Don't you find it odd that this is literally cultural appropriation, and yet no one has made a stink about it?

Don't you find it odd that this is literally cultural appropriation, and yet no one has made a stink about it?

The same goes for Genji's Bedouin skin, and Mei's Eskimo skin. Roadhog's Polynesian, Reapers Mexican, and Symmetras Kali skins aren't due to them being that same ethnicity.

Other urls found in this thread:

Where do you think you are?

>big deals about race and such

But Reaper IS Mexican. Because Mexicans fucking love edgelords. Also Symmetra is fucking Indian, and therefore a Hindu goddess costume isn't that out of place on her.

like 3 people give a shit about cultural appropriation, is it really such a surprise?

SJWs and social media in general is very selective with their outrage.

>Don't you find it odd that this is literally cultural appropriation
>it's a Sup Forums cries crocodile tears episode

if wearing dredds is appropriating black culture, then blacks are appropriating white culture by using roads, plumbing, and electricity.

I just said that though. Please read it again.

you forgot zenyatta's Ra skin and Lucio's Canadian and French skins

You dumb fucks keep creating this thread and it keeps getting explained each thread.

1. That's west coast tribal art and they don't wear it as clothing. Nothing is being appropriated. In fact those tribes are proud of how much attention that art gets.
2. It's the headdresses that piss them off because it's a military decoration, same with how war vets would be pissed at drunken frat girls wearing military medallions.

Blizzard carefully avoided both.

Why do we keep having this thread? Why are we searching for things to be offended about? Why is it only bad when tumblr does this? Where is old Sup Forums?

You think people actually think these things through?

No, it's because people haven't brought it to their attention.

They don't actually play games, they have to have it thrown into their face and be forced to see it before they will even begin to think about it.

It's simply that somehow, no one's brought it before their retarded eyes.

The Native Americans and eskimos directly descended from Asians (which is why they look Asian). I think Mei's is appropriate.

They'd only give a shit if she was white.

Who the fuck are you talking about?

>being this far out of the know

I envy you, but don't know how you don't know.

There is that work again
Fuck off

Speaking English is literally cultural appropriation.

Who cares if someone wears a military decoration from another culture so long as it is not being done in a mocking fashion? If they like the way it looks, whats wrong with that? Id say thats respecting them if anything.

The kinds of people who would get upset about this stupid shit don't play video games because they spend all of their free time sucking dicks.

Could you at least make some attempt to hide that you want this to be a Sup Forums thread?

I'm not offended I was just curious why since you'd figure by now Kotaku would have an article about it, but I'm glad it's explained now.

Thanks for alerting me. I'll post this on my blog right away and get my twitter warriors onto it. Thanks for noticing this injustice.

Native Americans couldn't give a fuck. Much bigger things to worry about.

Old veterans like my grandfather would take it as disrespectful for drunken sluts to wear their decorations as party wear, same with the headdresses.

Come the fuck on, we don't want drunken normalfags touching our shit either. Stop being a hypocrite.

It's not that bad, playerbases are making it seem like it's another GTA or something

Such as not making enough money in the casino business?

>OP thinks he's in Sup Forums

Welcome to Sup Forums we talk about Video games here, not buttravaged SJW topics.

why would symmetra's Kali outfit be cultural appropriation

>Reaper is Mexican meme again

You're reflexively asking "how is this offensive"? Same as tumblr does. You're also asking a question that's been answered hundreds of times.

Oh man, clearly you don't live in a place with a large Native American population.

What the fuck is wrong with whites and his white guilty? I don't care if another one use my fucking shithole culture in a character or a videogame ffs.

The mariachi outfit of Reaper looks cool as fuck, pendejo blanquito.

I didn't say it was, I said it was ok
He is. His last name is Reyes.

>it's a Sup Forums threads that are remotely, tangentially to do with video games go in Sup Forums episode
Fuck off, cancer.

I didn't see it answered before nor did I see anything about the skin prior.

Because she's not even from California

This. That's just that Haida art shit. They're happy to have that everywhere.

t. Seattlefag

People have "made a stink" in the sense that I've heard it mentioned by the circles that usually trigger Sup Forums

Maybe your favorite sjw hasnt written an article yet though, I dunno

Actual native americans dont care because they're too busy dying out of underemployment and alcoholism

>mexicans love edgelords
i thought the skull imagery was lifted from a festival

Then lurk more.

>cultural appropriation

what even is that

it seems like one of those fluffed up terms people use to sound clever

It wouldnt, but it's arguably sacriligious


It's already Sup Forums material if you bring up cultural appropriation.

>we should expect the natives to whine
>we should expect that they don't give a fuck
Why don't you clowns take this to Sup Forums and decide on a consensus?

Maybe. But Mexicans still love edgelords.

Yeah. Dia de los Muertos. Day of the Dead. Not really an "edgy" thing.

>literally cultural appropriation

>Sup Forums
heh heueheuehEHUEHEEUEHUE

I'm on Sup Forums practically 24/7 and I haven't seen it answered. If it was then it was probably in a general OW thread I didn't skin through

It's another word for imitation. The sincerest form of flattery.

>Its that guy who always bitches about SJWs even when SJWs don't give a shit about whatever he says SJWs bitch about episode

>indians say they LIKE the red man on that NFL team

Then you're shit at reading.

