It's a Widowmaker is just standing around at the back of the map moving from side to side episode

>It's a Widowmaker is just standing around at the back of the map moving from side to side episode

Throw this worthless fucking cunt in the trash already.

stats > objective

t. widow player

I see fucking bastions contribute more to the offensive side than widowmaker contributes to defense

>5/6 are friends.
>The 1/6 picks Widow
... This happens way to much to be a coincidence

Spotted the shitter

Widow is the only hero that can solo carry a team full of retards.

>overwatch's hitbox

TF2 isn't competitive, yet.


Neither is Overwatch

Too many Widow and Hanzo shitters who think they're good, just FUCK OFF

It's ok when valve does it

>attack the point with genji, hanzo and widowmaker on my team

The problem with Genji is that many people suck ass with him, he's actually fine in koth.

Yo be fair Genji is an absolute pain in the ass if you're a Reinhardt. I play Rein quite a lot on attack, and Genji is a reoccuring thorn in my side.

Last genji I played with was lv9. Though I did fight a good genji that attacked the point, he kept doing jumps over me to avoid my shots.

It's absurdly difficult to hit all 3 shurikens of his primary fire while jumping around.

Most decent Genjis I've seen just spam his right-click into melee into Swift Strike combo.

He's fine as flanker, no matter how good the Genji is he won't be pushing the point with 5 people standing on it.

>2 widow 1 hanzo
>spam in chat to change heroes
>they dont listen
>pick mei and harass them with ice wall at their camp position
>they finally change heroes
>i switch to reinhard and proceed to win with 30 sec remaining

He is hard to remove though when he is the first to stand on the point, kinda like Tracer, which is funny since both are flankers.

Similar how Winston and D.Va, typically distruptors, do pretty well at capturing points.

yarite.. they would have left

>playing attack
>teammates pick Torb, Widow, and Bastion

>Things that never happened

WTB friends

Man that is not an attractive woman

Genji is fucking awful, even if you are good with him I maintain he is in the bottom 3 heroes in the game. He's absolute shit. His deflect is insanely easy to see coming, his primary fire is hard to hit and doesn't do much damage even if you hit all of them, he is very squishy. Even with ult people just focus him immediately as soon as you hear the sound.

get good

>It's a someone picks Torbjorn on KOTH episode

Stop this.

>not picking Mei and continually putting a wall in front of them, forcing them to either switch or get into the fray

do it from the other side of his head

>>pick mei and harass them with ice wall at their camp position
>Ready up high noon about to get a team kill from behind
>Mei, who's on my team, puts up her wall right before firing
Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck mei. Fuck china. Fuck global warming. You are the most anti-fun cancer in all of videogames

Earlier today I was at half charge with Zarya, so I let him reflect back to me to charge up even more to shoot him with.

I'm literally saying that a character sucks, and I'm talking about a character that I don't even play. He's easy as fuck to beat. How is getting good going to change anything?

when you get good, you'll come across genjis that are actually good at the character

Genji is one of the best flankers in the game and a decent Genji is pretty much impossible to kill for 90% of the heroes.

His combo deals 248 damage if you manage to headshot with it and kills squishies in about 1 second.

Yeah they're hard to hit with and doesn't seem to be affected by the very generous hitboxes the rest of the heroes benefit from. They're good when you learn that you can move your aim while shooting them to hit moving targets. It's also good to find a widowmaker standing still, shoot a burst of shurikens and deflect her retaliating shot. Even if you only deflect a body shot she will die if you already wounded her with shurikens.

No characters will really, but Genji can deflect all of their shots at once and wipe out a couple of them and then jump around on the point to contest it until he arrives. He's underrated for koth desu

I wish Genjis deflect would increase the damage of deflected shots. Even as a some who likes to play Widow I think a Widow that gets her shot deflected by Genji deserves to instantly die.

Congrats on being even more useless than the bad snipers. They think they contribute, you know you aren't.

If I get them to switch and actually contribute, I can go back to playing again. So by wasting a minute, I gain back a teammate for the rest of the game.

I was also making a joke. I don't do that, I just complain on here like everyone else does.

Wait until you play against a Widow that shuts down your entire team. As soon as Rein's shield goes down, she fucks him and his team. As soon as she's flanked, she either ziplines away or fucks them up with her assault rifle. And that's if her wallhacks are down and she can't see them coming.

I hate that hero even more than McCree

Or a Widow that consistently manages to snipe a flanker while hooking herself upwards.

Watched some high-ranked teams play some time ago and both teams had two Genjis.

I think it has to do with him being quick as fuck and his shuriken can deal 84 damage per round.
He can climb walls, get in on the Mercy really easily.

Yeah I get it, just had this really angry cunt on my team that got butthurt and started to Mei wall us all the time. I think he Mei walled a perfect Pharrah ulti and a shit ton more.
