if he was so powerful then why didn't he just use his CHIM powers to stop you from killing him
If he was so powerful then why didn't he just use his CHIM powers to stop you from killing him
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He never achieved CHIM because CHIM blinks you out of existence. Also he thought he deserved to die for what he did to his friends.
No it doesnt you faggot
Because you're the Nerevarine and he knows he can't stop your inevitable victory and Azura's revenge.
>killing someone who has achieved Chim
They exist outside of the perceived reality. They can come and go as they please within the dream.
Maybe he could not do it anymore, we know the Tribunal was losing power because they had no access to the Heart of Lorkan.
What weapon should I main
Sword n Board
or Spear (I also have a mod that lets me Spear n Board)
Blatantly wrong.
CHIM has a strange dichotomy to it.
You realize that you are a figment in the mind of the Godhead, and by realizing this you realize you have control of reality itself because you are reality itself. Yet, by realizing that you are just a figment in the dream of the Godhead, you realize exactly how worthless the absolute power you have over reality is.
Even dead, he's not gone. Why fight to preserve a 'living' existence he was already detached from and indifferent to??
Fuck off with your /s4s/ memes.
Does anyone think Todd Howard and modern Bethesda gives a shit about CHIM/the godhead and all the other actually interesting parts of TES Lore or are they just going to forever get themselves stuck in the "generic fantasy game" theme.
Recently played Morrowind for the first time - it's amazing how much better Morrowind sets up the events of Skyrim than Skyrim itself does ...
>mfw Bethesda listens to fans
>mfw in TES VI you'll be able to "Achieve CHIM" for 5 minutes by praying at altars
>mfw it gives +5 to Willpower
Oy vey you're probably right
Because none of them actually achieved CHIM, and they're not living gods.
It's all a lie.
Argonian master race.
Why does his face look so fucking nasty?
It was better in Daggerfall when wacky lore was kept to a minimum.
jesus no
>niggers with getsuga tensho's
Fuck no it wasn't.
Nah. Morrowind did it best. Elder Scrolls is at its finest when it's weird as fuck.
Morrowind did nothing "best".
>doesn't even bring up zero summing
U r a fag ;^)
No they will say the Ehlnofay kept the knowledge of the secret word CHIM.
Some Dragonborns learned it.
Tiber was one such and CHIM RO DAHed the jungle away.
Just like removing a band aid.One clean rip and you deCHIM the lore.
>wacky lore was kept to a minimum
It's like you've never heard of pankratosword.
The only retard in this post is you for not knowing how stats work in the game.
>not posting the one where vivec appears
How come I didn't have this issue when I played a year ago?
>The same 2 webms get posted every thread
You can try a little harder than that.
What the fu*k is this shit
woops wrong one
So, I assume the stats of that NPC were made very high through the console. Because it's literally impossible to miss a level 4 Pawnbroker that often, if at all.
She's actually a secret boss. After beating the MQ and Bloodmoon (but not Tribunal), she'll temporarily be buffed. Like 8 times Gaenor's strength. Her corpse will have the False Sunder weapon, which is usually unobtainable.
Was that fucking crab ever explained? Or was it just left over from someone fucking around?
It's the real reincarnation of Nerevar.
> Taking CHIM seriously
There's absolutely no evidence in any game of CHIM being real.
It's great lore, and it's fun to talk about user. Chillax.
because he didn't want to
he doesn't give a shit whether you kill him or not
Freedom Ain’t free. The Histbark of liberty and freedom gotta be litterd with the blood of dunmers. Vivec a.k.a. "CHIM CHONG SUPER WRONG" wasn't a living god. he was fake and probably a puppet for daedra as well. Argonians and Hist not Telvanni and shits. ok praise sithis.
He can just come back later if he wants. He might've just been curious about your strength, and if you had attained CHIM yourself.
That said, is the PC supposed to attain CHIM? I assume so as it'd explain the console and reloading and shit. But does that mean he was born with it? Or attained it as soon as he got that vision of Azura on the boat?
>implying Sithis is an actual prince that can be praised
if next game takes place in Black Marsh, im pulling a Whitestrake with Lizards instead of elves
You mean Talos using CHIM? There's no ingame sources supporting that he changed the land. The only sources for what caused the retcon have been the "transcription error".
dumb lizardposter
>a universe where breaking timelines and wiping everything is _canon_ and has happened multiple times
I'm willing to take what writings there are (and MK's additional shit) at face value.
Sithis is an ideal.
The nothingness of Sithis has a purity all its own.
That is what they worship.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Dark Brotherhood, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret assasinaion missions in Morrowind, and I have over 300 confirmed dunmer kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top stealth archer among all Shadowscales. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on Norn, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Dark Brotherhood spies and Hist network across the Black Marches and you're traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, you spawn of a rootworm. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed claw-based underwater combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the An-Xileel Armed Forces and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of Tamriel, you little guarshit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit ashes all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, softskin.
That's not CHIM, that's zero summing you fucking retarded faggot.
Not that user but I haven't played Morrowind yet, next in the backlog and the game I'm currently one is short as fuck. Going to be my first Elder Scrolls.
How do stats work, is it confusing? All I know is what I heard about making some potion that increases stats, taking it, then making another potion while under the effects of the first potion to make a better potion, and repeat until you make one that boost stats for a few thousand points for hours at a time. Or some shit like that.
Sithis would probably be my religious inclination if I were in that universe tbqhwy family.
>the slave actually think he matters
look at this N'wah. slave to dunmer, or a slave to the Hist, a slave is all you will ever be
>mfw the slave thinks that it has free will
>mfw the slave think it can think
You pick a race and a class [or make your own class] which decides which skills you'll want to use
Each race has shit they're good at that, which can give you a bonus towards those skills
Each race also has different attributes that determine your stats, and you can pick two of those attributes to get a good boost right at the start
So if you wanna fight shit, pick a race that's good at it like a Nord or Redguard and pick whatever skills you'll want to use like long blades or heavy armour. Then your favored attributes could be Strength and Endurance
There are also a bunch of different birth signs you can pick, just go with the one that seems like it would be the most useful to you. Most of them are decent to good [Lady, Atronach], with only four or so being shit
CHIM isn't just something you can tap into at will and fuck around with at your leisure, it's why the notion that the console commands or cs are the player using CHIM is fucking retarded.
CHIM is best likened to accidentally having a lucid dream (especially given that TES is set in a dream) with the added potential for you to simply cease to exist if you get it wrong , just having a lucid dream once doesn't give you the ability to have a lucid dream every night for the rest of your life and some try their whole life to have a lucid dream without ever once succeeding.
It isn't just a magic spell, you fucking div.
>implying the next elder scrolls will have attributes
The next Elder Scrolls will use CHIM to explain the checkpoint mechanic.
Alternatively they'll use "CHIM points" as currency for microtransactions which will allow you to purchase levels and equipment.