First of all I don't think Mei's supposed to be an eskimo/inuit; instead, that's a Himalayan inspired outfit named after looking for Yeti (a specific Himalayan legend. The Inuit or First Nations legends for snow-beasts and demons are very different). She's Chinese and there are a fuckload of different ethnicities in China including those who live close to the Himalayan yeah, its more like someone from the east coast wearing a McCree style western outfit, if anything.


are you complaining that no one's complaining? what the fuck kind of clickbait hole has Sup Forums turned into

The fuck is cultural appropriation?

>indians say
Oh, the spokesperson for all the different tribes said they all got together and agreed that shit was cool?

You're talking about a disparate and diverse group of people from across an entire continent. It's fucking retarded to think that they speak with a single voice about literally anything.

It's tumblr and neo Sup Forums speak for getting offended at portrayals of your culture by people who are not you.

When one culture takes something from another and applies it to a different context irrespective of what it meant to the previous culture. In this case, taking tribal imagery and possibly religious designs or images and making so sick future armor for a Egyptian woman with a rocket launcher in a video game.

Very weird, same goes as how Blizzard made a big deal from a random forum post. Almost as if it's artificially created pronlems.

"same goes as how"

what do you mean? what is very weird?

Would it make it better if it was a native american who thought "yeah I think this would be cool" and did a lot of the work to make it?

Except that they don't wear it as clothing, it's not religious or otherwise sensitive, and they're the reason why that style of art is plastered everywhere, at least here in British Columbia. There's no reason for them to be offended by this.

Not necessarily. It's a cultural thing, it is definitely insensitive to take important parts of people's culture and recontextualize them and so no one but the people could really respond to if it's cool or not. One Native person who think it's cool doesn't speak for everyone, neither does a Native person who hates it speak for everyone as well.

This stuff is bound to happen in time, but there are more respectful ways to do it than slap it on some woman in a game for zero reason. Personally, I would be okay with this if it had some lore justification, but this is just "looks cool send it out!"

I don't know what the imagery means. I see it a lot in Seattle as well, but I heard someone else share some convincing arguments in the other direction that they were images from multiple tribes. Also mentioned that the names were one of a god and the other of a dance and so also carelessly applied just for aesthetics. I only mean to explain what could be the issue at hand.

For me I think as long as one person from that culture okays it, then it's fine. Even moreso if it was actually worked on in some way by someone from that culture.

I mean artists make a career of taking shit from their own cultures and repurposing and recontextualizing them. The very nature of many forms of art is to be controversial.

Ah, you "heard someone else share some convincing arguments in the other direction" did you? There are several tribes around the west coast but this art in particular looks Haida, and the Haida don't give a flying fuck that their art is popular. They're part of the people making sure it is.

The only issue here is that this thread is in the wrong forum.

> how Blizzard made a big deal from a random forum post

how so? all they said was that they wanted to change tracer's pose too. Everyone else made a big deal about it

>Eskimo skin

what are you talking about?

The generic explorer outfit that could be anything.

>Mei's Eskimo skin

I can see where you are coming from. But a lot of people see "controversial" art often used as a scapegoat for unintelligent and low-criticism/commentary about something. Similarly why acts like Marilyn Manson, SlipKnot and any other shock- band from the 90s became only hard to take seriously, at least I think is an alright comparison to that.

Why are you trying to mock me? I did hear someone who sounded like they had done the research on Giant Bomb's East-Coast podcast write and describe that aspects of the skin are from differing tribes. You're not winning or losing anything here, so don't act like you have to """""defend""""" your shit """point""".

It's not "Eskimo" it's just clothing. Plus, she was in the Polar regions and Alaska, if I understand so there's lore justifications.

>Why are you trying to mock me?
Because there are enough fucking Overwatch threads and there are enough fucking Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums. Fuck off.

Uh, I didn't make the thread so take your own advice, bud.

Alt. try my advice: kys

THIS is Sup Forums shit. Keep it out of the thread.

The rest of the thread is too.

I'm 50 percent native. We don't care, atleast not in Cali

>Join game
>join game
>join game

Is this game really forced 50% winrate? it seems to be.

No, this is games. It's political but it isn't Sup Forums related. It's close-to but not on-topic.

Yeah and the American is a fucking cowboy. I notice that you didn't mention the stereotypical American cowboy in your post, you racist sack of shit

sjws don't know if it's cultural appropriation if they don't recognize the culture i.e. it's not white people dressed like niggers

Sup Forums threads can be about video games, dumb faggot. This is not discussion of video game culture. This is discussion of culture culture.

That's clearly Clint Eastwood and not "AMERICAN". This costume is "NATIVE AMERICAN ROCKET GIRL"

You saying that doesn't make it true. If you don't like the thread you should hide it and report it. Let the mods decide, but it seems to be video games to me and the mods so far.

...What do you think Clint Eastwood is?

Western cowboy costumes have been part of American culture for aeons. It's the counterpart to the Indians in their history.

Mods let literal porn threads get bumped to 200+ when they're asleep at the wheel. Read the rules. This is not about video game culture.

>security chief unlocked
>he paid 60$ for overwatch


He's just a cowboy. They have cow-folk looking people all of the world.

But, the issue is (if there actually is one) that an Egyptian for some reason has a Native American skin with no lore reason and only seemingly because it looks cool. McCree is a Cowboy so he would look like a Cowboy did look like in the Wild West (sans the robot stuff ofc).

My great grandmother was half Cherokee.

That skin is perfectly fine, it has my approval.

It's locked you retard.