What are you playing on your handhelds?

What are you playing on your handhelds?

What are you looking forward to?

Dragon Quest VII, Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir.

I'm looking forward to Dragon Quest XI and Caligula.

Been playing Project Diva and Atelier Rorona+

Looking forward to SMT IV Final and Trails of Cold Steel 2 among many other games.
Handhelds have a good year again this year.

Pretty much all of this.

Downwell is fucking great
gonna get Odin Sphere when my next paycheck comes around
life is good

P4G on my Vita, I had put it off for a while.

Chrono Trigger DS. Just beat Lavos with a level 50 Magus/Crono/Marle party like he was nothing. Now I'll be tackling the Lost Sanctum, Temporal Vortex, and the Dream Devourer before moving on to Cross. As for anticipated games? I'm waiting on Pokemon S&M.

I'm waiting for Zero Time Dilemma. I want to play the Vita version, but I don't want to spend money so I'll pirate the 3DS version. I'll probably buy the Vita version in the far future.

I don't know whether or not to get Odin Sphere

I played through Dragon's Crown once and got too bored of it to play through it again and wasn't interested in the multiplayer, and I never played Muramasa

Me I am looking forward to DQ7+8, Azure 2, Ace Attourney.

I still haven't finished 999 so ZTD will have to wait.

For vita I am waiting for DQB, World Of Final Fantasy, Pyscho Pass, Ys 8, Yomwari and Gundam Breaker 3(NA Localization) + Gundam Vs Force and Steins;Gate.

Oh and Odin Sphere

Theres so much stuff going on in handhelds at the moment that I basically cant afford any of it.

>Dragon Quest VII

Are you playing the JP version? I thought it doesn't come out yet.

What game is that? Looks cool.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter

JP version, yeah.


I might eventually play Little Deviants because I hate myself.

I'm also slowly doing a Pokemon Gold Nuzlocke run on the GBC my friend gave me for my birthday.

>Prefer having Vita games physically
>Physical Vita games are so few and far between that GameStop moved the Vita off the main consoles tab

I started FE Fates the other day, but I don't like it very much. I think I might switch to Soul Hackers

>Forgotten Memories
I've been wiating a long time for those two.
By the way, SaGa Scarlet Grace wasn't confirmed?

Finally bought Link Between Worlds and loving every second of it.

Now I'm just waiting for SMT IV: Apocalypse

MHX, doing end-game stuff, crafting got-tier sets, etc
Zero Escape 3, Pokemans.

>Dragon Quest 11
>PS4 and 3DS

Did Square have an aneurysm or something? Why the fuck are there not Wii U and Vita versions too?

ds lite - dragon quest 1+2
vita - muramasa rebirth

Just now got my platinum trophy for Freedom Wars. It's my first one.

It was pretty fun, but I mostly did it as a pretty easy 100%. I can only slug through games like it, ('hunting games') when I have objectives, especially story ones, so I'll probably drop it now.

P4G plat will probably follow. Already did 1 playthrough of it. However, getting absorbed into my P3P NG+ atm, so it'd be after that.

Juggling Devil Survivor and AC New Leaf as well as mopping up trophies in Estival Versus and trying to finish Trillion.

Looking Forward to Gal*Gun and Pokemon.

>P4G Plat
>Hardcore Risette Fan

WII U is dead, in Japan and the west. Vita... I don't know, it could sell well in Japan but I'm not sure if a Vita version for DQ XI is a good idea in the west.
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to play it on my Vita.

Trick is, play every character on your first playthrough on normal, and you should get it

It doesnt carry over to NG+

It was easy for me.

Is MHX better than 4U? pls tell me user or else i cant cum.

Yeah, it sounds like a bitch

These are reassuring, though. It sounds intimidating, but it may be easier with the right effort. Guess I'll find out.

3DS Terraria,smash Bros, Pokemon yellow

Digimon on PSV, SMT4 on 3DS.

Project Diva on PSV, Mirai on 3DS.

Its, different, but worth the playtime.

