Sony and Square are back on top of the gaming industry like in the 90's/00's

>Sony and Square are back on top of the gaming industry like in the 90's/00's.

All is right in the world again

Other urls found in this thread:

>dat square lineup

Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Kingdom Hearts 3
Nier 2
Final Fantasy XII HD
Star Ocean 5
Dragon Quest XI
World Of Final Fantasy
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

That's actually quite impressive

>Final Fantasy XII HD
>Star Ocean 5
>Dragon Quest XI
>World Of Final Fantasy
>Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Too bad half the list is garbage.

>FF 12 HD

You can go fuck right off

>Dragon Quest XI is garbage lineup

Are you completely retarded?

>you lived long enough to see Sony and Square get their shit together

What a time to be alive

Actually got me to reply. Nice b8

>the worst FF game remastered
>not garbage

It's all shit except -maybe- DQ11.

FFXII is objectively garbage. It could have been good but the development was troubled.


2, 13 and 8 are far worse fuck off

Is 12 announced for the pc yet?

There's already a thread about this here.

Reminder that Square Enix has no conference this year, just a Stage Show that will talk about the stuff that was already unveiled on stage, meaning the stuff that Sony will have it shown for them.

Sony will win E3 2016 by pulling the same stunt they did on E3 2015, claiming the reveals and hype from other companies that had their stuff shown by Sony.

forgot hitman is FINALLY going to launch early next year

It was great...but the story was shitty political phantom menace crap.

Nier and Deus Ex looks good

That's about it

>ever having hope for a Final Fantasy



Not really


It really isn't, but I won't deny they won't sell like hotcakes. Even XV is selling like crazy already.

tfw barely any of those are exclusives

I'm still wondering why Nintencucks haven't killed themselves yet

>It really isn't
detected poorfag who can't afford even 1 of those games

Well that's a mature response.

"What are you poor" is always the best defense.

>Sony is the one forcing the cinematic game shit
>Sony is the one that does the timed exclusive BS
>Square remasters and delayed FF15 for years
They're both shit

better than nintendo

Better than current Nintendo yeah.

Oh man I actually feel sorry for Nintendo fans honestly. What do you guys have to look forward to?

I'm loving the Sony/Square bro team up again. Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy VII Remake trailers confirmed?

>only 4 of 12 Dragon Quest games confirmed for western release
>no new Chrono game in 15 years
>Mana and SaGa are regulated to smartphones
>Star Ocean V looks worse than Xenoblade X

SquareEnix isn't redeemed yet. Let alone as good as they were between 2003-2007.

PS4 exclusive

>Sony will win E3 2016 by pulling the same stunt they did on E3 2015, claiming the reveals and hype from other companies that had their stuff shown by Sony.

What exactly is wrong with this? People want to know about the games they can play on their console, regardless of the one making them.

Nintendo is announcing a new console and finally showing off Zelda this year. I'm not particularly hyped for those things, but its like Christmas for a Nintendo fan.

Well that's neat I guess but still doesn't hold a candle to what Sony and Square Enix have going on right now

what's stopping you from getting a ps4? It can keep you occupied while nintendo, if ever, gets their shit together

And yet Nintendo and Microsoft can't beat them

>but still doesn't hold a candle to what Sony and Square Enix have going on right now
Only if you're one of those people who have been waiting 10 years for FFXV/Last Guardian. SquareEnix and Sony are dropping the ball on almost everything else.

I personally won't be hyped until we get all the Dragon Quest games released to the west.

As a Nintendo fan, I want a PS4. PS3 was my favorite system of last gen. However, about the only thing I want on PS4 so far is Odin Sphere. I'll buy a PS4 if Dragon Quest X and XI are confirmed for a western release. Until then, I'll get a lot more use out of my 3DS, since its actually getting games I want (someday).

>gaming environment is circling back to the early '00s with indie devs filling in the AA market
Holy shit

Is it happening
Is gaming becoming great again

Gaming is saved user

>indie devs filling in the AA market
This has been going on since last gen. But I don't remember it happening around the year 2000. Unless you count a company like Vanillaware or something.

What other company has a lineup that great? I'll wait

>TFW just finished post-high school education and about to start a career raking in $$$ to spend on all the good games

I'm ready user.

