Why does everyone hate Mei?
Why does everyone hate Mei?
She's a fatass and not my waifu
She doesn't require much skill to play but can still rek higher skill characters and sometimes skilled players. Also she is thick and old Sup Forums hates thick while neo - Sup Forums loves thick.
>What if we take the Pyro
>What if we take the Pyro and make it so his M1 freezes people too
And also give her an invincible heal that she can contest the control point with. Oh and we should make it so she can deny huge areas of the map by pressing q. Finally we should make it so she can literally deny the enemy the ability to go though doors. Her whole kit is designed to make it so she gets to play and you dont. Its antifun game design
Invincible heal leaves you open for the enemy to come close and rape you when you come out.
Wall doesn't last long at all.
Multiple pathways to the objective.
>Invincible heal leaves you open for the enemy to come close and rape you when you come out
The problem is, if she's contesting the point those seconds can mean the difference between a cap and her team being set up to hold it.
If there was some way to break the shell or if she couldn't contest while in it, fine. But until that happens she'll always be a pain to play against.
Breaking the shell would pretty much make the move useless, I'd say either a second delay after you come out of it, or like you said, make it so she can't contest. But still, the team could still set up, and just have somebody watch Mei so she can't do shit.
You can spam the wall at your feet as soon as you pop out though.
CC is never fun and her kit is built around CC.
Also nobody likes shit like her heal.
Yeah, but the only way that would work is if you were in a hallway. If you were on the point, the wall wouldn't stop someone from going around and killing you.
shes shit
>about to get frozen
>turn 180
>she cant headshot me and my team kills her or i unfreeze and rape her
She is a qt curvy womanl. Sup Forums only gets it's ideas of the female image from skinny mentally i'll traps and flat chested and no assed underage aisan characters. Mei is what you take home. She is loyal. She can cook and has an education. Stay mad faggots
>spray M1
>haha ur frozen time to do my little m2 here XD
sweet meme dude xD
>hold lclick with even having to aim
>do an impossible to miss right click in your face while taking the time to position herself and show you her retarded face
>unavoidable kill if you're under 300 hp
Yeah I wonder
under her suit she's a knock out
But everyone out ranges her. She has shit range and is slow as fuck. Just stay out of her way or move erratically so her beam can't stay on you long enough to freeze.
Beats every character 1v1 unless you get the drop on her and have high DPS.
Every time you get her to low health she can climb into an impenetrable ice shield that also heals her. Got a hook and a scap gun blast? No you didn't, ice wall, now she's fine and her team's right behind her forcing you to pull back.
She can also put up huge ice walls that completely block off choke points or payload pushes, slowing down the game and being annoying. There's no point in firing at the ice walls because they're so fucking strong that by the time you break even one of the pillars the whole thing will be down by that point.
Her freeze gun will also slow down your mouse movements which throws off your aim, and she can easily walk to the side of you until you're fully frozen and pop you in the head for instant death. She can also snipe from long ranges with her icicle. At least Mccree's death is quick.
Her ultimate has no clear indicator of where the blast is coming from. You've got about a second after you hear her say whatever it is in Chinese to guess where her robot buddy lands and try to escape, except there's no visual indicator that her robot buddy's out and about to pop because he's so fucking small. Mccree's High Noon has him glow to clearly indicate that you need to get the fuck out of his way, Mei's ultimate doesn't show unless it's too late. Unless you got lucky and are within that last five percent of the radius of the circle you will be frozen and die. It's Zarya's ult except it lasts longer, restricts your mouse movement, and you can't fire back after a couple seconds.
On top of her playstyle and abilities being maximum cancer, I hate her for a much more autistic reason.
She just doesn't fit in the game imo.
I know its a kids game, but every other character makes sense. It makes sense for all the other heroes to be fighting.
Cowboys, ninjas, soldiers, big ass monkey, mercenaries, mad max mother fuckers, mech pilots, giant armor man.