Etrian Odyssey and MH4
Wanted to play Xenogears, but the text speed is so bad I'm gonna have to emulate it to make it playable.
Also looking at Digimon: Cyber Fun

Same user here; jesus fucking christ Dragon Quest VII is dark in some places.

>Island where it never rains... but when rain did come it was cursed and turned everyone to stone
>the one lone villager that left to get water and supplies and shit since it never fucking rained before returns to find his fiance and everyone else statues
>you don't get to save them, as you arrive 50 years too late in the past to do anything for the statues - you can only return the island to the present


>next island in the past is a giant island where a kingdom is waging war with robots, and losing
>somber to begin with, but then when you go to the castle and start helping out, a sentry from the nearby town that you visited when you first reached the island comes and tells everyone that the town was invaded and fell
>after protecting the castle you can go back to the town and there are coffins everywhere, a young girl bangs her hands on the mechanical body of one of the dead robots crying for it to return her brother
>the father in the town's chapel laments the loss of the chapel's sister
>the merchants are crying out for anyone to help them, saying that they'd give all their money away to be saved

jesus fucking christ

Currently playing Bravely Second, and routinely jumping on Animal Crossing New Leaf still.

Anyone played Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon? I wanna get it, but I wanna hear what you guys have to say about it. I love playing those kind of games when I'm comfy in bed, the last Mystery Dungeon game I played was Explorers of Sky, btw.

I'm definitely looking forward for MH Generations.

>SMT 4
Fuck, I wanted to like this game.
This game just rubbed me the wrong way. I felt like I had to constantly keep changing my party around, in order to not get royally fucked by everything.
And then the story and characters just felt so bland.
Ended up quitting when I got to hell :(

How are you liking it, user?

I have heard literally nothing about this game but good things, and that it's long as fuck.

Fuck, I'm actually pretty stoked for it to drop on NA. Is the ps1 version far lesser?

Fuck there are a lot of games on the 3ds I want to play, but I can't begin to tolerate or support censorship
Like I love my games that don't have it like MH, but god damn when is NoA going to die already

Recommend me must play Vita games Sup Forums.

P4G, P4DAN, Soul Sacrifice, Muramasa Rebirth, Freedom Wars, Ys Memories of Celceta, WipeOut 2048, Disgaea 3 and 4 (sadly 5 never, I would have loved that), Dungeon Travelers 2

I'm just listing stuff I've played personally though, I'm sure there's more

Including multiplats or not?

SSD and DT2 are my favorites but there are plenty of others depending on what you like

I'll bite.
I'm playing Etrian Odyssey IV, as my first 1stPerson Dungeon Crawler, and I'm digging it.
Sell me on DT2. It looks like it's similar?

It's similar, but pretty brutal if you're playing it as your second after EO. It's not grindy but the dungeon layout and enemies are unforgiving as hell. It's a ton of fun though and I'd definitely recommend it if you like the genre.

There are also some other dungeon crawlers available that are mostly decent.

Moero Chronicles is really off-putting to me for some reason

I bought Monster Monpiece when it was on a flash sale for a couple bucks and the lolis in it just look creepy to me

That sounds fine, actually. I'll give it a peek at some point if EO proves to be something I really enjoy. I'm only 17 hours in, but it is really cool.

>that chart

Do you have to be a cartographer in all of these DRPGs? Or that's just EO's schtick?

There's a demo you can download for DT2 (though it doesn't give you a very good grasp of spells and endgame classes)

Not sure, I know you don't need one for DT2 and DG

good shit. Let me undust my vita for this :D

Are all DRPGS filled with character designs that would get me blacklisted from visiting Toys R US? This loli shit on EO is not that appealing.

Playing Fire Emblem Conquest, just bought FF explorers and codename steam, also looking forward to buy Kirby Robobot.
I'm not playing anything on my Vita cuz u know, no new games, maybe I'll try the new ones.