The 5th and 6th gen had a wealth of fun, strange, mid-budget titles like Chu-lip, Katamari Damacy, No One Can Stop Mr. Domino, Incredible Crisis, etc.

While these were often made by bigger studios/publishers, the smaller budget made them "AA" games
In the 7th generation these all but vanished, and indies surfaced as a major part of the industry after the success of things like Braid and Super Meat Boy.
For a good long while, indie games were so similar that it was almost like a genre. But in recent years they've been branching out, producing weird games and experimental games, and basically becoming the new AA with their increased budgets (sometimes assisted by crowdfunding).

Assuming indie is the new AA, gaming is basically in the same place it was just a little over a decade ago
>Sony on top, hooking the majority of third-party support, selling the most systems
>Nintendo doing its own thing and (mostly) doing right by its users
>Microsoft is who??? but maintaining a dedicated fanbase
Even devs are circling back, like Square Enix pumping out tons of highly-anticipated games after their slump in the 7th gen.
Team Ico is finally back, for real this time.
Other AAA devs aren't oversaturating the market (as much)

It's like we're in 2003 again
Only major difference is that PC is more popular.

Zelda, NX, TMS, Kirby, SMT, Dragon Quest, Monster Hunter, Pikmin 4

>tfw Sony will buy Square Enix and then the two combine forces and just shit on everything

Looking back I'm surprised Sony didn't buy them during the PS2 days.

They were practically first-party at that point anyway.

They could have easily bought them when Square was in finical problem due to The Spirits Within bombing

Sony should have bought them back on the PS1, instead of putting 100 million into one game (FFVII). Sure FFVII sold like crazy. But Sony didn't benefit much after FFX. Nintendo has benefited much more in the long run thanks to DS and 3DS games.

Well, that's not exactly true. Since Nintendo had to fucking pay for distribution themselves. I guess the moral of the story is, SquareEnix used both Sony and Nintendo to release games for them. Then still bitch that they didn't make enough money.


ok so? He clearly said dat square line up not that sony line up. Square's in the best shape they have been in since the fucking merger and are probably going to announce more shit soon.

What's SE doing at E3 this year?

anyone notice square hasn't released a single ps4 exclusive so far this gen?

Don't worry. Last Guardian will come out in 2059.

Star Ocean 5 exclusive for ps4 in the west ;)

I jsut want Deus Ex

>not one game I bought this year has burned me
is it happening?


>no Wii

stop this meme
it goes by most sold, not quality of games, it's always been that way.

I think Wii won and Sega Gensis won but other than that spot on

PS3 wins solely by the quality of games.

PS3 had no gaems

lol ok
just like the PS1 and PS2 :^)


Winner at what? The Most Shovelware contest? The failure rate award? The retrospective rose tint trophy?

That won't last.

PS1 and PS2 had games. PS3 has no gaems.

You mean the PS4 has no games.
The PS3 has games.

You fucking wish hothead

prove it

Here's the sad truth:
Square and Sony were never good, you just few out of them. They have and will always be shit.

I don't spoonfeed newfags.

Why is this not just a picture of 6 PCs?

PS3 confirmed literally no gaems

Kill yourself.

Calm down, kid.

You mean when square made that horrible movie and Sony had high failure rates for ps2's.

Sony is exactly the same they were last gen

In fact they're worse.

They make nothing but final faggotry rehashes now. Completely irrelevant

>C64, Amiga, and other early PCs
>winning anything

>They make nothing but final faggotry rehashes now.
Sony does not make Final Fantasy.

But of course, I wouldn't expect a tripfag to be anything other than a bumbling retard.

I'm pretty happy.

Final Fantasy XV, World Of Final Fantasy, DragonQuest Builders, Final Fantasy 12 HD, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Dragonquest 11

Even if u h8 Sony it would seem unreasonable to hate them so much you'll actually miss out on these games or even wait on platforms for a port that may or may not come 2 years after release

When Sony dominates, it's basically a Japanese game fans dream come true, unless you are dedicated to Nintendo.. but I never understand how people aren't Sony+Nintendo idorts since 1996.