent years have become openly and overtly hostile towards them
Maybe you should fuck off to Reddit if Jap games piss you off that much. Literally every site is sucking westernshit cock and yet you choose to be a plague on the only site intended for Japanese culture.
>dark souls threads
>non stop shitposting
>nep threads
>no actual discussion of the game just waifu arguing
>shitposting and waifu arguing
>monster hunter
>gets shitposted by souls niggers
>mgsv threads
>full of shitposting
>final fantasy threads
>hit or miss but usually shitposting, arguing about which game is best, or waifu arguing.
>waifu arguing
Face it any good Japanese games rarely get discussed and most Japanese games threads are garbage. The only one that seems to have good threads is touhou.
It'll alleviate the biggest problems though. Everything else you said is not nearly as annoying as anti-anime retards that spout their annoying dribble in any Japanese related thread. This is something that shouldn't be going on in this site let alone Sup Forums. It just shows how far Sup Forums has fallen into the hands of normalfag retards who heard about this site from their friends. Its disgusting.
>Persona threads are just console wars now because people claim a PS3 version of a game invalidates the objectively superior PS4 version
And westernshit threads are any different? Witcher threads is literally all muh Triss muh Yen.
Fuck off to /jp/ if you want "muh Japanese culture" you fucking weeaboo faggot. Your kind isn't welcome here.
Now fuck off.
It's okay when westacucks waifu fag
Just look at overwatch threads.
I want to fuck Ciri
but i like japanese and western games
>I don't have any interest in ANY of these threads so they're bad stop posting them stop having fun WAHHHHHH!!!!
Kill yourself.
In any just world this would have a (User Has Been Banned For This Post) under it.
is that you dante?
That world is long gone you fucking fat neckbeard now fuck right off to /jp/ if you want to discuss your little anime school girls. Sup Forums is for videogames
>make thread about a fairly niche Jap game
>it 404's in 10 minutes because CDPR and Blizzard shills have made 20 new threads during that time
This board is fucking cancer. And fuck the mods for letting it become this.
I unironically agree with this. Call me a weeb if you like but fans of Japanese games are a lot more mature and experienced. They generally have better taste and are thus... more patrician.
You are the refugee, we are Trump, you need to go back.
Quit being fallacious user the original argument was that only western games and gamers caused shitposting.
Sounds like Sup Forums needs a dedicated set of mods to ban console war and bait threads.
>getting triggered.
Lurk for two years before posting.
I can't really understand why this board is so problematic and autistic
It's because allowed outsiders feel like home?
archiving isn't 404ing you fucking idiot.
We discuss actual good eastern games like Souls, Bloodborne, Yakuza, Ni Oh, Resident Evil, etc. just not garbage like animu schoolgirl jrpg #3917
>mature and experienced
This is absolutely correct. How many kids you see like Persona huh? A handful? Ok. How many like Neptunia? Probably fewer. How many like Call of Duty and Valave games? Yeah that's right.
Back to the split board with you.
Sup Forums died when gamergate discussion was banned because of moot's (and his buddies') personal views
No, fuck off. I don't want to browse two boards.
Yeah mods really need to work on moving shit to vg or outright deleting threads. Dark souls has multiple daily threads to that need to just go away.
Hey, what the fuck is going on in that stickied thread? I can't even enter it because my toaster refuses to load 5000 posts.
The board is way too fast for more mods to solve the problem.
Sup Forums having a meltdown nobody likes them.
>still this triggered
Back to tumblr, faggot.
Fucking nothing. Hiro got flooded by ideas, said "wow this is too fast how can anyone read all of this" and left
same here, was going to go to fireden and see what posts were made by chinese moot but there was some encryption error and my network blocked me.
Then we will get a completely different type of shitposting like what happened to /jrpgg/
No thanks
>muh moeshit danmaku lore
People suggesting idiotic shit
Like thread IDs
I wish sage worked again.
>ITT: People think that the solution to a board full of inept moderators is to split the board even more instead of just getting competent ones
It would only be temporary. It's the mods fault for letting it get out of hand in the first place.