I bought a 3ds a couple of months ago. I soon came to realize that there aren't any good non-jrpgs out there. So I basically stopped using it, now I bought Terraria for it and have a little bit of fun with it.

>What are you playing on your handhelds?

Persona 4 Golden

>What are you looking forward to?

Finishing Persona 4 Golden so I can get back to SMT.

Dragon's Crown, Muramasa, and the Odin Sphere remake, and later, SMT IV and IV Final.

Adventures To Go is surprisingly fun.

My friend dumped a 2ds on me after he got a n3ds
What kinds of games play well enough on it to not have a significant difference from a standard 3ds?

Currently playing:
Monster Hunter X
Smash 4
Xenoblade Chronicles
A bunch of ports on my Vita, too lazy to say which

Looking forward to:
Monster Hunter X being released in English
Next pokemon I guess kinda, sort of, not really

Playing Super Mario 3D Land and Project Mirai DX on my 3DS, Muramasa Rebirth and Project Diva F 2nd on my Vita.

should I get the new3ds just for monster hunter x?
is any different if you play it in the old model?

Playing: Bravely Second

Waiting for: World of FF

best way to pirate 3ds games?


i'm about to replay virtue's last reward before zero time dilemma comes out.

i'm looking forward to a bunch of games that don't have confirmed releases in aus, as well as mhx and ztd.

there's been that many ARMAs?

only if you don't have a circle pad pro. then again i can't speak for mhx, just mh4u but i assume it will be the same. it's also better hardware so the game will probably run smoother if you play online.

Playing 7th dragon on 3ds.
So far it's been fun.

>tfw not coming out in europe
fuck nintendo

Wow, really?
Sucks man. At least you can pirate right?

I've been playing Sega 3D Classics on my 3DS.
These conversions are fantastic and the developer interviews they've got for each game are really fucking interesting.
I can't wait for the physical copy to come to PAL and hopefully a round 3 for the project.

Tbh user i dumped way more time playing mh4u than mhx.

G rank just means a lot to me, mhx is too fucking easy. I jist beat a endgame shagaru in 15 solo, not really fast but it was just too easy to dodge everything with bushido, i only used 3 first aid meds.

I miss the challenege of lvl 140 quests. I remember being 1 hit by a tigrex roar, or losing 1/3 hp from rajang.

But as a base game, mhx has plenty more potential than mh4 did. The new hunter arts are well balanced and add a great level of gameplay customization

i'm not a huge fan of pirating games but i'll probably make an exception if they refuse to bring it out.

It's not like they give you much choice.

>Got 15 extra dollars in my vidya budget for this fortnight.
>Don't know whether to get XCOM: Enemy Unknown Plus on the Vita while it's on sale or grab something else.
I love turn-based strategy, especially on a portable platform so I can play while commuting , but on the other hand I know the presentation will be much better if I wait until I build my PC and I'll be able to mod it as well.

why not turn to crime?
rob a computer store tonight and build a computer tomorrow

If you are uncomfortable with pirating, you can buy a us version of 7th dragon, and hack your ds with homebrew (no risk, no chances of breaking or losing data, dont worry).

With homebrew installed you can run out of region gamecards (first option in the homebrew menu)

only handheld I have is a PSP, and I pretty much exclusively use it for all the R Type games.

Crime takes away from sleep and I find it more fun to budget.

yeah i was thinking about it. i'll definitely do it if they don't release smt4a here. either way i'm not doing anything until i've finished zero escape 3

Since RE Rev. Was on sale the online is alive again so I'm addicted to raid modan

Looking forward to (with great hype) MonHun Stories

Been playing FFExplorers, its fun. Also picross 3D 2.
Hanging out for ZTD, and that's about it.
My vita is a dust collector.

There's a Vita version of Dustforce?

Huh, there is user.

Notihng at the moment, but looking for to:

Zero Escape 3, which is multiplat

3DS: SMT4 Final, 7th Dragon III

Vita: Odin Sphere, Shiren the Wanderer, Yomawari, World of Final Fantasy, Exist Archive, Trails: CS 2