Mei though. She makes no sense. She is a fat Chinese scientist who has literally zero combat experience in anyway shape or form. She doesn't look or sound like she belongs.
The only other character that is like that is Lucio, but he isn't as bad as Mei.
I feel like they threw her into the game last second
>Everyone outranges her
Her M2 is a great head hunting tool if you can aim.
And while it might not seem it, her freeze ray has great range. She can easily stay out of a Rein's range while freezing him.
Yeah she's a defense & close quarters character, fortunately. She would be completely OP if her lclick had range.
>move erratically so her beam can't stay on you long enough to freeze
impossible if the player behind mei isn't a grandma. I remind you the beam gradually slows.
She is fat and nerd
I've put matches into overtime long enough to have the team show up PLENTY of times by playing Lucio and just zigzag jumping all over the fucking place with the speed boost on.
her M2 is literally a sniper round that has no fall off..
Because everyone got cool mechanics to play around while hers are just MAKE EVERYONE ELSE STOP HAVING FUN
when you're killed by a sniper at the very least it was fast so you back in action quickly, unlike being frozen and shat on your forehead
Rein is a melee character. Your point is?
D.va? Infinite ammo, Mei gets melted
Junkrat? Trapped, Melted
Rein? Pinned. Melted.
so yourself
>you will never cuddle mei and use her huge tits as a pillow while she runs her hand through your hair and whispers sweet nothings to you
The difference is you put it into overtime because the enemy team fucked up at aiming.
It's a completely different story when it's actually impossible to hurt you.
>you will never insert red-hot metal pipe deep into her vagina scarring her for life
I mostly play D.va and Mei always slaps my shit
it's a mei-stery hahaha!!
Its like everyone in this thread doesn't know how to deal with Mei.
Invincibility? Wait for her to come out, rape her.
Wall? Find an alternate path, or just attack it to bring it down. She can't rapid fire it, and needs line of sight to build, so just shoot her. Ultimate? Yeah, Droid needs a danger indicator.
Ice Beam? Shit range and damage, I see people comparing her to Pyro, but Pyro could actually do massive damage, and had after burn.
Icicle? Pretty sure it has damage fall off and hitting a head shot with it from any range other than next to them if really hard, if your enemy isn't standing still.
shes a frosty fucking cow
>Invincible ice wall
All that damage you did is healed. Also she can hang out on the point and contest it for free. Also her entire team's back on the point because she stalled for time.
The wall can take shitloads of damage. Unless you're a Junkrat or Pharah you won't be able to make a dent in it until the wall shuts down automatically
>Ice Beam
It's not the damage of the ice beam that's the problem, it's the fact that you can freeze somebody with it then pop them in the head with the icicle for an instakill on anybody who isn't a Tank. And even if the tank somehow manages to get out the Mei will just start left clicking and slowing down your mouse movements again.
Because she does a hundred and ninety damage.
I dont hate any of them but mind you i never played the game.
I should probably just KILL MYSELF.
I think she WAS the last hero added
>"Bbbbut... she isnt played in competitive!"
>"According to this tier list I just got from reddit, shes the worst character in the game!"
When will these memes end?
I want to have sex with Mei, if you catch my meaning
it's the ching chong voice acting tbqh. idk if it's an exaggerated accent or what. There were some chinese qt's in my school and they weren't nearly that annoying.
>People ACTUALLY think this is what she looks like
>People Actually think this is what she looks like.
Why is it so hard for people to draw a moderately chubby woman? She's not fat, and she's not super skinny with huge knockers and THICC PROPORTIONS XDDDD
She is literally average chubby girl with breasts that make sense for someone being that chubby.
She literally has fat around her face, people who unironically think she is skinny are fucking retards.
>Can heal herself and you cant do anything about it
>Annoying ice wall that hurts more often than it helps
>annoying chink voice
>doesn't really have to aim. can simply flail around and freeze people.
My only real gripe is her self heal bullshit.
Her VA's name is Zhang Yu, sounds like an actual chingchong
Someone post that comic where Mei ice walls her team's Tracer when she's about to get a kill
Don't have, but here
>supposed to out range her to win
>her m1 instantly start slowing you so you can't get out of her range
>get to sit there as the retard playing her takes half a decade to line up her shot and claim her free kill while 4 members of your team are on the other side of the map failing to kill a single genji outside spawn
the freeze should only root your in place and maybe an attack speed slow, not a complete loss of control.
Herro evelyone!
So solly!
so is this gif just some fucking edit? yet to see this shit in game
Fuck off Mei
>multiple pathways
>theres only 3 for every map
If you have a good team thats two for every path.
She's ugly
Has an even uglier voice
Even more disgusting kit that revolves around being a huge fucking annoyance in pub games and useless as all hell in competitive games
And her audience is lonely virgin weeb shitters that are as dumb as bricks
>Why does everyone hate Mei?
Because she is a fat chink
>Invincible heal leaves you open
Not if you use a wall correctly, or just run away before activating it. Mei has the best survivability next to maybe roadhog
>Multiple pathways to the objective.
While this is true on most maps, some maps like Temple of Anubis, Hanamura, and Hollywood have chokepoints that every character except pharrah and climbing characters must pass through. Mei can stay there indefinately or block these entirely with just a little help thanks to her diverse skills.
>And her audience is lonely virgin weeb shitters that are as dumb as bricks
That's Dva, not Mei.
Mei's audience is stupid fucktards who can't accept that she is chubby and want to draw her as some cute submissive asian who is skinny but has really huge tits.
She annoys the enemy team and can also annoy your own team. Best girl by far.
I guarantee you nobody would be defending this stupid bitch if she was a man. Waifu faggots should be shot.
Both fanbases are absolute shit
>Draw Dva
>call her Mei
That's not how it works
D.va stop posing as your girlfriend.
She makes them sexually frustrated
Thanks, senpai
ironically i find the wall helps keep retarded lone wolf team together.
What are you talking about user, everyone loves Roadhog.
Any more D.Va feet?
Mei is not fat. She is thick, which is nature's intended body type for women to achieve maximum attractiveness, and arousing men's primal instinct to violently fuck and impregnate them. Thick is not a sign of laziness, gluttony, or higher probability of obesity, it's a higher state of physical sexiness that makes healthy men's test levels spike, so that they may answer the call of their primal instincts to slam their hips against the thick woman's plumb ass. Omega males will go for low-test / skinny woman, and raise inferior and unhealthy kids.
There is no better sex in this world than thick women. They can do it all. They're beasts, and know how to satisfy a man in any way that works most effectively and efficiently, as their body allows them to utilize just about any region of their body to pleasure you beyond anything a skinny woman ever would. Skinny women just lay back on the bed, like a sea star, and will never do anything for you sexually. They're a scourge on the female sex, and men who find them attractive just the same.
I pity those who cannot comprehend the beauty of thickness, and value the extreme aesthethicks they possess. May they find peace in fucking inferior women, but pray that they never reproduce to raise men or woman of the same kind.
I wonder if this pasta actually works anymore
>which is nature's intended body type for women to achieve maximum attractiveness,
gonna need some proof of that
>Beats every character 1v1
Except Mccree, fuck this faggot.
This pasta is posted in every mei thread
Love, Mei.
Because nobody likes fat people.
Maybe I just got used to her but I don't get salty anymore when I come across Mei players. I just accept what happens.
dem hips tho
>through your hair
>your hair
>Nature's intended bodytype
Is that including the BBW, fat rolls, and ghetto booty that always gets posted in these threads?
this is why african men like fat women more than skinny ones
So what you're saying is, you're a nigger?
no, everyone knows niggers like fat women
They also naturally get high when fucking white woman what's your point?
how retarded are you? It's an obvious pot/bong reference. You think blizzard would do that with the whitewash express they do these days?
it's a known fact that niggers like everything that won't kill them
That's a vape nation twitch reference you dumb nigger
lol baldie
Shes chinese
And the only good thing about them are their food